Words words words words
im not Mafia
im not Mafia
Who do you think we should lynch today and why?
I've presented my arguments and I've placed my vote, so what happens now I'm OK with
I think you are
Do you have some proof?
your face is mafia
Currently I'm leaning acohrs. His interactions with Kark in the second half of yesterdays arguments were layed out in a way where he could distance himself from Kark flipping town (voting for, removing their vote, and then voting for again), and then presenting their study against Kalor in a way where they could be immovable on the Kalor vote until the end of the day.
And that they were, they then ghosted for about 24 hours until the day ended. When called out directly by Kalor on his final reasoning for voting against him, acohrs shrugged it off and peaced out.
Seems similar in strategy to the game I just played with acohrs before this one where he was scum, avoiding the end of the day activities to seem more passive in their votes. They had similar behavior towards the end of day two. They were more active towards the end of day one, but a scum was being lynched, so maybe they felt like they needed to be more 'present'.
That's what I've been thinking, at least.
All correct except for where I voted for wee an hour before deadline, so then all incorrect but try again fatdog
Agree with Kark, and didn't want to be in a wagon started by wee as I began to doubt their alignment. Not 100% sure about Kark, but think wee seems more scummy
Well if I change my vote now it'll seem like going with the crowd. I'm not entirely sure I trust Fat4all... Hmmm. Conundrum.
Know what? Fuck it.
Vote: acohrs
If this fucks up I'm voting for Fat4all. *shakes fist*]i
Vote: LaunchpadMcQ
Know what? Fuck it.
Vote: acohrs
If this fucks up I'm voting for Fat4all. *shakes fist*]i
vote: acohrs
What do you think about this rac?
Are you panicking in scum chat?
Acohrs rearranged does spell 'oh rac('s)'. Scum team link confirmed
vote: acohrs
What do you think about this rac?
Are you panicking in scum chat?
Why would i go after someone already marked for death?hmmm
i thought when kark flipped town you were going after wee
Why would i go after someone already marked for death?
I'm not sure I'm following your yesterday you were ok with keeping you're vote on me?
while a player you thought was vanilla gets voted outed of the game
because lynching a player marked for death is a waiste?