Got a third! Join when ready! Although seem to be having issues hoining fire teams..
Welp, don't know why but I can't join up with ya.
Got a third! Join when ready! Although seem to be having issues hoining fire teams..
Regulator Hand Cannon
this might not be a legendary, but its the most practical hand cannon ive found so far
Yeah I have no idea what that is either.
this might not be a legendary, but its the most practical hand cannon ive found so far
Same thing happened to me. Managed to get both Vanguard and Crucible to rank 1.
Doing the bounties, it's a lot more manageable. Oddly enough, I got 3 legendary engrams simply doing my bounties along the way. Of course I didn't get jack shit from them.
I prefer the token method of getting legendary gear: you get a token that probably reads some cheesy flavor text like "Legendary Guardian Helmet Frame" or "Legendary Guardian Gauntlet Frame" or w/e. You take this token to some specific vendor who sells legendary gear for all classes with all sorts of stat setups, and then you trade your token for gear you think you need to buy.
That way the randomness is doesn't effect what class legendary gear is for.
Also, I think bosses should drop a guaranteed piece of gear. Septkis Prime could always drop blue headpieces for example. In harder modes, he could drop purple headpieces.
It doesn't really make any sense to nerf the bladedancer anyway, it's really easy to get yourself torn up before even netting a kill if you don't pick the right times to use the super.
Welp, don't know why but I can't join up with ya.
Yeah I have no idea what that is either.
Yup. Additional enemy reinforcements in an ongoing encounter.
this might not be a legendary, but its the most practical hand cannon ive found so far
Well sometimes they heal bosses, shield them or whatever too.basically just additional enemies that are there entirely to distract you from the boss.
This OT title is not funny. Hits too close to home. This shit happened to me just yesterday... :'(
Why, Bungie... Why
both goldengun and bladedancer are amazing supers, but they arent as "easy" as some of the other almost win buttons. higher risk = higher reward.
Purples are legendary for a reason.
They're supposed to be really hard to get, and considering we've only been playing for less then a week...
Dunno if someone caught this yet, but check out Venus:
There is 3 or 4 tiers of difficulty options though, the standard level 22 option on the weekly seems perfectly fine for matchmaking imo.
both goldengun and bladedancer are amazing supers, but they arent as "easy" as some of the other almost win buttons. higher risk = higher reward.
This game has taught me that Bungie are a bunch of fucking sadist assholes.This happened last night, but it's still annoying me. The only Legendary drop I've had so far was for a different class. I'm a level 23 hunter (was a 22 when it dropped) and got a Legendary helmet for a level 20 titan. So annoyed.
Or trash mob. :3Yup. Additional enemy reinforcements in an ongoing encounter.
Yeah between work and school, I can only play for an hour or two a day from 9-11 PM. I'm not going to be able to plan out events.
Is that a wave of enemy?
You can't have the shield and fist drop in the same load out.the level 22 weekly is not the same as a typical level 22 strike
titans know better to complain too lol. they can literally run corners without fear because they can derp out a panic kill whenever things get 2spooky. they also get to temporarily lockdown any objective or point with the defender stuff.
warlocks still need buffs tho.
This game has taught me that Bungie are a bunch of fucking sadist assholes.
Has a chance to drop, oh also not your class
Annnnnd now none of my friends are loading in the roster screen. Lovely.
My Hawkmoon is the bomb! Sounds like a sniper rifle whenever I shoot.
Annnnnd now none of my friends are loading in the roster screen. Lovely.
now THAT could get me to use a handcannon. look at that clip size! that impact!
You can't have the shield and fist drop in the same load out.
One is defenders super the other is strikers super
Annnnnd now none of my friends are loading in the roster screen. Lovely.
I unlocked blink last night with my warlock and I have to say it seems a little useless. I switched straight back to glide.
Anyone found a use for it? It just seems to propel you forward by a couple of feet.
I unlocked blink last night with my warlock and I have to say it seems a little useless. I switched straight back to glide.
Anyone found a use for it? It just seems to propel you forward by a couple of feet.