The DEI team, the 'professor', marketing, PR, CM and whoever pushed for the wokeness or didn't raise a flag to stop it should leave too. All the people responsible for making the characters on purpose not likable to the user demographics that represents almost the total userbase of these PvP FPS / eSports / tactical shooter game types (which is aprox. over 90-95% male, over 85% cis & heterosexual, over 85% white).
They all should be replaced and the studio should continue starting by replacing all the characters using very cool, non-woke ones (minimum 80% of them designed to be appealing to men, white and heterosexual people) and using a unique (compared to the other main shooters) and very cool artstyle for the game they can use without needing to remake the environment art.
Other than these morons, most people unrelated to these woke things from game design, programming, art, animation, audio etc. did a good job so they should stay.
Who knows, maybe the that guy who left thought the woke stuff was nonsense and that was going to kill the game but he wasn't brave enough to mention it to don't be called a bigot/racist/sexist/homophobe/etc.