3D pinball is quite possibly the worst 3D pinball I've ever played on a PC
Pro Pinball series beats it into the ground, and actually that set is pretty much the best available 3D pinball. Set consists of:
Pro Pinball: The Web
Pro Pinball: Timeshock!
Pro Pinball: Big Race USA
Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey
(listed in the release order)
Each of these only has one table, but they are *extremely* well made and highly imaginative.
I also highly recommend Amiga conversions of:
Pinball Dreams
Pinball Fantasies
Pinball Illusions
Slam Tilt
all of which are absolutely fantastic 2D pinball games, best 2D pinballs that I know of - last two IMO being even more fun to play than even Pro Pinball games. Each game has a selection of four completely different tables.
What separates these games I listed from the rest of the pack is not only the high quality and imaginativeness of their tables, but also the ball physics which are in all of them done with an incredible care and quality, going as far that in some of the Pro Pinaball games ball actually scratches a bit and catches tiny dirt after you play it for tens upon tens of hours...