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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Ok guys, so is there a good way to get higher than 21/22 without pvp ?

Strike Playlist was my method of getting to 25. Keep running the 22 list until you hit 24, and then the 24 list will always reward you with level 20 blues. You'll need to save up Vanguard/Crucible points and Coins/Motes to get to 25 or above though (unless you get lucky with Legendary items from the Cryptarch).


What do you people spend your hard-earned blue sparklies on? Shaders?

Where's Xur btw? Is he still available?


What the fuck is going on with this games severs? Everytime I was trying to connect I would be kicked off of Xbox Live and told to connect to the internet, even though I tried other MP games and I connected fine.

I had to restart my router, and it's working now, but god, this isn't the first connectivity issue this game is having. The whole weekend has been a clusterfuck of constant connection losses from matches.


German Destiny addict looking for pvp/pve friends :) Iam currently lvl 24 and used to raid hardcore in mmos. Hope to find some people to tackle the harder missions and raids in future. Psn and ingame: RagonSter (ps4)


I just finished the earth missions.

Game is hella fun, gameplay is great, I'm having great time with friends, but...

- I don't understand a shit about what's going on in the story so far, nor why I should care. Does it get better ?

- I heard that some future raids won't allow matchmaking. Is that serious ? Do they intend to keep it that way ? because :


I see what you did there.


Saint Nic
Had a lot of fun with since friends doing the daily heroic story and the mars strike. This game is so much better with friends.



Just got an Exotic but for a Warlock.

This loot system is utter bullshit. Especially since you can't trade.


To people bitching about random loot: all loot games have this random factor, no? They have deterministic loot that you see on the map screen (more of light, blue armor, etc) and they have the random loot. You get guaranteed vanguard or faction points. Guaranteed xp progression in the class. The only random factor is the jump to completely new weapons and armor. It has to be random because if it wasn't you'd max out in a week. Random loot is still useful because you dismantle it for parts to upgrade the better weapons.

It feels like people complaining literally want new shit every 10 minutes and there is no way that could happen.

The only complaint I really agree with is purple legendary loot decrypting to green uncommon. Why that fake out was needed I have no idea. Just don't show me purple if it's not purple


Unconfirmed Member
Here's some things I'd like to see changed regarding the way loot currently works;

- Engrams should not drop items of rarities lower than the rarity of the Engram itself.
- Crafting materials and currency should not drop from gear Engrams and should instead drop normally or get their own 'Materials'-Engram.
- Drop rates for all engrams need to be changed across the board; yellow-bar enemies should have significantly higher drop-rates than the regular red-bar Dregs, Shanks, Vandals, Psions, Goblins, etc. Bosses / uniques should have guaranteed Engram drops.
- An Engram found at a certain level should only be allowed to have the level of its contents deviate by two levels.
- Crucible loot should not be randomly assigned but instead tied to performance. Winning team members get guaranteed loot, with bonus loot ( max. 1 per person ) for being on top of the board / most caps / most kills / highest K/D / etc. Losing team does not get guaranteed loot, but only gets that loot based on performance. Exotics should only be sparsely handed out for incredible performances ( full game, win, 20+ kills, no deaths, highest score with the second-best score being less than half your score ).

As a side note; is leveling your second subclass supposed to take excruciatingly long?

K' Dash

To people bitching about random loot: all loot games have this random factor, no? They have deterministic loot that you see on the map screen (more of light, blue armor, etc) and they have the random loot. You get guaranteed vanguard or faction points. Guaranteed xp progression in the class. The only random factor is the jump to completely new weapons and armor. It has to be random because if it wasn't you'd max out in a week. Random loot is still useful because you dismantle it for parts to upgrade the better weapons.

It feels like people complaining literally want new shit every 10 minutes and there is no way that could happen.

The only complaint I really agree with is purple legendary loot decrypting to green uncommon. Why that fake out was needed I have no idea. Just don't show me purple if it's not purple

Bullshit, I played this game yesterday for 8 hours and got shit.


Yeah , I'm doing that the whole weekend , and still 21 ...

I was stuck on level 21 for 3 days, then I started playing PvP last night and now I'm level 24 :p.

Don't waste time with PvE, get all the good gear in PvP first, then you can come back to PvE and slay.


Here's some things I'd like to see changed regarding the way loot currently works;

- Engrams should not drop items of rarities lower than the rarity of the Engram itself.
- Crafting materials and currency should not drop from gear Engrams and should instead drop normally or get their own 'Materials'-Engram.
- Drop rates for all engrams need to be changed across the board; yellow-bar enemies should have significantly higher drop-rates than the regular red-bar Dregs, Shanks, Vandals, Psions, Goblins, etc. Bosses / uniques should have guaranteed Engram drops.
- An Engram found at a certain level should only be allowed to have the level of its contents deviate by two levels.
- Crucible loot should not be randomly assigned but instead tied to performance. Winning team members get guaranteed loot, with bonus loot ( max. 1 per person ) for being on top of the board / most caps / most kills / highest K/D / etc. Losing team does not get guaranteed loot, but only gets that loot based on performance. Exotics should only be sparsely handed out for incredible performances ( full game, win, 20+ kills, no deaths, highest score with the second-best score being less than half your score ).

