I find the sales of Sony's PS4 to be both extremely pleasing and somewhat worrying. Of course, the best console will obviously rise above and win, but it does worry me when the competition is being crushed so much.
People talk about arrogant Sony of the past, and while I doubt such a stance will ever make a return what with their company's current financial situation, I do feel like some arrogance may bubble up. Sales are well, extremely well in fact. However, with competition being smashed to the ground and no real way of picking up and actually competing, is it possible for the industry to continue on the road of innovation?
Again, I am happy to see the better product succeeding. It was clear from the start that the Xbox One's design process faulted at some point, bringing us to where the product is now. Will it climb up and gain a better position? Who knows. I don't think we will see third party support dropping like we are with the Wii U and Nintendo, due to Microsoft still having a quite "next-gen" appropriate console. However, we may see a continued approach of PS4 first, everything else second (outside of PC of course which is usually given free reign approach).
TLDR; Sony has done well, will be interesting to see where the industry goes as a clear "victor" is carved.
I don't see that happening with Shu, House, Boyes and the like.
Totally different people at the helm. Totally different culture.