Got my first rare tonight at level 13. Actually came from what was a green engram so it was an even nicer surprise. Pretty happy with it so far.
We didn't take them there, we built them there! Makes sense to me. Even during the golden age people gonna need cars. Brummm brummmm in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!
A lot of people will be getting to the raid this week.
Why did you choose this title?!
If anyone still cares about the story, I saw a pretty interesting theory on reddit.
OP didn't choose the title, actually. The first title was something aboutMod came in and changed itpenis babies?![]()
Thanks. Are these frequently available at the Gunsmith?
Any of you level 26 guys plan on streaming during raid for us peasants?
Any of you level 26 guys plan on streaming during raid for us peasants?
If anyone still cares about the story, I saw a pretty interesting theory on reddit.
I would but my Internet sucks ass. So I can't unfortunately.Any of you level 26 guys plan on streaming during raid for us peasants?
Destiny's not having the best luck with thread titles.
Aaaaand 20.
Time to farm light! Any suggestion besides Nexus?
If anyone still cares about the story, I saw a pretty interesting theory on reddit.
Aaaaand 20.
Time to farm light! Any suggestion besides Nexus?
So did you guys lower your expectation for raids since it seems a lot of people find the mission structure and bosses disappointing?
delrith on stream with 1000 people watching just did the hardest strike of the endgame of destiny, the level 28 special heroic week strike, and his two buddies got exotics he got .. shards. He spent two hours. He is done with the game.
Ugh. I can't remember that title Dax quoted the other day. On the other hand, my mind, high on Game of Thrones, came up with Destiny |OT3| Raid is Coming
Dude I made mine because of the band Lostprophets a long long time ago. Was cool and all until last year.
The lead singer ended up being a fucking pedophile.
Wish I could change it so badly but *sigh* Sony.
Ugh. I can't remember that title Dax quoted the other day. On the other hand, my mind, high on Game of Thrones, came up with Destiny |OT3| Raid is Coming
Most people in this thread enjoy the game
|OT3| Get your Ass to the Vault of Glass to get [NAME] new pants, or something like that.
If anyone still cares about the story, I saw a pretty interesting theory on reddit.
So did you guys lower your expectation for raids since it seems a lot of people find the mission structure and bosses disappointing?
delrith on stream with 1000 people watching just did the hardest strike of the endgame of destiny, the level 28 special heroic week strike, and his two buddies got exotics he got .. shards. He spent two hours. He is done with the game.
Afternoon all. I'm level 21! I feel like I've earned it. Been working long hours, putting I'm a good shift, getting hands dirty etc.
Very narrowly lose a game of Control since half of my team was AFK almost the whole match, still almost pull it out single-handedly with a 1.4 K/D and the most points on the team by a wide margin. Get nothing. 3 of the 4 randoms that joined at the end who all went grossly negative with barely any points get blues and engrams. There is zero incentive to play well.
I tried to have a little fun, damn you guys are brutal
I even requested a mod to change the title to something to more to the community liking
If you guys are this hostile, no thanks, I'll just go play the game
Got my first rare tonight at level 13. Actually came from what was a green engram so it was an even nicer surprise. Pretty happy with it so far.
Any Xbox one users want to grind either Nexus or try their hand at the weekly?
Gt: ConscienceFalls. Actually, if you have an Xbox just add me in general.
Being stuck at level 20 sucks.
rep, money, marks i guess but the drops being complete "thank you for participating" grates
They're not even that. They really do seem to be geared to giving player who do worse better loot.