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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Your rich get richer view of crucible loot is a terrible idea, and I say this as someone who finishes top 2 probably 90% of the time.

Agreed. It works like counter strike now and it's fine. I have issues with the strikes and basically the repetitive nature of the campaign but I'm fine with the way multi works.


PvP in this game is trash. I don't see how any can like it

So much random shit. It's not a case of me getting "owned" and am salty about it either. The games I've played I've been at the top of the leaderboard.

Supers, spawning with snipers, SHOTGUNS just blah.
Okay, can someone explain something to me about sub-classes? If I decide to, say, use the Sunsinger subclass, does this stop the leveling of void walker while I'm not using it?


I don't know how some of you have so much trouble in the Crucible. I seem to get a ton of kills or even finish first in my team and I'm not even trying. Sometimes I just finish first while doing complicated bounties (get 15 headshots with the Sniper rifle) or when spending the first half of the game thinking about something else or reading NeoGAF. I don't read strategy guides, I improvise all the time/don't plan anything and I even do moves that would be considered dangerous. Yet I still manage to kill a lot of people, do the objectives and finish first :/

Seriously. PvP is EZ-mode.


(me at the top)

But seriously, it's pretty bullshit sometimes. It really just depends. Sometimes you'll have great games, other times not so much.


Saint Nic
D'oh. I think I'll have to join the clan. Just tried the first strike as a level 12 and we floor mastered twice at the first 'defend the ghost' bit on the third wave both times, then the other players quit.

Just like an MMO dungeon. Doh. Remember kids, PUGs are bad, mkay?

My first trip there went like that. Every time after went great. But it definitely feels tuned for pretty strong gear early on. Go back in a level or two and you'll notice a big difference in how you and your teammates perform.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just take it easy and don't feel forced to catch up with other high level players/gaffers and all their legendaries and exotics. It's a game designed to be played over months and it just released a few days ago. No need to rush things, wasting time and getting frustrated.

At least that's what I tell myself. I'm very susceptible to addictions and after my experiences with highly addictive games like CoD - breaking the disc just to keep me from playing an then buying it again multiple times - I try to deal with such games very cautiously.
pure wisdom.


PvP in this game is trash. I don't see how any can like it

So much random shit. It's not a case of me getting "owned" and am salty about it either. The games I've played I've been at the top of the leaderboard.

Supers, spawning with snipers, SHOTGUNS just blah.

I only get killed once or twice a match by a super or a sniper.

The shotguns are pretty annoying but it's mostly due to the fact I use a fusion rifle and need to charge while they don't.


Is there a penalty for leaving from Strikes? These past few nights I've been trying to do that Earth Strike but someone always ends up leaving the game.


I wouldn't mind some reward for top players. Do they have bounties for being at the top? Cuz that'd be a way to reward to the good players... Get bounties no one else can get with bonuse crucible mark points. Basically the better you are, the less you have to grind crucible points.

Physical loot needs to be random though. Number 1: it makes it less likely for players to drop. If players knew a loss meant no loot and they are on a crappy team: time to drop. Why waste the time

Also, I've played 4 matches and have gotten zero loot. At least I know eventually I will get some, whereas if only winners did I might be out of luck.


High or low sensitivity for PvP?

Also can I someow tell the game to just connect to my region? I am getting REALLY sick of playing in huge lag games just cause everyone is from the US/australia


After spending almost 2 days at level 20, I finally got enough light to go to level 21. I went and tried the level 22 strikes and was absolutely carried by two level 22s. I might try it again but I felt really weak and I'm a titan. I also don't have any legendary gear so that might be a problem as well; their guns were way better than mine. But, I'm a level 22 finally.

Make sure your upgrading your +light gear fully. Specifically, when you upgrade the defense by using plating, you should get a light increase on that item.

I even had lame level 16 Knight boots with +2 light, upgraded them and it changed to +3. Every bit helps!


I wonder if they will add Diablo style set pieces of armour. They certainly have to keep people playing and it will be the loot that does that.
I am having a ton of fun with this game so far, but like others have said, I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on in the story. Like literally no idea.

