mujun said:I absolutely love this, possibly the online game I've been waiting years for.
Is there a GAF account? I'd like to get on the friends list of someone who regularly plays with the GAF group and join the crew![]()
Deacan said:So I wonder if these DotA hybrids will be the next big thing in mutiplayer gaming.
Brakara said:There were 80k people on the leaderboards yesterday, so don't worry about it not having legs. If it follows normal XBLA sales traction, it's going to sell well for the rest of the year.
JesseZao said:What I want to know is if any of the gun upgrade endorsements affect the heal gun. i.e. rate of fire or critical hits.
Is there a GAF account? I'd like to get on the friends list of someone who regularly plays with the GAF group and join the crew
Rad- said:Yes there is: MNC GAF
McBradders said:Anyone got any advice for Assassins?
I'm having a hell of a time dealing with Gunners and Tanks. I can get a clean assassination on a gunner but if they have any health left then they fling me out of the arena with their ability.
And Tanks? Seriously, what the fuck? Should I just be plain ignoring them? It's kinda hard to when they'er zerging the shit out of your downed moneyball![]()
McBradders said:Anyone got any advice for Assassins?
I'm having a hell of a time dealing with Gunners and Tanks. I can get a clean assassination on a gunner but if they have any health left then they fling me out of the arena with their ability.
And Tanks? Seriously, what the fuck? Should I just be plain ignoring them? It's kinda hard to when they'er zerging the shit out of your downed moneyball![]()
Rad- said:Just upgrade to the katana as soon as possible and you will one hit backstab all gunners.
And ignore tanks unless they have already lost health. Leave them for the rest of your team.
forgeforsaken said:If they are focused on the ball you should be able to shoot them with shurikens a few times before going for the grab. Also don't forget your lunge attack with the sword/knife when using the reload button. This is a good setup to the grab that gets a little extra damage off that can be all the difference.
McBradders said:Cool. That's pretty much been my strategy. The game does seem a tad broke the way dudes jump up from an assassination then use their melee to kill you though![]()
McBradders said:Also very useful, thanks. I am so bad at shooting but do pretty okay stabbing dudes :lol
McBradders said:Cool. That's pretty much been my strategy. The game does seem a tad broke the way dudes jump up from an assassination then use their melee to kill you though![]()
I feel like giving you a little slap to go buy it now!shintoki said:Tried the demo, and I loved it. First one for the summer I'm tempted to buy, but I'm gonna hold out for a sale.
shermas said:I just picked this up and it's awesome...
Does anyone have some noob advice? I'm playing mostly as a gunner or assault class and I'm kind of *meh* so far. Doing okay.
There's nothing wrong with that at all. Dual Minigun should eat everything alive. My biggest problem is Support going 30-2 without firing more than 2 whole clips all game.Shoogoo said:Well a couple of days ago I said the game didn't really need to be balanced all that much. But after seeing how fast a Tank dies in front of a Dual Minigun, I think there might be some balance to be executed :lol
DY_nasty said:There's nothing wrong with that at all. Dual Minigun should eat everything alive. My biggest problem is Support going 30-2 without firing more than 2 whole clips all game.
Yep, both those classes need a little tweak to help them, just a little, not a huge nerf or anything, little... key word, little.Rlan said:There are two kinds of "fucking fuck" moments I've had with the game -- a Gunner + Support storming into your base straight away, and two Support guys working together to run to the other side and set up turrets instantly.
The main problem is that I don't want to switch classes because you'll start from scratch with your upgrades, and that sucks :/
TheFightingFish said:I jumped on last night for my first games in a little while and my take is that I'd actually like to see a bit of a buff to the standard spawn bot types. Now that players are getting the classes nailed a little better it's getting really hard to crack open a tough defense. Giving the bots a little better survivability would hopefully lead to teams that are smart with escorting bots actually being able to get more of them though to the Moneyball. Overtime is fun enough, but I'd rather it be a reward for both teams playing exceptionally, where are right now a team has to be really dominant to knock out a team before OT.
Could have just been the few games that I was in though, I think all four of the games that I played that night went to OT and that seemed a little lame to me.
They're really only there to the drop the ball. The bots you can buy are also a little bit more potent than the default creep.Digital Limit said:Yeah, practically every game I play goes into overtime or the opposing team gets crushed in the first few minutes. I wish more of the game was focused on keeping your bots alive. It just seems like the bots are so weak, and after the ball is down the couple that make it through don't really damage the ball that much. It seems sort of silly that pros are doing 90% of the damage to the money ball, and these days are often the reason it drops at all, if not because of overtime.
Meh. Game is fun, but I feel like it could be more focused.
terrdactycalsrock said:how many maps are in the game?
Kaijima said:4 Crossfire (6 vs 6 with bot armies)
1 Blitz (4 vs bots aka horde mode)
For a game of this nature it's a decent amount.
There should be a refund to encourage class switching. It's much better to switch classes to suit what your team needs than to be stuck with a certain class, and repeatedly trying to jam a square peg into a round hole. Money should also come in two types, one to pay for turrets (as well as other map features) and the other for class upgrades. People neglect turrets way too much.Rlan said:There are two kinds of "fucking fuck" moments I've had with the game -- a Gunner + Support storming into your base straight away, and two Support guys working together to run to the other side and set up turrets instantly.
The main problem is that I don't want to switch classes because you'll start from scratch with your upgrades, and that sucks :/
Aaron said:There should be a refund to encourage class switching. It's much better to switch classes to suit what your team needs than to be stuck with a certain class, and repeatedly trying to jam a square peg into a round hole. Money should also come in two types, one to pay for turrets (as well as other map features) and the other for class upgrades. People neglect turrets way too much.
practice02 said:Are you able to choose what kind of bots you send out when you custom a class? because I got steam rolled last night by a team just spamming gap shots.
It takes a bit to do that. Usually a fully upgraded passive and deploy skill, as well as a custom class accuracy buff. Sometimes a gunner can get lucky, but usually a gunner shooting at someone across the map ends badly for the gunner.Shoogoo said:I don't mind the damage. But when I'm being sniped by a gunner from across the map eeh... It should either be less resistant or slower or a larger spread, but something.
And I totally agree on support being OP too.
Tank however need a buff imho.
Shave ice needs to make you a lot slower I can agree to that, I build them now and again but they do nothing, really. A level 3 shave ice should drain skill like the level 3 sniper traps, would catch assassins out easy.Digital Limit said:They need to make Long Shot turrets tougher. There's almost no reason to make them because even a fully upgraded Long Shot is about as weak as a level 1 lazah blazah turret. As an Assassin, whenever I see people wasting cash on Long Shots, I just laugh and take their hard-earned cash in like 2 swipes of my sword.
And I feel like Shave Ice fully upgraded should do a ground-based freeze trap effect intermittently. Make them more worth building.
sniper with 3 rate of fire, 2 juice, 1 clip size is a pretty big dealpractice02 said:the custom classes are pretty bullshit but the power ups aren't really a big deal makes it a little more like an arcade game.