Too much server bullshit today, multiple disconnects and random deaths 
aw yeah.Had a lot of fun with since friends doing the daily heroic story and the mars strike. This game is so much better with friends.
Your rich get richer view of crucible loot is a terrible idea, and I say this as someone who finishes top 2 probably 90% of the time.
I just hit level 20... How do you join factions other than Vanguard?
Okay, can someone explain something to me about sub-classes? If I decide to, say, use the Sunsinger subclass, does this stop the leveling of void walker while I'm not using it?
I don't know how some of you have so much trouble in the Crucible. I seem to get a ton of kills or even finish first in my team and I'm not even trying. Sometimes I just finish first while doing complicated bounties (get 15 headshots with the Sniper rifle) or when spending the first half of the game thinking about something else or reading NeoGAF. I don't read strategy guides, I improvise all the time/don't plan anything and I even do moves that would be considered dangerous. Yet I still manage to kill a lot of people, do the objectives and finish first :/
D'oh. I think I'll have to join the clan. Just tried the first strike as a level 12 and we floor mastered twice at the first 'defend the ghost' bit on the third wave both times, then the other players quit.
Just like an MMO dungeon. Doh. Remember kids, PUGs are bad, mkay?
The story of this game was so baffling. Shooting things is lots of fun though.
pure wisdom.Just take it easy and don't feel forced to catch up with other high level players/gaffers and all their legendaries and exotics. It's a game designed to be played over months and it just released a few days ago. No need to rush things, wasting time and getting frustrated.
At least that's what I tell myself. I'm very susceptible to addictions and after my experiences with highly addictive games like CoD - breaking the disc just to keep me from playing an then buying it again multiple times - I try to deal with such games very cautiously.
My first trip there went like that. Every time after went great. But it definitely feels tuned for pretty strong gear early on. Go back in a level or two and you'll notice a big difference in how you and your teammates perform.
PvP in this game is trash. I don't see how any can like it
So much random shit. It's not a case of me getting "owned" and am salty about it either. The games I've played I've been at the top of the leaderboard.
Supers, spawning with snipers, SHOTGUNS just blah.
aw yeah.
Is there a penalty for leaving from Strikes? These past few nights I've been trying to do that Earth Strike but someone always ends up leaving the game.
Accept my request so we can dungeon together bro.
After spending almost 2 days at level 20, I finally got enough light to go to level 21. I went and tried the level 22 strikes and was absolutely carried by two level 22s. I might try it again but I felt really weak and I'm a titan. I also don't have any legendary gear so that might be a problem as well; their guns were way better than mine. But, I'm a level 22 finally.
soon as I log in later this afternoon... will probably be playing most of the night![]()
I am having a ton of fun with this game so far, but like others have said, I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on in the story. Like literally no idea.
All I know is that I pick a destination and I shoot some stuff. The shooting feels great, but even when there is a cutscene (which are few and far between) I still can't follow what the hell is going on.
Does this get better as the game goes on? Right now Im on on Mars doing level 11 story.
Wow. A legendary engram dropped and this popped out. My first exotic!
This gun is sick to use. First handcannon I have that my guardian hits the hammer at the back with each shot. So badass.
How is this the rich getting richer? Gear doesn't determine performance in PvP. The game should be rewarding those who do well rather than those who don't, just like it does in PvE.Your rich get richer view of crucible loot is a terrible idea, and I say this as someone who finishes top 2 probably 90% of the time.
High or low sensitivity for PvP?
Also can I someow tell the game to just connect to my region? I am getting REALLY sick of playing in huge lag games just cause everyone is from the US/australia
Yes, you will have to level it up by using it.
Yes, Voidwalker stops leveling when you switch (and vice versa) so once you level one up to max (i just leveld Sunsinger to max) you switch back and have to level Voidwalker...
this might not be a legendary, but its the most practical hand cannon ive found so far
To be given to altsMy K/D won't ever get above 1 anymore. Also, I don't understand why the game would give us items for a class we aren't playing. There is no trading implemented, right? Seems like a very silly thing to do.
To be given to alts
Seriously. PvP is EZ-mode.