So I ordered Diablo 3 on a whim since I was starting to feel bored of destiny. After playing for a bit, I thought to myself, I already played diablo before on other platforms and this game just came out, I need to give it more of a chance before I drop it. Both of the friends I play with are moving over to FIFA next week sadly so I'm gonna be left alone, but I thought, I have GAF peeps still. I went and canceled Diablo. Or I thought I did, I just got a delivery message from Amazon saying that it was sent.
I feel like this is the gaming gods giving me a hint and telling me to move on. Destiny needs time to change. Lots of time. Simple things like A CHANCE (not even for sure) of getting random engram's that might turn into nothing, given to random players, is just bullshit, bosses need to be tweaked, etc, etc.
I will be leaving, for now. I hope Bungie turns things around, and that when I come back, it is an awesome game.