All I know is that I pick a destination and I shoot some stuff. The shooting feels great, but even when there is a cutscene (which are few and far between) I still can't follow what the hell is going on.

Does this get better as the game goes on? Right now Im on on Mars doing level 11 story.

Story breakdown
: Humans find The Traveller on trip to Mars
: Humans use knowledge learne by the Traveller to create a golden age. They expand into the solar system and the Traveller helps terraform other planters like Venus
: Enemy of The Traveller locate it and attack. War breaks out and the Traveller is injured and sleeps. Ghosts are created to hunt souls of fallen heroes, reviving them
: Guardians continue the war against the enemy
: On earth, a defense AI is located, last one, which you use to activate a defensive barrier for Earth which I guess will stop any invasions
: on the moon, you follow leads to locate and destroy the Hives hold on the moon
You are sent to Venus by another warrior to locate something. You find the Vex. AI war machines bent on destruction
: You learn that within something called the Dark Garden lies what is causing the Traveller to stay asleep and not heal
: You destroy this object and now the Traveller is awake and healing again.
: this is just the beginning, now the war will recommence but now the Guardians have the Traveller back

That is what I gather from the story


Wow. A legendary engram dropped and this popped out. My first exotic!



This gun is sick to use. First handcannon I have that my guardian hits the hammer at the back with each shot. So badass.

congrats ...my last three legendaries turned out to be all shit blues and greens.
I feel like we regularly get threads which bash Destiny for it's various issues, but no one ever tries to be constructive about the criticism. I feel like we can post constructive criticism about how Bungie can improve Destiny right now. I'm not talking about making a new game, because that will be Destiny 2 in a couple years I guess. But there's some things they can do right now, ASAP, top of the priority list.

Feel free to post things that Bungie can do RIGHT NOW to make Destiny a better game yesterday.

Obviously for big overall design decisions like the story, nothing can be done right now about it, so it's a waste of time to post about that. But maybe someone at Bungie is reading this thread and will take our suggestions to people who can do something about it.

So, things I would like to see right now:

Social Functions:

In the open world, if a Public Event pops and players enter the area where it activates, the game should automatically put them into a Fireteam together. This is what Rift does for anyone who played that. You're all obviously doing the same thing, why can't it automatically group you, and also let you talk to each other (see below)?

If you are randomly patrolling in the open world, and the game notices you are doing the same mission as another guy standing next to you, it should pop up a window that says "Another Guardian is working on the same mission, hold Square to join a Fireteam with them and complete it together."

Implement a text chat box. I know, most people don't have keyboards. Fuck it, implement the text chat box anyways. There's already a spot for it, where it notifies you that you generated an Orb of Light or whatever on the left side of your screen. Let people chat with everyone in their part of the open world, and in the Tower. It will be there as well for people in Strikes, Raids, and PvP who for some reason don't have their mic plugged in or just don't like using Voice Chat.

Implement player trades. Why can't players trade gear with each other? Especially in this game, where it drops gear for a class you aren't even playing at the moment, at least let players trade unused gear with their Friends or other people in the Tower like Diablo. Gear should be Bind on Equip, once you equip it, you can't trade it anymore. But for stuff you'll never use, why not let you trade or even give it another player who will use it?


How are clans not implemented at all in this game? There should be a clan members list in the game right now, as a separate list next to your Fireteam, Friends, and Players Met list on the Roster pane of your character profile. It baffles me that they implement all this clan stuff on Bungie.net but the obvious thing you would use a clan for, which is a pool of players you can invite and play with outside of who is on your Friends list, is not implemented.

Voice Chat:

Voice chat should be ON by default with all players within a roughly 20 meters radius of you wherever you are. There can be an option to toggle it off, but it should be ON by default so you can talk with people around you. This would be awfully useful in the open world, especially during Public Events.

