DS sold 4000+ more than last week.peedi said:Great numbers posted by the PS2 and PSP! DS continues its slide.
DS sold 4000+ more than last week.peedi said:Great numbers posted by the PS2 and PSP! DS continues its slide.
krypt0nian said:JINX, Amirox - buy me a coke!![]()
krypt0nian said:Wait why do we have differing numbers?
krypt0nian said:Always... Cheers!
Izzy said:Totals for the year:
PS2 476,649
PSP 442,536
DS 354,803
GCN 58,779
GBA 160,191
XBX 3,840
This week:
PS2 44,378
PSP 41,867
DS 26,761
GBASP 11,124
GC 3,351
GBA 341
Xbox 245
Once again, PSP > GBASP + DS + GBA + GC; this is getting boring. Healthy rise in the main handheld sales, though.
CVXFREAK said:Any predictions on how Kirby and the new DS colors will do?
Sgt. Killjoy said:guyz if thiz trend keepz up DS will catch up in 15 weeks.
lollolz PSP la bomba m i rite
Amir0x said:I know you're joking, but there's a subconcious message here.
Sgt. Killjoy said:Yea, mostly joking, but its more me just doing the retarded "bomba" jokes against the other side.
Sgt. Killjoy said:Yet Nintendo still controls the handheld market.
krypt0nian said:At one time they said that the horse and buggy controlled the personal transport market.
Insertia said:PSP is the handheld to beat, now. It can only be toppled if Sony screws up with a lack of compelling software. I imagine DS may see increases with major releases, but it's second fiddle to PSP atm.
peedi said:Imagine what's going to happen when the PSP hits US shores. It's over. It's not just the DS being for want of compelling software. When your average consumer looks at the gaping disparity between the graphics, they will almost always take up with the PSP. And why shouldn't they? Who wants to play Metroid Prime: Hunters on the DS when you can play a FPS on the PSP that looks almost as good as Metroid Prime?
CVXFREAK said:It'll be over when Pokemon hits in Japan. Of course it won't really be over, but these last few months won't really matter when Pokemon's out.
Amir0x said:The only thing I hope Sony manages to accomplish is killing off the Pokemon franchise. If they do that, I don't care if they go under.
Amir0x said:The only thing I hope Sony manages to accomplish is killing off the Pokemon franchise. If they do that, I don't care if they go under.
peedi said:Imagine what's going to happen when the GTA PSP hits US shores. It's over. It's not just the DS being for want of compelling software. When your average consumer looks at the gaping disparity between the graphics, they will almost always take up with the PSP. And why shouldn't they? Who wants to play Metroid Prime: Hunters on the DS when you can play a FPS on the PSP that looks almost as good as Metroid Prime?
CVXFREAK said:That's like asking someone to kill off the DQ franchise or something. Not gonna happen.![]()
Amir0x said:which is lookingly less and less appealing with each outing.
peedi said:When your average consumer looks at the gaping disparity between the graphics, they will almost always take up with the PSP. QUOTE]
Have you ever seen a customer interacting with the DS? These devices aren't even going to be in the same corner of the store, let alone in a position where people will compare them.
This is how my Gamestop looks, for instance. (tell me if yours is the same)
You walk in. The entire 3/4 of the right wall is PS2. The remaining 1/4 is Xbox. Xbox accessories in the back. Back-right is the N-Gage, with its library of around 30 games. To the left of that is the GBA, with a very selected group of games on the shelf. Moving forward on the left you have the PC section which is identical in size to the GBA one. A little further along there's the DS squished between the PC section and the counter. On the left side of the counter going forward, there's the Cube.
-DS (at its section)
-N-Gage (at its section)
-GBA (on the counter)
-Xbox (front, center)
-Gamecube (left corner, front)
-PS2 (right corner, front)
Good grief, where are they going to put all this stuff?
Now obviously the dynamic changes once you get into different stores, but what I'm trying to say is that the market is too saturated for grown adults to be comparing these things. Either they want a PSP or they don't. That doesn't run counter to the PSP outselling the DS. I just have a different way of arriving at that conclusion.
Sgt. Killjoy said:Yea, maybe to you.
Johnnyram said:Holy crap, people are still calling Pokemon a "fad"? Wise up, man.
Amir0x said:No, to anyone that values actual gameplay that isn't shitty stale garbage that hasn't changed since Pokemon Red. It's horrible how little Nintendo has changed its prime handheld franchise. Actually, it's repulsive even.
Sgt. Killjoy said:Millions of people think otherwise.
Sgt. Killjoy said:Millions of people think otherwise.
CVXFREAK said:It's pretty obvious and clear that your dislike for Pokemon and your seemingly isolated views stem from the fact it's going to be a threat to the PSP. Doesn't make you a fanboy, but it's pretty obvious.
CVXFREAK said:Still, EVERYTHING comes to an end, that's obvious, but if you honestly think Pokemon will die because of Sony, think again. It'll die off due to natural loss of popularity over time that happens to everything. And even then, that's probably a decade or two away.
