I was under the impression that while most people love the game, they still agree with the criticisms?
So how big is the "explorable" section on each planet / moon?
Finally picking this game up today.
Any news for Raids having matchmaking? Not going to get 6 people in our clan to make it. Will piss me off if we can't experience raids because of it.
Winter's Run is the worst strike. That goddamn Archon Priest.
So how big is the "explorable" section on each planet / moon?
Finally picking this game up today.
Do you guys think this game would benefit from an auction house?
It would be slightly more interesting than simply breaking down unwanted gear. Also it would get me to view more player's inventories that I encounter.
Being able to trade would be nice too.
Any news for Raids having matchmaking? Not going to get 6 people in our clan to make it. Will piss me off if we can't experience raids because of it.
Bungie said it "wouldn't work" with matchmaking because they are "too hard".
Appreciate you probably can't say anything; but are they looking at loot drop rates / roll rates? The engram rolling to a lower category than indicated is rough enough, but have it roll good just to be locked to a different class sucks.
Otherwise, this is awesome. I start to see what you're trying to do. It's a persistent fight against the darkness.
I'm so close to bladedancer.
So close...
That is complete bullshit. You just need 6 people to shoot at shit.
Any news for Raids having matchmaking? Not going to get 6 people in our clan to make it. Will piss me off if we can't experience raids because of it.
has anything ever benefited from an auction house?
Any news for Raids having matchmaking? Not going to get 6 people in our clan to make it. Will piss me off if we can't experience raids because of it.
I can say stuff! The team is constantly playing and reviewing. The internal feedback threads are pretty interesting.![]()
Down to try the weekly. Level 20 hunter. Can be on in a couple minutes.
That is complete bullshit. You just need 6 people to shoot at shit.
Big but the missions make them feel small. Also, there's really no reason to explore.So how big is the "explorable" section on each planet / moon?
Finally picking this game up today.
That is complete bullshit. You just need 6 people to shoot at shit.
Anyone got a method for getting Ascendant Shards? It's taken me ages (Lv26) to get 4 so far and I need 52 :/
Quick question,
Is there a way to get a party of 4 together?
Or is it just fireteams of 3?
you can't even find 3 people to shoot at shit lol
some people in strikes are absolutely lost and terrible. quitting after getting killed once and charging archons like its how they get their paycheck
Bladedancer is stupid, we had 4 guys all shooting one and he just melee'd everyone at all sorts of ranges, I even jumped clear out the way and was several feet away from the guy at an angle in the air when he was on ground but it still hit me.
Doesn't even compare to Titan smash, that needs everyone grouped and has limited range and easy to get away from if you suspect it is coming. Bladedancer can just chase you down and hit you from stupid ranges/angles.
Need fix the range/angles it connects with and the time it lasts.
Proximity I believe.
Thanks. It's great that you guys are actively interested. More than that I think you all probably get a kick out of seeing us all spend time in what you've created.
Love it![]()
The worst is people who charge the boss with their power thinking they will one shot him and then die right under him.
When I don't have my mic I have to grab it, turn it on and tell them to "STOP CHARGING THE DAMN BOSS."
Sounds good, I'm away from the console at the moment but I'll be back in a few!
Got my first rare tonight at level 13. Actually came from what was a green engram so it was an even nicer surprise. Pretty happy with it so far.
Don't you dare touch my precious bladedancer!Yeah bladedancer gonna get nerfed for sure
uuuuuuuuuuurk, we need to play together!The numbers are insane and super fun to look at. I wish I had more time to play! I've only got twenty one hours in with my Warlock. Not going to make the Raid by Tuesday, but that's definitely going to be fun to watch.
So does the PlayStation exclusive stuff only drop in Dust Palace?
same. anyone?
people were getting mopped constantly in just the weekly heroic.
have faith in randoms never. and i'm glad i wasn't forced to listen to some kid raging in the microphone about it too while actually trying to find a way to make that mission work.