As far as we know it's not possible to transfer to the Poke Bank at all yet.
PokeBank is not updated for R/B/Y functionality and likely won't be until closer to Sun and Moon's release.
Is there any way to change the screen size of the VC render? On my 3DSXL everything's pretty blurry.
Hold start while starting the gameIs there any way to change the screen size of the VC render? On my 3DSXL everything's pretty blurry.
I got like 4 abras in a row (caught the 4th). Just caught a Mew now.I found one Abra. It teleported away. Now I can't find another Abra for the life of me.
Hold start while opening the game from the home menu
Hold start while starting the game
god fucking dammit why does every rocket have an ekans
Oh fucking rad, it renders a gameboy out for the border. Thanks!
it's super annoying because you can actually faint from poison just by walking in this gamepoison type = bad
it also displays at the original resolution as well
If I teach charizard fly in yellow does that mean I can't take him to Pokemon bank?
for those with access to custom firmware/homebrew:
The Pokemon VC games can be injected with numerous romhacks. As an example, the pokemon red hack that includes Gold/Silver sprites, B button to dash and exp meter apparently works perfectly:
Also....Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal works too - complete with full link cable support. Presumably transfer to Pokemon Bank would work too.
So here's my thoughts
6. I'm disappointed that for $10, they couldn't give us Super Game Boy and Game Boy Color modes. It just makes it feel as though they charged us a Pokemon tax. :v
Oh fucking rad, it renders a gameboy out for the border. Thanks!
They added wireless "link cable" emulation and Pokemon Box support (although it could be argued that neither of those are really strenuous efforts, they're just unexpected considering Nintendo's emulation history), but despite that, it really does feel like they're charging more for these games not because they put a little extra work into it, but because it's Pokemon and they know we'll pay extra.
I think my final team will be Pikachu / Charizard / Blastoise / Venusaur / Primeape / Mew.
Oh, and I'm reminded of how bad at balancing Game Freak is, lol
1. Pidgey line doesn't learn a single Flying attack until level 28 (if you don't evolve into Pidgeotto) or until you get Fly
2. The obvious one, Dragonite doesn't have any Dragon STAB - like, why is Dragon even weak to Dragon in the first place?
3. Poison sucks and is bad. Its greatest opponent, Psychic, is way too powerful for obvious reasons, and actually does a double-whammy on the Gastly line because Ghost doesn't resist/super-effective Psychic, but being Poison type, gives an already powerful Psychic-type Pokemon priority. Overall it's made worse because Poison is the most common type in the game except for maybe Normal (and even then). 33 Pokemon have Poison as one of their types! Hell, Grass/Poison combo is more common than some types even!
Who needs Spearow/Fearow when you can have Zapdos?Got bored with my Spearow so I just sacrificed it. I already have a pretty powerful Pidgeotto, so I don't even know why I added this Spearow to my team.
Warms my heart to see Primeape among the stars of Gen 1 here.
Snorlax without explanation
In the newer games, Snorlax gets the Immunity ability alongside just 2 other Pokemon. I thought it was thematically appropriate to have this Pokemon immune to Poison among a Poison-type team. He's like the White Ranger, or something.
Plus, Beedrill wasn't pulling its weight. I needed a big bruiser.
Fair enough I suppose, but doesn't Nidoking fit the bill?
Also dawg you needed Tentacruel!
If you're transferring your old 3DS stuff onto the new one, you'll just have to redownload them. The licenses on each system merge.Alright so I am super confused about this but how does getting the Red/Blue games linked to your NintendoID work if they are pre-loaded on the new 3ds. I just got the 20th Anniversary edition Pokemon 3ds and I don't want to mess up getting the games on my account.
Anyone already do this with there account?