I grabbed anything that might have relevance on D1, along with some other people's posts that caught my eye.
Read list
01. [m] isaacnukem - New - UTC+8 Hasn't said anything what ya hiding huh?
02. [m] Moonkid - New - GMT+12 Same as above awfully suspicious
03. [they] Darryl - EST Same as above
04. [m] Lifeline - EST Like pineapple obvious town read
05. [m] SkyOdin - PDT An enigma bet he gets killed day 1
06. [f] hey_monkey - EST A Monkey that doesn't like pineapple? SCUM!
07. [m] SexyFish - EST I dunno
08. [m] Dr. Worm - EST Still dunno
09. [m] Palmer_v1 - CST A corgi that hates pineapple this is why cats are mans best friend not dogs!
10. [m] Blargonaut - GMT Troll under a bridge
11. [f] Sawneeks - PST Evil woman devil woman burn her at the stake she is a witch!
12. [m] 30yearsofhurt - GMT+10 Like pineapple so hes okay
13. [m] oreomunsta - GMT Delicious cookie
14. [m] BlackBuzzard - CET Love pineapple on everything the best guy best guy ever would bang.
15. [m] Burbeting - GMT+2 A bear that likes pineapple? Yeah thats awesome
16. [m] acohrs - GMT Likes pineapple so i can see myself eating a slice with him maybe during a candle light dinner.
17. [m] Natiko - EST Doesn't like pineapple a dirty black market sales man in persona SCUM!
18. [f] WhereAreMahDragonz - MST Pineapple girl 100% town
19. [f] Swamped - EST Waifu lover
20. [m] StanleyPalmtree - GMT+12 Some kind of tree didn't say much last game, must be because he is a tree
Joke list. I don't read anything into it.
... what? i dislike votes that have no basis, though it's at least better than having no vote.
Yes we should lynch Zubz over it! oh wait that already happened....
?? There's a lot of these kinds of random nothing posts. i didn't quote them all.
Wow. Now you're trying to deflect to another player. Literal scum here.
What are you some kind of cop? No wait gafia doesn't have cops.
?? maybe fishing?
Sawneeks, on the scale of 1-10, how artificially created was that conversation between natiko and blackbuzzard above?
Reading through just now, this was kinda what came to mind for me as well, but I also distrust Burb right now, and I don't think scum would have called out two other scum like that.
As artificial as bland-fruitless pizza
Now I get the exacty same feeling for this interaction between WAMD and Burb. Fake as hell.
Yeah. Like, you're telling us what we want to hear
This whole line of reasoning is so specious. Just floating some bullshit out there early on so you have a valid reason to bandwagon later?
Sure, but there's not much to discuss there until day end when we can evaluate who has coasted.
The whole point is to pressure the low posters so they actually commit to something concrete that we can use to gauge whether they are town or not. The more you can get some people to post, the more you can see that they're a worthless shitposter.
Swamped read far too much in to a joke read list its flavor that is all it is, why i made it? For fun its the first day of day 1.
Just strange to call my interactions with Natiko as fake it was back and forth shit posting at the beginning of a game. Outside of that seems like a solid player that gives his own opinions and suggestions.
His posting style is definitely different from persona Mafia day 1 where he was the neutral, and was pretty subdued in D1 where here he is certainly more active and aggressive in this game.
They seem to be very aggressive, and i think framing my interaction with Natiko as fake is a strange conclusion to come to. Then roping Sawneeks into it seems just desperate to find something where there is nothing.
Now on with Blarg's idea.
I feel that its a double edged sword yes its great to get reads list out of people that might normally not feel like making one, but it also promotes just doing a reads list of the 2 people you were assigned. So if we do this i hope nobody thinks that just posting your reads on the 2 people you were assigned is okay.
Good post overall. Quoting it so it's visible.
Fun time is over ill cast a serious vote later on.
Shitty post. Everyone should be held accountable for their vote at all times.
That includes me and my one Blarg vote. Even though I think he's scum, it was mostly a waste. Honestly stunned that nobody has fucking said anything about that. Bad town.
This makes me realize something else though. Does anyone think Scum Palmer wouldn't have been around to switch my vote to BB?
