ot3 im still on venus
hah, same.
ot3 im still on venus
First go at that Nexus farming last night was a bust. Over 600 kills and around an hour and no legendary items or anything. Plenty of rares and such but nothing from those either.
Think I'm reserved to the fact that the game hates me and I'll just farm Vanguard Rep / Marks to buy the things.
Hope to get some strange coins along the way.
can the team roll out a hotfix for the PSN notification appearing over the motion tracker for 5 seconds? all the delicious empty space on the right side of the screen could use some company
ot3 im still on venus
can the team roll out a hotfix for the PSN notification appearing over the motion tracker for 5 seconds? all the delicious empty space on the right side of the screen could use some company
Yeah bladedancer gonna get nerfed for sure
The problem is that the grunts constantly keep you from fighting the boss.I know I complained a lot about the bosses in the past, and the same user keeps singling me out for whatever reason kinda rudely, but get this:
I think it's a shame that the bosses take as long or longer than the path getting to it takes to complete. Considering Strikes are this games instances/flashpoints, perhaps cut the boss' HP in half or by a third, and add more bosses?
I mean, that would need bosses that aren't huge carbon copies of normal enemies, but still.
Bladedancer is stupid, we had 4 guys all shooting one and he just melee'd everyone at all sorts of ranges, I even jumped clear out the way and was several feet away from the guy at an angle in the air when he was on ground but it still hit me.
Doesn't even compare to Titan smash, that needs everyone grouped and has limited range and easy to get away from if you suspect it is coming. Bladedancer can just chase you down and hit you from stupid ranges/angles.
Need fix the range/angles it connects with and the time it lasts.
Yeah, I'm just gonna focus on bounties. I'm close to Vanguard level 2 and that opens up the Vanguard legendary items. The problem is the Vanguard Marks weekly limit.Same thing happened to me. Managed to get both Vanguard and Crucible to rank 1.
Doing the bounties, it's a lot more manageable. Oddly enough, I got 3 legendary engrams simply doing my bounties along the way. Of course I didn't get jack shit from them.
I prefer the token method of getting legendary gear: you get a token that probably reads some cheesy flavor text like "Legendary Guardian Helmet Frame" or "Legendary Guardian Gauntlet Frame" or w/e. You take this token to some specific vendor who sells legendary gear for all classes with all sorts of stat setups, and then you trade your token for gear you think you need to buy.
That way the randomness is doesn't effect what class legendary gear is for.
Also, I think bosses should drop a guaranteed piece of gear. Septkis Prime could always drop blue headpieces for example. In harder modes, he could drop purple headpieces.
Why the heck don't heroic strikes have matchmaking?
I'm not sure if we can meddle with where the PSN notification pops, but I have had it cover the radar, so I'll definitely bring it up if it's not been communicated internally (99% it will have been).
Do you guys think this game would benefit from an auction house?
It would be slightly more interesting than simply breaking down unwanted gear. Also it would get me to view more player's inventories that I encounter.
Being able to trade would be nice too.
I wonder why, every other strike has matchmaking. Is there an actual legit reason for this?
I wonder why, every other strike has matchmaking. Is there an actual legit reason for this?
i actually received one on day 1, the bungie fist, and it disappeared from my inventory a few hours later.
Alrighty, dude. There's a game invite waiting on you.
Could use one more for the weekly if anybody else wants to jump in. Xbone.
GT: BobbyRawlins
Don't you dare touch my precious bladedancer!
No. Increase the drop rates, then yes.
The problem is that the grunts constantly keep you from fighting the boss.
Suppose to be to hard for matchmaking group to complete, its not like that at all though.
Guys played with the fan Easter egg on the tower? It's amazing.
Yep, it's gonna get rowdy when one person out of the group can't make it back for the latter parts of the raid in the week.. what happens then?
Just keep playing, I got from 20 to 24 after about 10 Pvp matches
Like Raids, Bungie has said that it is "too hard" with matchmaking and they want you to go out and plan it out.
As if I have the time, I can barely keep up with work/life. Just let me jump in with three people and give me a mic option for matchmaking.
Explain..or pics?
Anyone up for Nexus farming, or weekly heroic strike, I'm available right now! Level 23 Titan.
PSN: Rogo
Yeah between work and school, I can only play for an hour or two a day from 9-11 PM. I'm not going to be able to plan out events.Like Raids, Bungie has said that it is "too hard" with matchmaking and they want you to go and plan it out with friends.
As if I have the time, I can barely keep up with work/life. Just let me jump in with three people and give me a mic option for matchmaking.
Good point, if they added one now I guess it would be pretty bland.
Oh weird; sorry I missed this earlier. Has it reappeared or have you got any of the others? Should you have had it?
I should have had the Heroic/Legendary ones and the one for four out of six games, but not seen hide nor hair of them. The one for registration before 2013 took a while to show up, though.
iunno, the one strike on venus took Spawn, Math and I some serious coordination to beat on a higher difficulty. Granted, it took us a while to nail the strategy, which may very well become common knowledge; nevertheless, I don't think we'd be able to pull off that level of teamwork with random groups on a consistent basis even with proximity chat
It's taken me around 4-5 hours doing strikes to get from 20 to 22. Guess I should have been doing PVP.
Does it matter at all if you suck at it? I only average around 12 kills per match.
If it's anything like the beta, you can jump on the fan and go flying.
Is that a wave of enemy?
only people that say this are the people that never play blade dancer. they've got the most difficult ult to use in the game by far and it doesn't even pop orbs for teammates either. the damage resistance is weak too. a lot of the favors you see them getting are entirely because of lag
and if you think that all blade dancers can get that multi-kill, you're very, very wrong. the bad/average ones are even more free than warlocks
Anyone up for Nexus farming, or weekly heroic strike, I'm available right now! Level 23 Titan.
PSN: Rogo
That's it? That's just bullshit. Why not just give us the option, I sorta understand no matchmaking with the raid if everything they're saying about it needing coordination and puzzles is actually true.
But the Heroic strikes are no different than regular strikes, the enemies just have more Health and some skull modifiers.