I'd say the problem is people having such a thin skin that they freak out at the slightest sign of negativity or criticism but alright.
That's the attitude I usually take (ignore the meaningless, subjective stuff and only watch for the facts) but this video was kind of extreme even for DF's standards which is why I felt the need to comment on it in the first place. If he'd just mentioned that he thinks the game looks good or beautiful or whatever a couple of times, I wouldn't have bothered saying anything but, like I said, it almost sounded like someone from Sony's PR department wrote parts of the script (before anyone starts misinterpreting that sentence, I'm definitely not suggesting that Sony actually had a hand in creating this video) and I couldn't even get myself to finish watching the video. I don't see the problem with sharing my POV on that. Apparently, I'm in the minority so I don't expect them to do anything about it and that's fine, I just don't think the kind of reaction my comment has elicited is the appropriate response to someone civilly voicing an opinion you disagree with on a message board (yours was about the least problematic response). (And yes, I am aware of the irony that can be found in me saying people should let me express my opinion when I've just criticised DF for expressing theirs but it's all about context. I wouldn't dream of telling anyone from DF that they shouldn't share their opinions on forums, in opinion pieces, reviews, etc. Just saying that I don't find it entirely appropriate in the context of a technical analysis.)
As for what's wrong with bringing so much of your opinion into an analysis? Opinions are subjective, they're not factual and they are, in the context of an analysis, pretty much a meaningless waste of time and space. Though, of course, not entirely meaningless because they do affect and distort the way the facts are perceived by the audience when the audience should actually be forming their own opinions based only on objective facts. You would never read sth like "this is the most beautiful painting produced in the entirety of the 16th century" in a professional art analysis, for example (which isn't exactly the same thing but I think similar principles regarding objectivity and subjectivity apply).
I wish I could but I'm afraid it's stuck
