OT3 - so what is the ordering of the hardest and best gear to get?
Uncommon then rare then Legendary ?
Is there anything else?
Exotic comes after Legendary.
OT3 - so what is the ordering of the hardest and best gear to get?
Uncommon then rare then Legendary ?
Is there anything else?
Was there ever a statement on the community emblems other than the 'you get what you get, we don't have the data any more' comment I saw in response to a bnet thread?
Out of the four I meet the requirements for, I got the one for registration before 2013 only. It'd be great if there was some alternate way to evaluate them.
Yes! Yes!!
Just started playing for the first time since beta - can someone recommend a good AR please? I'm just about to ding to level 8.
Ugh, someone dropped from the strike yesterday so it was just me and this other guy, canals never came, we were stuck with no ammo with one guy left, it sucked a lot.Indeed. Three psion flayers at once with a billion HP each, and a shit ton of Cabal adds (Phalanxes and Centurions yay!) while you're whittling them down.
Just started playing for the first time since beta - can someone recommend a good AR please? I'm just about to ding to level 9.
Not that I know of. I was just exaggerating.I may have missed something really simple but can you see how much hp enemies have?
Added, ColloquialismI'm only 25 but I think I do well enough. My PSN is Daraman.
Anyone else?
Wasn't expecting the story to be so bad, really disappointed given how much I love the Halo series. I'm loving this game and will continue to play it for a long, long time but God damn.
Wasn't expecting the story to be so bad, really disappointed given how much I love the Halo series. I'm loving this game and will continue to play it for a long, long time but God damn.
OT3 - so what is the ordering of the hardest and best gear to get?
Uncommon then rare then Legendary ?
Is there anything else?
I feel like apologizing to the Call of Duty series for all the times I said their story sucked.
COD single player is like Academy award winning performances compared to this.
OK so to summarise the advice I've received so far based on the video of me being crap at Crucible:
- Shotgun is no good except at closer ranges, need to use AR or pulse rifle
- Pay more attention to radar
- Keep moving towards capture points where enemies will be
- Learn maps and figure out routes people will take (this will take a while I imagine)
Did I miss anything?
Shingen-C or Cydonia AR3. These are the best IMO.
Shingen-C or Cydonia AR3. These are the best IMO.
My US destiny game wont let me redeem my codes that came with it in the EU, would Bungie customer support be able to help me out you think?
Well fuck me.
I'm about to go pick this up for PS4. Just joined PSPlus too. After all those mixed reviews I just gotta see it for myself. Thank god for disposable income.
If anyone wants to add me it's TestSubject15. I've never played an MMO or anything (though I've played plenty of FPSes) so this'll all be new to me.
"Oh wow, mankind went to Venus and terraformed the fuck out of it! We went there built cities and brought... hatchbacks."
This is seriously the most annoying thing to me in the entire game. So much stuff just hasn't been thought through.
Sorry that I couldn't find a better picture.
Is it a lot harder? Havent tried them yet
OK so to summarise the advice I've received so far based on the video of me being crap at Crucible:
- Shotgun is no good except at closer ranges, need to use AR or pulse rifle
- Pay more attention to radar
- Keep moving towards capture points where enemies will be
- Learn maps and figure out routes people will take (this will take a while I imagine)
Did I miss anything?
Factions let you earn faction currency to be used exclusively at that faction, but stop earning vanguard currency.
Thanks. Are these frequently available at the Gunsmith?
I've played over 500 hours of D...
Playing more console FPS is probably sound advice. I watched the video and it looked like you were moving in slow motion. You're going to be at a massive disadvantage playing all these guys that played Halo nonstop for years.
This game
Too good
Best game this gen so far
Finally have 13 coins. Checked to see if Xur was still there........Profound Sadness.
Bungie doesn't want my arms drenched with radiant energy from the sun.
Uncommon -> Rare -> Legendary -> Exotic.
Exotic are special or unique items in that you can only have one exotic armour piece and one exotic weapon equipped at a time (a total of two exotic items). So the best gear possible would consist of all legendary with one exotic weapon and one exotic armour piece.
COD games might not have a great story but they at least have one, with a start and an end, a clear goal for the heroes (or one that becomes clear in due time) and actual characters (even if shallow and 2 dimensional). Destiny has like, almost none of that and the characters it does have are barely characters. Dinklebot is the most character and all he does is give half asses info dumps and seems to be figuring out his own story without letting you in on it.
"Oh wow, mankind went to Venus and terraformed the fuck out of it! We went there built cities and brought... hatchbacks."
This is seriously the most annoying thing to me in the entire game. So much stuff just hasn't been thought through.
Sorry that I couldn't find a better picture.
what shader is that?
Dude I made mine because of the band Lostprophets a long long time ago. Was cool and all until last year.
The lead singer ended up being a fucking pedophile.
Wish I could change it so badly but *sigh* Sony.
Yeah, that title you quoted the other day about the raid was perfect for OT3. This current title and the original sucks compare to that. Alas, I can't remember what it was.A lot of people will be getting to the raid this week.
Why did you choose this title?!
Yeah, that title ou quoted the other day about theraid was perfect for OT3. This current title and the original sucks compare to that. Alas, I can't remember what it was.
OK so to summarise the advice I've received so far based on the video of me being crap at Crucible:
- Shotgun is no good except at closer ranges, need to use AR or pulse rifle
- Pay more attention to radar
- Keep moving towards capture points where enemies will be
- Learn maps and figure out routes people will take (this will take a while I imagine)
Did I miss anything?
I never played the Halo games. I tried, once, but the controls were just ugh. The only console shooter I've gotten on well with before this one was Gears of War.
As for the movement thing... if you sprint, you can't shoot?