they could even hang by their tails in the trees and do cool shit.
I had lemurs in my head but they're not aggressive creatures by nature. They'd be more distinct visually than a fossa. But fossa are more acrobatic.
they could even hang by their tails in the trees and do cool shit.
Here's my stat screen with 100%. Should be able to compare and tell what you're missing.
Is there possibly a hint at DLC in the game? After you finish the main Lodge quest and talk to one of the hunters hanging out at the bar he says something about Oseram hunters in a new area out west finding totally new kinds of machines.
This is the game I wanted Witcher 3 to be. A compelling open world RPG with good combat. I'm level 50 and close to the end. One of the best games in a decade.
Here's my stat screen with 100%. Should be able to compare and tell what you're missing.
I guess that's the realization I've come to playing the game and discussing it here. Horizon isn't much of an RPG, although it is dressed in some of the clothes of games like the Witcher 3 and Skyrim. It is actually much closer to FarCry. The lack of any real choice and consequence, major build variety, and branching paths makes that pretty clear. That's okay, but it is kind of a hard adjustment from my expectations. You could see spots where a lot of those things would fit in quite nicely.Let's make a distinction however, Horizon ZD is barely a wrpg given the conventions of the genre. The "roleplay" elements are minimal at best, as you can make Aloy act in a certain way given situations and achieve a level of consistency. You cannot really play with dialogue options as you could in most wrpgs.
It's an action game with slight rpg elements which make sense given the history of GG. They took ideas from Ubisoft and The Witcher 3 for sure in designing their open world, but the core is build from an action game standpoint. Given that GG were specialist of making shooters, it's not surprising that the gameplay is superior to The Witcher series as CD Projekt Red roots are those of an wrpg developer.
Might be a stoopid question, but is there a section where I can see the time spent?
Your save game when saving manually.
No, autosaves and quick saves have it too. Just select Load to view them.Am I fucked if I never saved manually?
I just hit level 50 but I'm still missing some skill points to purchase all of them. How do you get the rest?
So does collecting entire sets of flowers, cups, or figures.You get skills points for completing some missions as well. I think completing cauldrons and hunting grounds challenges give you skill points.
First fight with Thunderjaw.Holy sh*t whatta fight.First tried shooting him from the ledge above,didnt thought he would climb above.First he couldnt then he jumped up,holy sh*t.Played out better than a HollyWood Set Piece.This Game man.
I need to keep a tally of quests that. It seems like a lot, so much so that when they pulled it in the main quest line it lost any impact.end with you finding someone near death
Yeah, they pull thething like 5 times and it's always dumb."I'm about to die but first listen to my monologue and then I'll melodramatically keel over"
No, autosaves and quick saves have it too. Just select Load to view them.
Ready for OT2
Thank you, after all this hours and I'm still missing 1 side and 1 errands quest....LoL..time to explore more.
Most of the world is gone so...Yeah, swimming/underwater levels are universally terrible.
If we're talking about wishlists for a sequel then I'd want them to lean away from the RPG-lite elements and streamline everything instead of giving us dozens of follow this trail or go fetch me a thunderjaw heart side quests and having to farm animal skins to upgrade carrying capacity. That stuff isn't fun at all and leads to too much boredom in between the really good stuff.
It's a game where the highs are fantastic but there are also way too many lows, which is a shame because it could have been one of the greats of his generation for me but it felt like half of the game was just Guerilla going down a checklist of things that other similar games did and shoved them into the game.
Aloy is a great character but I don't think I want to play as her in the sequel, the way her story ended is absolutely perfect. I'd love to see a sequel set in another part of the world, go to Africa and deal with more Ravager-style big cats, some can be lithe and quick like cheetahs while another one is a giant lion with a great big robot-mane. You could head into the mountains and have to deal with gorillas. All the while Guerilla can flesh out the universe and show us how other parts of the world dealt with the robot plague
I've been a playstation owner since the first one (before it was "PSOne" heh) and this is the first game I've been driven to Platinum so I had an excuse to keep playing it. Will probably 100% it too (I'm actually a little surprised I'm not 100% already, just gotta figure out what I missed). And then I'll probably get all the data points as well ;-)Platinumed. 12th overall. Shows how good this game is when I couldn't bring myself to Platinum Far Cry Primal (with only the do 10 Help Wenja, 15 Tribal Clash, and Unlock All Skills trophies left) while I went out of my way to Platinum HZD.
I've been a playstation owner since the first one (before it was "PSOne" heh) and this is the first game I've been driven to Platinum so I had an excuse to keep playing it. Will probably 100% it too (I'm actually a little surprised I'm not 100% already, just gotta figure out what I missed). And then I'll probably get all the data points as well ;-)
That's weird. Try reloading your save or fast travel from one place to this one. Could fix the issue.
There's one side mission that is easy to miss, located near the center of the map.
Has to be that!So is Red Head Redemption the official title of the new OT?
So is Red Head Redemption the official title of the new OT?
will probably be another few weeks before I finish it, and I'm OK with that!.
What are people's thoughts on the open world padding , flowers, banuk figures etc?
Would the game have been at a detriment without them?.
I didn't collect the figurines entirely, or the flowers. But for a good portion of the game all I could do was hunt down the vantages. Bashar's story provides a lot of insight into the type of society that came before. His entire narrative throughout his "tour" is fascinating, deeply personal and incredibly sad.will probably be another few weeks before I finish it, and I'm OK with that!.
What are people's thoughts on the open world padding , flowers, banuk figures etc?
Would the game have been at a detriment without them?.
I want a sloth robo beast..you can probably finish an errand and come back to dodge its next attack
So is Red Head Redemption the official title of the new OT?
Is there any news on any DLC for this, I am talking about expansion?
I have not been able to find anything, what are the chances? I want more!
this is what I made up really quick. I used omegabalmung9's screenshot from the screenshot thread (hope they don't mind).
how does that look to you guys?
Did anyone see SunhiLegend's new video? It's titled "Home"
Hmm, robot plants. Giant Venus fly trap.