Hand cannons in PvE are fucking awesome. They blast through everything
Which are rarer, Exotic items or Legendary ones?
Goddammit... I just logged out. And I checked every place in the Tower but the Gunsmith. :facepalm
Upgrades count, stats are normalized. I think...
I have got 13 legendary engrams so far, the only legendaries I got out of them were a pair of warlock items. A chest and the bond to get faction rep (what a joke). As a titan that's pretty awesome. At first I was annoyed to only get crafting materials but now that's what I'm looking forward to most which is sad.
For PVP the level of our guns relative to our own level doesn't matter, right? The one on the store is a lvl 14 rare. Just want to be sure before dropping 1600 glimmer.
I assumed that the damage was equal based on weapon class but I was wondering about all the specific bonuses you get with some weapons. All the 'accurate kills with this gives you more ammmo/faster reload/bonus damage etc. I feel like i should know these things since i almost play nothing but crucible.
Hand cannons in PvE are fucking awesome. They blast through everything
I would really like to know the weighting for actual legendaries when you get a legendary engram. It seems disproportionate based on the overwhelming anecdotal evidence I've seen so far.
Yeah I tried using a scout rifle once and just laughed. It seems hand cannons can headshot even if you miss the head on the aim by a bit. With a scout rifle you have to be absolutely precise. With the right weapon skills you can fire and reload insanely fast too. Scout rifles are pretty much trash weapons. Same with pulse rifles vs auto. Non real point to use a pulse over an auto. No point to use a scout rifle over a hand cannon.
Then how did I have that effect even without having that perk obtained yet? A bug maybe?
I got it and I'm a gun gunslinger.
They need to fix the in game friends list. I hate it when shit won't load which isike all the time. Even worse since you HAVE to play with friends for daily and weekly strikes. God damnit.
Anyway. I really want to do the weekly right now. Just saying...
I have a legendary shotgun with longer slide and plus 2 agility. Might be one of themcould be a different passive or a bug. have only ever seen it on hunters
I'll test this later, because I love Scout Rifles, but if this is true, I'll switch.
Finally got an exotic bounty offer. I picked the one for heroic/nightfall strike. Just did the heroic solo, my Arc Fusion rifle absolutely melted the tank and Sepiks, lol. Gotta get 25 journal pages or something out of strikes now, can't wait!
just decrypted a lengendary helmet engram...got a really crappy blue helmet. Absolutely disgusting
Just got my second exotic weapon, the Invective shotgun.
It's gotta be something like this, at least for me:
90% Blue item you have no need of
5% Strange Coin
4% An actual Legendary, but one for a different class than the one you are playing as
1% An actual Legendary that you can actually equip and use
I've decrypted 4 or 5 Legendary Engrams, still haven't received a Legendary Weapon/Armor/Hunter Class Item. RNGsus why have you forsaken me?!
Just got my second exotic weapon, the Invective shotgun.
What did you do prior to receiving it? Just handed in bounty after bounty?
It's easy.
25 kills or 20 kills and 5 assists etc. Any combination counts. Doesn't matter how much you die.
The story of this game was so baffling. Shooting things is lots of fun though.
I have a legendary shotgun with longer slide and plus 2 agility. Might be one of them
Did Destiny come with a free "sample" of PS+? Getting "Requirements not met" all over the place now. Dont really fancy re-levelling on the account that has PS+
What did you do prior to receiving it? Just handed in bounty after bounty?
Yeah I tried using a scout rifle once and just laughed. It seems hand cannons can headshot even if you miss the head on the aim by a bit. With a scout rifle you have to be absolutely precise. With the right weapon skills you can fire and reload insanely fast too. Scout rifles are pretty much trash weapons. Same with pulse rifles vs auto. Non real point to use a pulse over an auto. No point to use a scout rifle over a hand cannon.
It's easy.
25 kills or 20 kills and 5 assists etc. Any combination counts. Doesn't matter how much you die.
Currently level 24 and my best weapon is still that stupid end game pulse rifle I got six levels ago. It's hard to want to keep RNG grinding when I get NO other primary weapons worth using. Ugh. Also no legendary armor whatsoever still.
EDIT: Also getting your vanguard rank up is unnecessarily time consuming. My cryptarch is halfway to level 5, and my vanguard rank is still barely past a 1? Come on.
Can I buy weapons from the Companion App?
Why are the bosses such bullet sponges. I'm doing dust palace and every boss has just been a grind. None of them are any fun nor do they have any interesting mechanics. I see why people are just doing multiplayer.
*hugDestiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare <<< just happened to me with my first legendary engram. T_T