Voice chat should be ON by default when you queue into any Strike or PvP with your team members instead of just your Fireteam. Again, you can toggle it off, but seriously, maybe if they actually defaulted voice chat on your Strike group, there could actually be more mechanics in bosses then just pour 3 trillion bullets into it while ducking behind a wall when it turns and starts shooting you, while also killing annoying constant add spawns.

Public Events:

The way the game shards (instances) the open world makes it so a public event spawns and there's like you by yourself, or maybe you and another guy. Maybe a few people show up during the event, more often than not they don't. They need to implement a system where all players nearby a public event spawn, even on a different shard of the open world, you can hold Square to teleport into the shard with the public event and participate. It's so stupid that the game has these public events that most of the public never sees.


They should probably consider nerfing vehicles and Supers with a duration as opposed to oneshot damage. I mean, people complained about this in Alpha and Beta, its not rocket science.


This one's a doozy. It's like no one at Bungie ever played an MMO before, which also why they seemed so clueless about basic social functions in an MMO-style game.

Unidentified loot should never randomly become worse than the color of the engram. This isn't rocket science either. You shouldn't be able to get greens from blue engrams. You shouldn't be able to get blues from purple engrams.

Loot drops from PvE should be increased. I don't care how, but when people are getting randomly more drops from Nexus farming than actually doing content, it means content drop rates are too low. Give 3 items instead of 2 per clear. Fix the unidentified loot as outlined above. NEVER give fewer than the max number of items. The reality is, right now it takes longer to do a clear of PvE content than finish a PvP match, which is why so many people feel forced to do PvP to get loot faster. Which brings me to my next point.

PvP loot should grant bonuses which are only active during PvP. I'm going to be 100% honest here, if I'm too lazy to farm Nexus for hours and I don't want to try and post in the Destiny megathread just to form a party for Strikes because of the nonexistent social features which makes forming a party for PvE a royal pain in the ass, I could just queue into PvP and AFK for like 10 matches and see what random loot I can get for doing NOTHING. This is broken and can be easily fixed by making PvP loot bonuses only work for PvP, then if you want PvE loot, you actually will farm PvE and oh the changes I suggested above will make it worth doing that. Never force people who don't want to PvP in a game to do it just for loot drops, it never turns out well for the angry PvE heroes who couldn't give less of a shit about PvP or the angry hardcore leetpro 360noscope PvP players who go on Internet forums to ragepost about how everyone in PvP is bad.


Well, that went on way longer than I intended. But this is just scratching the surface of things that can and should be done now to make Destiny a better and more playable game YESTERDAY.
Your rich get richer view of crucible loot is a terrible idea, and I say this as someone who finishes top 2 probably 90% of the time.
How is this the rich getting richer? Gear doesn't determine performance in PvP. The game should be rewarding those who do well rather than those who don't, just like it does in PvE.
High or low sensitivity for PvP?

Also can I someow tell the game to just connect to my region? I am getting REALLY sick of playing in huge lag games just cause everyone is from the US/australia

I do high sensitivity. The default setting is just too slow for me, especially when people are hopping all around you at close ranges.

Yes, you will have to level it up by using it.

Yes, Voidwalker stops leveling when you switch (and vice versa) so once you level one up to max (i just leveld Sunsinger to max) you switch back and have to level Voidwalker...

Okay. Thanks.


My K/D won't ever get above 1 anymore. Also, I don't understand why the game would give us items for a class we aren't playing. There is no trading implemented, right? Seems like a very silly thing to do.


Damn just had my best Crucible match yet. 35 kills and very few deaths. If only I could play that well all the time lol.
It's probably been said a million times, but I'd really love if they got the Halo announcer up in the PVP. I realize there's probably some weird legal and creative blockades to this dream, BUT MAN. I just wanna hear him say "Reign of Terror".
I think i have already said it, but i honestly think that story in destiny is probably most baffling attempt at some sort of campaign and telling an actual story in recent memory.It is so bad...they couldn't make a half decent one. And that last cut scene...holy shit..how could it be so bad???
Back to playing the game.


Salvage is a hell of a lot better with fireteam members and voice chat coordination. Its a shame you cant communicate with randoms when you're not in a team.
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