As a side note; is leveling your second subclass supposed to take excruciatingly long?

Your rich get richer view of crucible loot is a terrible idea, and I say this as someone who finishes top 2 probably 90% of the time.


I am right now watching this guy stream - he is a medium glimmer-grind away from ending his exotic bounty-chain. Very enjoyable. The moment he accidently invested all his glimmer in the wrong item was priceless. It is amazing how additctive it is, even to watch Destiny being played.


I don't understand legendary gear. I became level 18 and it said I can now get legendary gear with crucible/vanguard marks, but all the ones in the tower require you to be level 18. Am I missing something? What exactly did I unlock?


Bullshit, I played this game yesterday for 8 hours and got shit.

Might be getting lucky, but in 8 hrs I always get something. No legendaries or exotics, but new blues in weapons and armor and slight enhancements to light. Enought to make me equip at least 1 thing new a day. Did you literally get NOTHING in 8 hrs?

I'm at lvl 21 though. Maybe it tapers out near 26


To people bitching about random loot: all loot games have this random factor, no? They have deterministic loot that you see on the map screen (more of light, blue armor, etc) and they have the random loot. You get guaranteed vanguard or faction points. Guaranteed xp progression in the class. The only random factor is the jump to completely new weapons and armor. It has to be random because if it wasn't you'd max out in a week. Random loot is still useful because you dismantle it for parts to upgrade the better weapons.

It feels like people complaining literally want new shit every 10 minutes and there is no way that could happen.

The only complaint I really agree with is purple legendary loot decrypting to green uncommon. Why that fake out was needed I have no idea. Just don't show me purple if it's not purple

No. I want to do a boss and have loot dropped. So far I've gotten nada


To people bitching about random loot: all loot games have this random factor, no? They have deterministic loot that you see on the map screen (more of light, blue armor, etc) and they have the random loot. You get guaranteed vanguard or faction points. Guaranteed xp progression in the class. The only random factor is the jump to completely new weapons and armor. It has to be random because if it wasn't you'd max out in a week. Random loot is still useful because you dismantle it for parts to upgrade the better weapons.

It feels like people complaining literally want new shit every 10 minutes and there is no way that could happen.

The only complaint I really agree with is purple legendary loot decrypting to green uncommon. Why that fake out was needed I have no idea. Just don't show me purple if it's not purple

The problem is everything in this game is completely random. There is no way to grind for something in particular, you just have to get lucky. I could play a F2P game on PS4 right now that at least lets me grind for something specifically, and I'm actually rewarded for effort!

Here's some things I'd like to see changed regarding the way loot currently works;

- Engrams should not drop items of rarities lower than the rarity of the Engram itself.
- Crafting materials and currency should not drop from gear Engrams and should instead drop normally or get their own 'Materials'-Engram.
- Drop rates for all engrams need to be changed across the board; yellow-bar enemies should have significantly higher drop-rates than the regular red-bar Dregs, Shanks, Vandals, Psions, Goblins, etc. Bosses / uniques should have guaranteed Engram drops.
- An Engram found at a certain level should only be allowed to have the level of its contents deviate by two levels.
- Crucible loot should not be randomly assigned but instead tied to performance. Winning team members get guaranteed loot, with bonus loot ( max. 1 per person ) for being on top of the board / most caps / most kills / highest K/D / etc. Losing team does not get guaranteed loot, but only gets that loot based on performance. Exotics should only be sparsely handed out for incredible performances ( full game, win, 20+ kills, no deaths, highest score with the second-best score being less than half your score ).

As a side note; is leveling your second subclass supposed to take excruciatingly long?

I agree with everything except the PVP loot. I'd say top 3 are guaranteed loot 1 or 2, and the bottom 3 randomly get 1 or nothing.


Hm, maybe. But for instance, the Ghost grimoire card says I've found zero dead ghosts so far, which is absolutely wrong. So there are definitely some issues with the stat tracking.
Oh, ok, I see where you're looking now. My ghost grimoire card also says +0, but I don't think that means we haven't found any. I think we just started the game with that card, so it didn't add to our grimoire score. It just lets you know what dead ghosts are. The cards that go with the dead ghosts are found elsewhere in your grimoire. I have a couple "ghost fragments" in the race section, and it tells you a story about what happened with that ghost and its guardian.

