Is beating thein 2 minutes easily doable on Normal at 35? I was 35 and it wasn't super easy to beat him.Ancient Dragon
Oh my god, I was cruising the whole time here. Could not be stopped then the freakingtotally made me it's bitch. I was playing as my Wizard and I don't even know what happened. I swear 3/4 of the way in I couldn't use spells any more and was just waving my stick at him.GAZER
Also, after the stables are unlocked and all that stuff happens, the game got way more confusing than it already was for me. What's withhaving to pay to go places all the sudden? is that gonna be a problem?
If the boss is facing you, you can't use magic. It's a pretty difficult fight for all of the classes except for the Elf.Oh my god, I was cruising the whole time here. Could not be stopped then the freakingtotally made me it's bitch. I was playing as my Wizard and I don't even know what happened. I swear 3/4 of the way in I couldn't use spells any more and was just waving my stick at him.GAZER
Also, after the stables are unlocked and all that stuff happens, the game got way more confusing than it already was for me. What's withhaving to pay to go places all the sudden? is that gonna be a problem?
Just beat the game on Normal with a level 30 Elf. I beat it in about 14 hours and 46 minutes. It took me 2 minutes and 47 seconds to beat the last bast. It wasn't a very hard boss...but that might just be because I had high level AI characters with me. Hah. I had a level 99 Wizard, level 48 Dwarf, and level 28 Elf with me.
By the way, this is easily my game of the year now, and I'd say that it's also one of my favorite games of the entire generation, too. I just love it so much.
Oh, and since I didn't mention it before, I unlocked online in a little over 4 hours with a level 11 Elf.
Runes isn't too much of a bother since I'll be on hand with all them to activate, unless that locks the other player out of the end world or something? So basically, just getting to the Extra Bag point will be the only extra work I'll need to do, other than when needing to purchase extra bags?
Extra Bags Unlocking at like Lvl18-20 would have made more sense than locking it onto Story Quest. Really enjoying the game, but being punished for playing it with a real live human in the same room has those lame feels, mang.
Elf sisters, is it any worth to put some points into poison at all?
Elf sisters, is it any worth to put some points into poison at all?
Anyone know what the two numbers that each weapon's attack rating signifies?
For example, my current hammer is listed as having an attack of 13-21. What does that mean? 13 barehanded, 21 equipped?
Anyone know what the two numbers that each weapon's attack rating signifies?
For example, my current hammer is listed as having an attack of 13-21. What does that mean? 13 barehanded, 21 equipped?
Thanks everyone.
Just switched my Dwarf to the JPN voice and I didn't think it was possible for this game to get better... but it just did.
Japanese Randy Savage is the best.
That's... weird. I've had the game all week but will start playing tomorrow with my girlfriend. I had assumed the following to be true:Yeah, I realized that this morning. My wife and I played for a few hours last night, then when I was checking out our characters last night, I realized her Amazon hadn't gotten any story progression. It's extremely odd that local co-op characters will get side quest completion, but they don't get story completion. It's annoying, but as it was said before - you can probably just bull your way through the story since the local co-op character will be at a higher level.
How does story progress work for co-op play in Dragon's Crown?
All local players of the PS3 version belong to the single logged in PlayStation Online ID. Story progress is tied to Player Ones character, so be sure to have the character with the lowest story progress fill the Player One slot. Other characters will get credit for completing levels, so long as theyve completed the previous levels. This is necessary only in the first nine levels and only applicable to local co-op games. After the initial nine stages have been completed the new levels can be tackled randomly. It doesnt matter which order they are completed. Online play must be unlocked by finishing the first nine stages. Once its unlocked stages can be played in any order. Side quest and stage completion is saved to each individual character.
I know it's been answered already, but a better way of thinking about it is that your hammer does 1d9+12 damage.Anyone know what the two numbers that each weapon's attack rating signifies?
For example, my current hammer is listed as having an attack of 13-21. What does that mean? 13 barehanded, 21 equipped?
Finally can play online and I've only managed to connect to one group. Something is wrong with the ps3 version . I keep getting connection failed but this is the only game that I have any trouble getting online with.
I've been able to connect multiple times on the PS3 just fine. In fact, I've yet to run into a connection issue.
Hey guys, would you have to use level 35 or less equips again if you were to go from Infernal mode to Normal?
No the game scales you down automatically.
No the game scales you down automatically.
Doing a sidequest and got into a secret room, now what do I do withthe puppet on the stage in Mages Tower?
Really wish more of my GAF friends were playing this. Playing with randoms has slowed my progress to a crawl.
Doing a sidequest and got into a secret room, now what do I do withthe puppet on the stage in Mages Tower?
What becomes of your skill levels?
Not sure about the AI partners and bags, but with the runes some of the quests require that you have them. Outside of that though, I haven't personally found the rune spells to be particularly helpful; they're okay as far as bonuses go but you aren't missing out on much. So just pick them up whenever you feel like it.Just did my first ever chain run. Did two A-side dungeons in a row. My AI all survived but a couple of their weapons broke. Do they ever get more than one bag? Or am I just at the mercy of whatever they can do with whatever they have? I could have probably pressed on another dungeon since they all had lives to spare and I had all my potions left and more gear in a second bag.
Level 20 now about 7.5 hours into the game. Really enjoying things so far.
Also I should buy those colored runes from Lucain fairly quickly right? They are worthwhile purchases? I'm at the point now that I'm treading water with how much gold I'm bringing in so I don't want to throw away gold on something I may not need right now.
It's not uncommon for low ranking weapons to have wide ranges like that, which makes them worthless to appraise after a while.Speaking of random weapon damage ranges, I just got a Hammer for my dwarf, that's 25-136.
Hella random. And... no thanks.
Not sure about the AI partners and bags, but with the runes some of the quests require that you have them. Outside of that though, I haven't personally found the rune spells to be particularly helpful; they're okay as far as bonuses go but you aren't missing out on much. So just pick them up whenever you feel like it.
What about Treasure Hunter's Friend? It's always nice to get more treasure when that rune combo is available.
What about Treasure Hunter's Friend? It's always nice to get more treasure when that rune combo is available.
Treasure hunter's friend, skeleton key, double points, and bare handed power up are huge. I try and activate runes whenever I can.
Fair enoughWhat about Treasure Hunter's Friend? It's always nice to get more treasure when that rune combo is available.
Extra Item Stock is great for casters. Delicious extra Meteor.
I think they're scaled down in power, but the number of uses for usable skills remained the same. So I have no idea what they did.
Not sure about the AI partners and bags, but with the runes some of the quests require that you have them. Outside of that though, I haven't personally found the rune spells to be particularly helpful; they're okay as far as bonuses go but you aren't missing out on much. So just pick them up whenever you feel like it.