Is the XBOX 360 a Top 5 console of all time?

360 top 5 console of all time?

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Started off great (apart from the RROD fiasco), but the last few years being dedicated to Kinect really soured me on it

My top 20 would be…

1. PS2
2. Switch
3. Dreamcast
4. PS1
6. PS4
7. MegaDrive
8 Nintendo 64
9. PS3
10. PSP
11. GameCube
12. Xbox
13. Xbox 360
14. Saturn
15. DS
16. NES
17. PS5
18. 3DS
19. Master System
20. PS Vita

After Halo 3, Halo Reach, Gears 1, 2, 3 there just weren’t enough great exclusives for me, certainly not enough to put it in my top 10.

I’d rank the original Xbox above it thanks to Halo 1, 2, Fable, Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta and the amazing console exclusive port of Half-Life 2.

PS3 just had way more great exclusives; Last of Us, Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted 1, 2, 3, God of War III, Demon’s Souls, Little Big Planet, Journey.

As for their next two consoles, I think One X and Series X were excellent hardware, but zero great exclusives for me, so they don’t even make my top 20.
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Oh fuck yes it is.

It had so many things going for it that it seemed unfair for what came next. The ultimate combo was having a 360 and a Wii.

Sure the RROD is unfortunate but aside from this incident, this console release felt like the start of a new movement, of something big.

The design was almost perfect, swapable faceplate, big lighted button, removable HDD and a brand new controller design. It had the best UI design, customizable to your liking and also introducing achievements! Gamer profile, friend list and party chat. Also helped a ton introducing the independant scene with XBLA. Like, that console was the ultimate video game system, period!

During that time, Microsoft KNEW exactly what gamer were looking for and they delivered on every level and then more.


Gold Member
360 is in my top 5 for sure, but that is a reflection of the limited amount of console hardware I have owned.
Top selling consoles worlwide paint a more realistic picture.
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I don't think so personally, but I'd have to think long and hard on this.

PS2, N64, and GameBoy Advance probably all rank higher for me in my lifetime for sure. Toss up after that.

Easily the best Xbox console without question from a software/exclusive standpoint.


05-08 were top 5 all time.

09-10 were okay nothing amazing

10-13 of Kinect Kinect Kinect were bottom 3 of all time. Only beaten by Xbox One being even worse

So on the whole it lands somewhere in the middle. It's basically reverse PS3 which sucked up front and was amazing towards the end, and PS3 is also middle pack all time



It's based on the 2nd half of its life cycle.

The 2nd half (post Kinect) was absolutely pathetic.

I dunno much about that; we were all too busy playing Halo online. And then later, Modern Warfare (and Battlefield 3 at 30fps.) Amazing advancements in multiplayer were on the 360, it was revolutionary.
Xbox 360

Too early to say about Xbox series and ps5 gen. But both on the low maybe.

Anything before ps1, I play but was such young kid I just play bunch of random games on nes and genesis that I don’t really remember much about. So yeah Xbox 360 easily for me, in the top 5.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
Never really measure the top console, but I'm not sure if the 360 has a place there. I mean, the console was very nice, but the initial start was more of a luck shot than a real win
- launched first, but Red Rings of Death and so many games was just "cleaner" versions of past gen. Wasn't a Saturn launch situation most because of the quantity of games releasing
- development kit was more easy than PS3, so games run better, still, not really future proof since DVD got old kinda fast and if you bought the Core or Arcade versions of the console, you're fucked
- Microsoft helped indies, but no quality control whatsoever and the store got bloated with garbage games
- not everyone had a HD tv back then, but took two years to a model release with a HDMI port
- after 2010 Microsoft started to go "tv tv tv" and stopped only after Phil Spencer took the main chair, in late 2013. Still stinks to this day thou

Nintendo, Sega and Sony goes on the top 5 for sure
it was cool with stuff like halo and gears and bioshock and mass effect but i got rrod’ed like twice and then was like fuck this and forgot about it and just played ps3 right around uncharted, mgs4, ect
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I'll be honest with you pal, aggressively mid console.
05-08 were top 5 all time.
2007 had Crackdown, Forza Motorsport 2, Halo 3, Lost Odyssey, Project Gotham Racing 4 and Mass Effect. I don't care for most of these, but that's still a respectable lineup.
2008 had Too Human, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and Scene It? and Lips shovelware. This IS aggressively mid.


There's an argument to be made that it was a top 5 console. The best version of most multiplats, the online connectivity and user interface etc. It had stellar exclusives in the first half of the life cycle. I can see why because as an eco system it felt really coherent.