I don't know any of this for sure, lol--just trying to make sense of it!


To people bitching about random loot: all loot games have this random factor, no? They have deterministic loot that you see on the map screen (more of light, blue armor, etc) and they have the random loot. You get guaranteed vanguard or faction points. Guaranteed xp progression in the class. The only random factor is the jump to completely new weapons and armor. It has to be random because if it wasn't you'd max out in a week. Random loot is still useful because you dismantle it for parts to upgrade the better weapons.

It feels like people complaining literally want new shit every 10 minutes and there is no way that could happen.
this times 1000. then these same people will complain once they have all there is to have in the first week. smh


After spending almost 2 days at level 20, I finally got enough light to go to level 21. I went and tried the level 22 strikes and was absolutely carried by two level 22s. I might try it again but I felt really weak and I'm a titan. I also don't have any legendary gear so that might be a problem as well; their guns were way better than mine. But, I'm a level 22 finally.


Got my first legendary from an engram- a scout rilfe called Cryptic Dragon. It's okay, would've preferred an AR but whatevs. Got that beowulf shader too, looks pretty hot.

Time for some more strikes I guess!


Unconfirmed Member
What happen if your inventory for a given slot is full and you find a new item of that type? Does it go to your vault, or can you just not pick it up?

Your rich get richer view of crucible loot is a terrible idea, and I say this as someone who finishes top 2 probably 90% of the time.
Agreed. I think rewards for Grimoire achievements would be cool, though.


The problem is everything in this game is completely random. There is no way to grind for something in particular, you just have to get lucky. I could play a F2P game on PS4 right now that at least lets me grind for something specifically, and I'm actually rewarded for effort!

I agree with everything except the PVP loot. I'd say top 3 are guaranteed loot 1 or 2, and the bottom 3 randomly get 1 or nothing.

But you can. You can grind xp for loot for purchase, which is all guaranteed with rotating stock. What you can't grind is guaranteed drops for guaranteed weapons. Is that what people want. Boss = weapon everytime

I'll admit getting at least some key currency beyond xp would be nice as a boss reward. But either way you'd have to grind it up and get a tangible reward later, just like with the town shops. You aren't getting guaranteed weapons every boss drop....although it think you kinda do for the ones that say armor upgrade on the mission screen. Think I've always got some gun or armor afterwards


Anyone have details on which faction is better for what?

Depends on your style of play. I'm a Titan who uses melee a lot, so New Monarchy is the best for me, since their armour specialises in Intellect and Strength, which reduces the cooldown of my super and my main melee attack.


Unconfirmed Member
Your rich get richer view of crucible loot is a terrible idea, and I say this as someone who finishes top 2 probably 90% of the time.
If you don't like the idea, that's fine, but the current completely 100% randomized bullshit is really frustrating and really, really terrible. There should be at least some form of consistency or system, and there is none in this 100% randomization. I played with a full Fireteam earlier today, and we crushed the other team, doubling their total score. One of the players on the other team ( one who had not played exceptionally in any way nor topped his teams board in anything ) got rewarded with an Exotic weapon while most we got were a bunch of Rare Engrams that turned out to be mostly Uncommon gear or crafting materials. That kind of stuff just shouldn't happen. Nor should leading your team by a wide margin in all tracked stats and then getting nothing while the rest of your team does.


Neo Member
I am having a ton of fun with this game so far, but like others have said, I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on in the story. Like literally no idea.

All I know is that I pick a destination and I shoot some stuff. The shooting feels great, but even when there is a cutscene (which are few and far between) I still can't follow what the hell is going on.

Does this get better as the game goes on? Right now Im on on Mars doing level 11 story.
I just finished the earth missions.

Game is hella fun, gameplay is great, I'm having great time with friends, but...

- I don't understand a shit about what's going on in the story so far, nor why I should care. Does it get better ?

- I heard that some future raids won't allow matchmaking. Is that serious ? Do they intend to keep it that way ?
There is only one raid, it's the Vault of Glass.


D'oh. I think I'll have to join the clan. Just tried the first strike as a level 12 and we floor mastered twice at the first 'defend the ghost' bit on the third wave both times, then the other players quit.

Just like an MMO dungeon. Doh. Remember kids, PUGs are bad, mkay?
I don't know why I keep playing this game. [...]

Just take it easy and don't feel forced to catch up with other high level players/gaffers and all their legendaries and exotics. It's a game designed to be played over months and it just released a few days ago. No need to rush things, wasting time and getting frustrated.

At least that's what I tell myself. I'm very susceptible to addictions and after my experiences with highly addictive games like CoD - breaking the disc just to keep me from playing and then buying it again multiple times - I try to deal with such games very cautiously.
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