Thats a current bug right now according to the Uber forums. They are working on a fix.barnone said:I was trying to play splitscreen online and each of the three games placed us on opposing teams. It was quite frustrating to be honest, has anyone else encountered this or did we just face bad luck?
barnone said:I was trying to play splitscreen online and each of the three games placed us on opposing teams. It was quite frustrating to be honest, has anyone else encountered this or did we just face bad luck?
Tokubetsu said:Gunner + two supports earlier. They can go fuck off and die. He went 41 - 2
TheFreshPrince said:I'm loving the game, but I feel like every one I play against is just going for kills.
TheApatheticOne said:Do we have a GAF XBL gamertag set up? Considering this is a team oriented game, Id rather play with yall than some guys doing nothing but playing TDM.
Yeah, got a sweet payback today. Man felt so good to get revengeRiccochetJ said:Yea I've seen that as well when I'm playing with randoms. I after the match is over, I just give feedback and avoid those kinds of players. It might take a long time but hopefully I'll only be matched up with people who realize this isn't TDM. Note that this is only for teams and players that should have steam rolled us but instead sit at the half way point and just try to rack up kills. I don't for the players that are actually trying to push.
Also, I'm terrible against the Sniper. That class makes my eye twitch right now.
Relaxed Muscle said:Add MNC GAF.
And damn I suck with support, it dosn't help either that the last matches half of my shots didn't registered.
Sniper McBlaze said:What's the point of adding gamertags like this? I just did, but how will it help me find gaffers to play with?
Coldsnap said:How do the sponsors work? I opened my first custom class last night and just sorta randomly placed three of them.
Rad- said:I think the nerfs needed are:
Remove support's ability to find invisible assassins. Is this a glitch? By tapping LT you make them visible. Most broken support ability imo. Also add more down time when carrying your turret. You should not be able to place it again so quickly.
Gunner's minigun should have worse long range damage. It's pretty silly that with the accuracy gold endorsement, I can shoot snipers from 100 meter away.
Also buff the tank's fire gun. It seems so weak currently, and it has horrible range.
Rad- said:I think the nerfs needed are:
Remove support's ability to find invisible assassins. Is this a glitch? By tapping LT you make them visible. Most broken support ability imo. Also add more down time when carrying your turret. You should not be able to place it again so quickly.
Gunner's minigun should have worse long range damage. It's pretty silly that with the accuracy gold endorsement, I can shoot snipers from 100 meter away.
Also buff the tank's fire gun. It seems so weak currently, and it has horrible range.
K2Valor said:I really don't see a huge difference between Gunner & Heavy, anyone else?
K2Valor said:Through experimentation with new classes, I SUCK with Assassin. BADLY. I went 6-19. :lol :lol
I like Assault and Support so far. Didn't do so hot with Sniper either.
I really don't see a huge difference between Gunner & Heavy, anyone else?
DrEvilbones said:I don't get the complaints about the assassin class being weak. If anything, assassins seem to kill me more than any other class, and when they do, it's frustrating as hell. Maybe I'm just bad at being situationally aware (I seem to get backstabbed like a mother in TF2 also...)
Any tips on how to deal with the assassins? (besides "suck less," already working on that one, thanks!)
DrEvilbones said:I don't get the complaints about the assassin class being weak. If anything, assassins seem to kill me more than any other class, and when they do, it's frustrating as hell. Maybe I'm just bad at being situationally aware (I seem to get backstabbed like a mother in TF2 also...)
Any tips on how to deal with the assassins? (besides "suck less," already working on that one, thanks!)
K2Valor said:I had no idea players could do damage to the ball during sudden death. We were dominating the whole match and then during sudden death we get an onslaught of assassins and they just circle around our moneyball and kill it. Not gonna lie, that was fucking stupid.
They can change balance on the fly, which is great. I expect they are currently monitoring games closely and will make some big adjustments soon once some balance consensuses are formed.Shoogoo said:32-4 as a support just now
I hope they balance the classes soon.
For free, I hopeDaBuddaDa said:They can change balance on the fly, which is great. I expect they are currently monitoring games closely and will make some big adjustments soon once some balance consensuses are formed.
This game will have major legs if they keep tweaking the balance and add new maps periodically.
Penguin said:I believe in sudden death, both balls drop and its pretty much who can destroy it first.
Makes sense.
You can buy juice?!Plasma said:Yeah pretty much, the best strategy I've found is to just build up defences and keep racking up points until it goes into overtime, then go into the middle and buy juice, run into their base and shoot at the ball.
DY_nasty said:What are some good ways to play as an assassin? I'm kinda tired of playing snipper and gunner right now.
You can buy juice?!
legbone said:get assassins to go behind to clip the supports then voila---dead gunner.
Yeah, but even then a grapple from behind isn't a sure kill all the time.Tokubetsu said:There are a lot of shitty assassins out there.
And a lot of good onesTokubetsu said:There are a lot of shitty assassins out there.
Most of the time I get 20+ kills as an assassin. If you want, I can try and give you a few pointers yesterday like I did with Toku. It's really the only class I play. Sometimes I'll hop over to a gunner if we have too many assassins on our team but that's it.legbone said:sadly that was probably me.
JambiBum said:And a lot of good onesYou gonna be around today?
You're right though. Yesterday I played a guy who went 2-23 as an assassin. Just made me laugh.
Tokubetsu said:There are a lot of shitty assassins out there.