Homework done teacher Blarg!
Started the narrative that my interactions with Natiko were faked which i think was a strange conclusion to take in D1 of day 1 where everything was pretty much shit posting. Made a good observation of Palmers play
Here gave his own suggestions on Blargs plan but that seems to be it. For now i read him more town then scum.
His posts even his read list seems pretty fluffy, but that's how he also played during Anime so nothing out of the ordinary, feels more like not knowing if he can contribute then actually something scummy.
Seems to have a solid read list cant argue with any of it really, only thing is that she seems to have read a lot from me saying Dragonz is 100% town its 100% flavor

Plays a bit differently from what i remember of day 1 Anime where she was our waifu collector. for now more town then null
Seems to play similar in how he played during anime, seems trusting of Palmer which indicates that he might not be to confident in himself, which is logical in a way with going from your first game as scum to town. Still pretty null to me need more info or a more solid read list.
Mostly fluff a simplistic read list but could be because he is not confident in his abilities to make a solid list, i feel like if he had a team behind him he would be playing better. More town then null.

Trying really hard to make my interactions with Natiko and Sawneeks look faked then put some weird pressure on Sawneeks over the words she used. After that he vanished never to be seen again, i don't know if burbeting is in on this but atleast he has continued to post and voice his opinion.
Not a bad post overall, though I disagree with Darryl as your vote. Not sure yet. He was awfully fast to be agreeable about my scum list recently, and the only thing I worry about more than people voting me, is people coddling up to me.
So that's why Swamped hasn't addressed my Dragonz vote at all.
If he's inactive, he'll get replaced. Why waste a lynch?
Terrible reasoning. Anime town fucked up hard by ignoring the bowlie replacement. Never let inactives skate. How many people said that D1, and then voted for BB or me anyway? Stupid as hell.
If scum exposes themselves or are being suspected its better for the team to not voice their opinion on them that's why ive learned from experience.
I'm actually more suspicious of people who don't weigh in on obvious points of contention.
What you are saying is true scum never starts a bandwagon at the end of the day 1 day phase because it looks highly suspect on day 2.
In general I disagree. The people earliest on a bandwagon are usually the least suspicious. It's people who jump onto bandwagons later that are scummy.
So wait Monkey you are now voting on me together with Dr Worm who voted you voted for and he voted against you. To me this looks like 2 scums playing the Cabot Exodus game. While they are suspecting each other they never put a significant vote on each other but it will look like that to town if one of you flips scum.
What? Just quoting to have it visible.
Im vanilla town i have no powers so in that regard if you lynch me you don't lose much.
If you were willing to fall on your sword here, why would make the claim at all? Seems scummy.
I am vanilla town yes in a role madness game im the unlucky one(dont know if there are more then just me) to be vanilla. Right now i think scum is setting me up by killing SexyFish who was one of the people voting on me, why do the job yourself when town is more then happy to do it for you.
WIFOM crap. Occam's razor says scum had a reason to kill SexyFish.
Yes im that fucking dumb, thank you.
i non-ironically like this post.
Honestly i didn't see Dragonz claim before it was too late. At first i didn't even know it was role madness so i saw nothing strange about Palmers claim and after that i just kind of assumed we would have 2 vanilla town folk.
Why i didn't claim earlier i didn't expect to be on the chopping block till i saw the votes right before the day ended. Yes that is my mistake.
This seems like bullshit. I specifically made it clear that this was role madness and it was a large topic of conversation.
Fine by me
Im the NBSP(?) little ceasars fan
I may not be rboke but i grew up on little ceasars lets say if somebody offered me the superior option i would still not take it i just cant resist that 5$ red and hot deal.
For reference.
Why not ask Palmer this? because i never assumed to be the only townie.
I've stated all my reasons already on D1.
No because i have a damn theory!
I got it!
Every role starts with THE but Dragons claims hers starts with that. Life can you tell me if yours starts with THE
I am THE little NBSP ceasars pizza fan
and i am alligned with THE town.
Also Sexy's role started with THE not that.
More of this role name crap with Natiko? This is a terrible way to play mafia.