I prefer PS3 personally as its my fave console of all time mainly because of the Sony exclusives.
I'll be honest with you pal, aggressively mid console.

2007 had Crackdown, Forza Motorsport 2, Halo 3, Lost Odyssey, Project Gotham Racing 4 and Mass Effect. I don't care for most of these, but that's still a respectable lineup.
2008 had Too Human, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and Scene It? and Lips shovelware. This IS aggressively mid.

After 2007 360 just nosedived in terms of great exclusives. The later Halo and Gears games were shadows of their former greatness.

After 2009 their E3 conferences spent way too much time on Kinect shovelware.

Don’t get me started on them replacing the blades interface with this shit…


…Don Mattrick was fucking up Xbox long before 2013.
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No. its just died when 3rd year starts due ps3 exclusive push makes it not worth to purchase on long run but still its a console for better MP but some user prefer ps3 due its more on single player experience adding gradually losing japanese game support such as jrpg or other things

i forgot rrod are worst than ps3's ylod
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After 2007 360 just nosedived in terms of great exclusives. The later Halo and Gears games were shadows of their former greatness.

After 2009 their E3 conferences spent way too much time on Kinect shovelware.

Don’t get me started on them replacing the blades interface with this shit…


…Don Mattrick was fucking up Xbox long before 2013.
To be fair, I did forget Ninja Gaiden 2, which was apparently produced by the now-defunct Microsoft Game Studios Japan, even if Tecmo still published it in Japan, while Microsoft published it in the rest of the world.
Same deal with MGSJ producing Infinite Undiscovery, but that's an even weirder case, as it was published by Square Enix everywhere. It's terrible, though, so I don't think anyone cares about it not being listed, lol.
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Neo Member
It comes down to exclusives really

Neither Xbox 360 or PS3 had enough great exclusives to be ranked high enough for me.
PS3 did have gaming defining games though. Uncharted 2 and Last of Us. Not enough exclusives? From 1st party alone had top tier exclusives like the aforementioned Uncharted and TLOU, plus it had Resistance, Killzone, some of the best Ratchet & Clank games, Infamous, Motorstorm. God of War, Gran Turismo 5 & 6, Puppeteer, MLB The Show, Warhawk, Fat Princess. Then from 3rd party side it had Metal Gear Solid 4 (still there), Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's Souls (Sony IP), Folklore, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Ni No Kuni, to name a few.

People also forgetting PS3 is capable of playing all Psone discs and many PSone Classics were available to purchase from the PS Store for $6-$10 a pop. PS3 also had PS2 BC, first by integrated hardware then PS2 emulation which was pretty much flawless and all PS2 discs worked, making it the ultimate BC machine. Not enough exclusives you say? You got it very wrong with the PS3.
I don't think so. It's high points you could make a strong case, but it really wasn't a consistently great console for a couple of reasons. Early on with the RROD being a big one. Then after a couple years, when PS3 just beaten their gaming catalog, but a good bit imo.

People always talk about the Xbox1 being the downfall of Xbox, but it really started before that. The last 2 or 3 years of 360, were really poor.
Nes, snes, n64, gamecube, ps1, ps2, atari 2600, and sega genesis were all better than the 360 and you could even add more consoles to that list that were better than the 360.
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For me yes, the RROD was a big fuck up but other than that it was great. Halo, Gears, Forza, Project Gotham, Fable, even Crackdown 1 and 2 were decent. They brought online console gaming to us with Xbox (I know PS2 had it with the network adapter but it was very basic), then brought us friends lists, party chats, easy invites, friends lists ect, PS3 would get these features but later and they didnt funtion as well. It was an important console that laid the foundations of how we game on consoles today. It made Sony up there game for the PS4, I worry with Xbox not competeing properly in the console space anymore it leaves little pressure on Sony and we can already see them taking the foot off the gas, we could do with someone pressing them like the 360 era.
I don't think so. It's high points you could make a strong case, but it really wasn't a consistently great console for a couple of reasons. Early on with the RROD being a big one. Then after a couple years, when PS3 just beaten their gaming catalog, but a good bit imo.

People always talk about the Xbox1 being the downfall of Xbox, but it really started before that. The last 2 or 3 years of 360, were really poor.

The latter part of the Xbox 360 generation is emblematic of the same problems that plagued the Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. Literally no compelling first party games and doubling down on increasingly weaker versions of franchises like Halo, Gears, and Forza.

So yes, it was the beginning of the end all the way back to the later 360 gen

J Allard and Peter Moore knew who to run a gaming company; Don Mattrick and Phil Spencer did not.
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