Vox Chaotica
Got my first Legendary today from the Crucible. Just imagine the fun I am going to have with this thing~

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Got my first Legendary today from the Crucible. Just imagine the fun I am going to have with this thing~
No Strike, how would I participate in PTE's then
Rocket Yard farming, just do 1 hour of looping
Kill everything along the way, every 10 loops, dismantle trash earn glimmer + mats, save engrams repeat
Most mobs drop good stuff too
Extra Spinmetal grows outside so you double dip
Learn location be set
6 hours, haven't a good amount of time to play since launch sadly.How much time has everyone sunk into the game?
Bnet says I'm at 11 hours.
At this point, I'm not sad to get Strange Coins. I got my Exotic gauntlets with Strange Coins already and am back up to 8 again, so by next rollover I'll have more for either another armour piece or a weapon.
1 day, 22hrs, 58mins...
I did take a week off work for the game, after all.
Almost 26 hours :x
1day 6 hours 2 minutes 52 seconds
1 day, 3 hours it says on Bnet.
7 hours story, 7 hours strikes, 3 hours patrol, rest on PvP.
I'm at 18h 30m. No signs of stopping either haha.
! day, 45 mins, 25 secs.
holy heck I want thatGot my first Legendary today from the Crucible. Just imagine the fun I am going to have with this thing~
This will sound really greedy but would it kill them to give a guaranteed drop to the top 1 or 2 players of a team in crucible? 4th time in a row where I've been top player of my team and have gotten nothing.
I'm 20 min shy of one day. You wouldn't know because I've been playing so casual and only just hit 21 about an hour ago.How much time has everyone sunk into the game?
Bnet says I'm at 11 hours.
Literally anything with an attack rating higher than 215. I like hand cannons, but I haven't gotten a single hand cannon drop with a rating higher than 178.
Yeah, Vex are actually my least favorite to fight. Mainly because the Minotaurs are extremely lame and have no weak point.I like the Warhammer ripoffs the best, especially the shield enemies.
How much time has everyone sunk into the game?
Bnet says I'm at 11 hours.
Got my first Legendary today from the Crucible. Just imagine the fun I am going to have with this thing~
my first legendary and my class can't use it. in a game where you can't trade this makes little sense.
are items shared between any characters I have, at least?
How much time has everyone sunk into the game?
Bnet says I'm at 11 hours.
How much time has everyone sunk into the game?
Bnet says I'm at 11 hours.
Just thought of a sweet playlist for crucible.
Alpha - warlocks
Bravo - Titans
Charlie - hunters
Three way team death match.
I don't even own the game yet. Excuse me if it is included.
that's a horrible idea, the fighting between people would only grow more on which is the better class lol
Just thought of a sweet playlist for crucible.
Alpha - warlocks
Bravo - Titans
Charlie - hunters
Three way team death match.
I don't even own the game yet. Excuse me if it is included.
you boys are cray cray
You got it wrong though... hunters are clearly the alpha dogs.Just thought of a sweet playlist for crucible.
Alpha - warlocks
Bravo - Titans
Charlie - hunters
Three way team death match.
I don't even own the game yet. Excuse me if it is included.
Can anyone explain what the raids are and what they really do/are? I have not had as much time as I wanted to play the game and am curious as everyone seems to be talking about it.
Just thought of a sweet playlist for crucible.
Alpha - warlocks
Bravo - Titans
Charlie - hunters
Three way team death match.
I don't even own the game yet. Excuse me if it is included.
That feel when Monte Carlo drops in a pvp to the worst player on your team, after you quadruple his score four games in a row.
Why the hell does PvP not reward items based on score and then throw a random or two in after...
Don't worry, you'll get a rare from it.thank you random chest for a legendary engram
How much time has everyone sunk into the game?
Bnet says I'm at 11 hours.
Can anyone explain what the raids are and what they really do/are? I have not had as much time as I wanted to play the game and am curious as everyone seems to be talking about it.
Speaking of raid here's a copy paste of the post I made on DestinyGAF Canada if anyone is interested:
I think it's fair to say most of us will look forward to step into the Vault of Glass later this week when it opens, I'm looking for 3 more guardians to join us. We're 3 french Canadians (Hunter (26),Warlock(25),Titan(26)). Since we know nothing (pretty much) about the raid we'll step inside with an intent to learn the place so expect to wipe (I don't think we'll be able to clear the 8 boss in one shot, Bungie keep hyping the difficulty.) We're 3 adults pretty relax, raided for years in other game, looking forward to try it in Destiny, if the group mesh well and we wanna make raiding a recurring event we're open for it. Our availability this week is Thursday night, and any time Friday or Saturday
Here's what we need from you if you're interested:
- Mic (I assume voice comms will be needed if it's like any other raids, in any game ever) If your shy or you hate talking at least make sure you listen if calls need to be made.
- At least level 24 since the first difficulty of the raid is aimed toward level 26.
- Willing to have a good time/not rage upon dying
- Can raid in French or English,.raided for years in English in other game and communication was never an issue.
- Can be available for the raid for at least 3 hours, can be for longer if everyone is having a great time while we learn.
Heading to work I'll sort through the demands when I have time tonight or tommorrow if there's any interest. You can get back to me in PM here on GAF or on PSN Nakhar.
Edit: Forgot to say the version, PS4.
I think you're getting the raids mixed up with the strikes. There's only raid so far and it's not out until Tuesday, though Bungie is going to add more eventually. Strikes are about 20-30 min long on average and have lots of mobs/elites and a final boss or two.
No, you're not Cray Cray enough! >.>you boys are cray cray
Yeah - for someone who got a tag out of Destiny, the fact that you're lagging so far behind is really disappointingI expected the creator of the withdrawal threads to have logged in just as many hours. Disappointed.
How much time has everyone sunk into the game?
Bnet says I'm at 11 hours.
I also got a machine gun called "Zombie Apocalypse WF47"
How much time has everyone sunk into the game?
Bnet says I'm at 11 hours.
I feel like the #1 in each team should get decent loot no matter what, and the rest of the team gets RNG'd like it currently is.
Too many people don't give a fuck and just stand there for the entire match or dick around because they know they still qualify for loot.