Insertia said:Can we all just agree that Pokemon sucks regardless of how well it sells?![]()
But there is no past tense regarding Pokemon. You can't declare it "was" a fad when it's still going strong. They only just opened a Pokemon theme park. They keep opening new Pokemon stores. The TV show keeps going, there's a new movie this summer, more games... the big difference between Pokemon and a fad is that Pokemon is played by generation after generation. The kids playing it now are not the kids who played it 10 years ago. Its appeal is universal and based on the human desires to collect, nurture, raise and fight. The graphics don't matter, but picking GBC vs GBA was pathetic. It has come out for N64 and GC too.Amir0x said:It is a fad and a trend, the same way any "popular" game is. If something lasts ten years or twelve years and then stops being popular, it still was a trend or a fad.
It's not going to happen. Stop deluding yourself. Even if another "hot" thing comes along, Pokemon is here to stay.All you need, as I stated, was for a new company to dictate what is "hot" again. If Sony does that in the handheld sector, you can bet that Pokemon will hold up about as much as the next trend/fad, because then mainstream consumer - the people who actually dictate where trends go - will begin to flock to the new hotness.
Amir0x said:No, my "view" is clear. I don't appreciate garbage being slopped onto my systems as a pure money cash cow without any work being put toward its quality. Period. If you know your series is going to net money, you put some fucking work into it. That's as simple as it gets. You don't give me garbage, split it into eighteen different versions, mix a little color in when we get to a new system and say "Here you go, BUY US AGAIN! THREE NEW POKEMON! NOW W/ A GROOMING CONTEST."
This is how far we've evolved. Over EIGHT or NINE years, and THIS is where we are right now. The EXACT same game we had at the start with some new Pokemon, some color and some enhanced visuals. And even the VISUALS aren't up to par with what the platform can do.
No, it'll die off as soon as Nintendo stops being able to dictate the trends of things in the handheld sector. Simple as that. That's why trends and "fads" die - when something becomes cooler or "better" than it. And that is the ONLY thing I hope Sony succeeds in doing with the PSP, because I am plum tired of that crap being paraded around as anything other than the moldy slop it is.
Johnnyram said:But there is no past tense regarding Pokemon. You can't declare it "was" a fad when it's still going strong. They only just opened a Pokemon theme park. They keep opening new Pokemon stores. The TV show keeps going, there's a new movie this summer, more games... the big difference between Pokemon and a fad is that Pokemon is played by generation after generation. The kids playing it now are not the kids who played it 10 years ago. Its appeal is universal and based on the human desires to collect, nurture, raise and fight. The graphics don't matter, but picking GBC vs GBA was pathetic. It has come out for N64 and GC too.
Johnnyram said:Pokemon isn't for everyone. But the way you are hating on it is crazy. You really think it will just die off this year or next?
It's not going to happen. Stop deluding yourself. Even if another "hot" thing comes along, Pokemon is here to stay.
m3wthr33 said:Pokemon was, is, and always will be awesome. Graphics don't make the game, the balance and variety does.
CVXFREAK said:Amir0x, you missed the point of my post.
Your opinion, to put it into real terms, is worth as much as your weight in raked leaves. Sure, you find it shitty, but millions of people don't, so that's your fault.
CVXFreak said:The fact you think Pokemon will die off when Nintendo stops controlling the handheld market is untrue. It's actually quite the opposite, because it's Nintendo's tool for MAINTAINING that control.
It will happen. Pokemon will sell a million DS systems in Japan alone, if not more. It'll make the little PSP victory parties of the last two months moot. You hate it, we know it, but you're simply going to have to deal with it rather than live in fantasy land.
Amir0x said:Uh, a "traditional" Pokemon game hasn't really come out for GC or N64. Pokemon Coloseum is not a traditional Pokemon RPG. Neither is Pokemon Channel or Pokemon Pix or whatever Pokemon crap comes out for GC these days. It's also worth noting that they don't even sell remotely as well as their handheld counterparts, which is - as I noted - partly because Nintendo does not dictate trends in the console sector.
And the whole point about GBC vs. GBA was to show you exactly how little the franchise has changed over the years. It's clearly not about the visuals, despite the fact that it's the most obvious oversight in the series. It's also about how the gameplay has remained so unchanged from incarnation to incarnation that it's almost a tragedy. Nintendo's biggest handheld franchise is nothing more than a joke for quality at this point.
Do I think it will die off this year or next? Absolutely not. I never said that, or even suggested it. I didn't even say it "was" a fad, I said it IS a fad. The same way ALL popular games are a fad/trend. It WILL come to an end at some point, and the only way that it is going to happen is if consumers perceive something else as "cooler" or "better." And yes, then it is a very real possibility that you will begin to see it go down the toilet in terms of popularity. It is NOT difficult. The ONLY delusional thing here is assuming that a popular game ISN'T a trend/fad. Because as history shows, it's bound to happen. The only question is when. ANd imho, I hope it is sooner rather than later.
Balance and variety? Dear God, man, get a hold of yourself. You're damn right graphics don't make the game. Stale, virtually unchanged gameplay over 50 incarnations makes the damn game. And the damn game in this case is ridiculously overrated, possibly the most overrated series of all time.
Uhhhh, just because a million people "don't" find it shitty does not mean it fails to be shitty. If the game is shitty - which it is - it is not my fault, it's the MILLIONS OF PEOPLES fault for hard swallowing that jizz-flavoured trash.
Yeah, see, and here you were going on about my fears of Pokemon helping DS get to the lead. Brother, chicka, whatever... I hope DS succeeds. I just hope horrific titles like Pokemon don't. Big difference. And if you REALLY think Pokemon is going to singlehandedly bring the hatchet to PSP, then somebody hasn't learned from past mistakes.