All inventory is shared. Not sure about the AI though.
Watched a bit of this game on Twitch last night and it looks like a blur with so much shit happening on screen. I assume it starts out less crazy, and that you can understand what's happening as it ramps up?
Been wanting to pick this game up but can't decide between PS3 and Vita.
I'd like to get it on the Vita, seems like a game I could play in bursts and it'd be great to take with me but I haven't really heard about performance on the Vita.
Does it run equally well on both systems? Other than local mp are there any benefits to the PS3 version that I should consider?
Thanks in advance!
picked this up on a whim the other day for my vita. Absolutely love it.
If folks are interested in the game and are interested in online play, I highly recommend getting the PS3 version. The vita's online play sucks, IMO. I can barely ever get on a game, and if I do I get disconnected within 5 minutes. It's a trainwreck. Server is constantly synchronizing players, load times get inflated. As opposed to the PS3 version, which was pretty smooth comparatively. Vita version is good if you're interested in solo-ing it. I really hope they release a patch to fix it.
I don't understand some people.
The narrator says what to do on the Catacombs B path boss.
And yet people blindly attack the boss instead of actually doing what the narrator said to do.
FFS,.if the statue isn't lit, don't attack the wraith
Ugh, is there a way to repair AI gear or do I just need to part ways with them and hire new guys?
Been wanting to pick this game up but can't decide between PS3 and Vita.
I'd like to get it on the Vita, seems like a game I could play in bursts and it'd be great to take with me but I haven't really heard about performance on the Vita.
Does it run equally well on both systems? Other than local mp are there any benefits to the PS3 version that I should consider?
Thanks in advance!
I lost some loot today because the game hanged while trying to connect.I played the MP on the Vita and i didn't get any disconnection.
I still haven't received my PS3 version but I've been playing alot on Vita and it's been really good online. Only issues are framerate drops but that's offline as well.
Might be your wireless connection causing some issues, really solid experience with the online here.
Currently I'm using:
But when I get into a boss room, before activating the boss I switch to
It only has 250 durability, which is why I only use it as a boss killer. I killed Kraken in 2 charged upward shots with this bow.
Carry multiple staves/rods of different elements in all of your bags.
"Well I finished Normal with my Wizard, but I'm debating moving on or starting fresh with a different class. I'm pretty fond of ol' wizzy, but not having to constantly manage mana and match the element of my weapon to the stage sounds nice for a change. I once got dropped straight into the Pirate's Cove with a fire staff equipped"
Carry multiple staves/rods of different elements in all of your bags.
cj_iwakura: That is for a sidequest.
cj_iwakura: That is for a sidequest.
I kinda did something similar to this, but using up multiple slots in all my bags seemed excessive, so what I did was set up a "flex" bag with one staff of each element that I equip before I join a game in progress. Then I've got more focused bags that I can switch to based on the stage.
Good to know, shame I did it for nothing.
Probably stupid, but how do I use the wizard's spells, i.e. Meteor Storm? It's not even in the manual.
After you learn them you need to equip them like items. Go to the equipment menu, choose a bag, select an empty slot, then switch to the Skills category of items on the far right. You'll see all your learned spells there. Equip it to a slot then cast the spell by using it like you use an item.
After clearing normal, you get around 20 more quests: 9 for doing special things at A path bosses, 9 for soloing B path bosses (these unlock as you clear the new A path boss quests), and a couple miscellaneous like saving 10 fairies.
After those, though, that's it.
Red Dragon why u so hard? ;_; any tips for sorceress?
Need help defeating the ancient dragon on hard mode! Got some high level npc allies but just can't get it done. Alcoholica84 on the vita if someone cares to help
Can someone tell me where the fuck this rune Lucain keeps showing me is and what I have to do with it?
Can someone tell me where the fuck this rune Lucain keeps showing me is and what I have to do with it?
What sucks is now I can't get rid of them. I can't revive them obviously, and if I bury them I automatically get an item that crashes my game. So I'm just stuck with these bones taking up a slot forever basically. I better hope I don't find any more like it.