Thrash with shift battle mode on feels like cheating. You get the benefits of the high power, without the downside of confusion since you just switch out.
And since last time...
My team now, standing in front of Surge's Gym (just did the SS Anne)
Charmeleon (Lazzy) 21
Nidoking (Elvis) 25
Fearow (Crowkiller) 22
Pikachu (Raiden) 21
Meowth (El Tigre) 20
Bellsprout (Dumbel) 14
And since last time...
My team as I head to Bill (I already beat Misty).
Charmeleon (Lazzy) level 18
Nidorino (Elvis) level 19
Spearow (Crowkiller) level 18
Pikachu (Raiden) level 16
Bellsprout (Dumbel) level 12
Zubat (Zubba) level 11
My team now, standing in front of Surge's Gym (just did the SS Anne)
Charmeleon (Lazzy) 21
Nidoking (Elvis) 25
Fearow (Crowkiller) 22
Pikachu (Raiden) 21
Meowth (El Tigre) 20
Bellsprout (Dumbel) 14