Sorry, I've been waiting months for a chance to properly use that outside of my avatar.
What seems strange to me is that it appears like DS's upsurge dragged all the other Nintendo systems along with it. Here are the week-to-week percentage changes.
GameCube: +36.1%
Game Boy Advance: +36.9%
Game Boy Advance SP: +35.3%
Nintendo DS: +148.7%
PlayStation 2: +0.3%
PSP: -1.4%
Xbox: +17.7%
And now on to my regular numbers.
DS weekly share of PSP/DS is 56.5%, its highest since the week of January 3, and actually a slightly better share than it had PSP's launch week. The Nintendo portable share if you toss in GBA/SP is 62.4%, again the highest since the week of January 3.
Though DS sold better this week, its overall share still went down, to 64.2% of the PSP/DS market. It was only a decrease of 0.2%, though, which is the second lowest drop yet. The smallest was the week of December 20, where it actually gained 0.1%.
If every week was like this week, PSP would be expected to meet the DS in total sales in -68.5 weeks. So expect them to meet December 3rd of 2003 at -1,842,977 units apiece.
If DS stopped selling and PSP continued selling at this pace, it would catch up on August 16, 2005.
DS being at 1,980,966, expect it to pass 2 million next week unless its learned to give people herpes, in which case expect it to pass 2.3 million.