Gipsy Danger
What's the best way to catch Pokémon in the Safari Zone? Trying to get Exeggcute, Tauros and Chansey but no combination of bait and rocks can net me one before it runs away.
What's the best way to catch Pokémon in the Safari Zone? Trying to get Exeggcute, Tauros and Chansey but no combination of bait and rocks can net me one before it runs away.
What's the best way to catch Pokémon in the Safari Zone? Trying to get Exeggcute, Tauros and Chansey but no combination of bait and rocks can net me one before it runs away.
What's the best way to catch Pokémon in the Safari Zone? Trying to get Exeggcute, Tauros and Chansey but no combination of bait and rocks can net me one before it runs away.
I don't remember exactly but I think bait makes them less likely to run but they're harder to catch and rocks do the opposite. If you do both they basically cancel each other out. I almost always just go for the poke ball right away.What's the best way to catch Pokémon in the Safari Zone? Trying to get Exeggcute, Tauros and Chansey but no combination of bait and rocks can net me one before it runs away.
Sandbro is best bro. It gets Slash pretty damn early, and while it's not quite the crit machine that Persian is, it still gets them pretty consistently. The moves it learns kinda sucks otherwise, but throw Dig on it until you get Earthquake.
And Sandslash is just cool looking. Still my favorite line in Gen 1.
I'll never understand why the Nidos and this line don't learn a single ground type move. It's almost as frustrating as the fact that Voltorb doesn't learn any Electric type moves and the fossils never learn any Rock type moves.
It feels like I'm taking crazy pills!
I'll never understand why the Nidos and this line don't learn a single ground type move. It's almost as frustrating as the fact that Voltorb doesn't learn any Electric type moves and the fossils never learn any Rock type moves.
It feels like I'm taking crazy pills!
What's the best way to catch Pokémon in the Safari Zone? Trying to get Exeggcute, Tauros and Chansey but no combination of bait and rocks can net me one before it runs away.
Thanks for the info guys. I'd rather just do it legit even if it is a massive chore so I'll just keep chucking rocks at them until they obey.
They wanted you to use your TMs back then. They're a lot more optional in modern games.
Don't worry, it learns Poison Sting! ... At level 27.
Ground types were kinda screwed first gen. There are five ground type moves, two of which are exclusive to the Cubone line and one is a OHKO move, leaving Dig and Earthquake to everyone else. They could have made Sandslash learn Earthquake at like level 40 like the Diglett line, at least.
Yeah, I hear ya.
Remember that Chansey is also in Cerulean Cave though.
Ah right. That could be a shout.
So are Exeggcute, Tauros and Scyther/Pinsir the only SZ exclusives?
Ah right. That could be a shout.
So are Exeggcute, Tauros and Scyther/Pinsir the only SZ exclusives?
Man, I'm getting tempted by all these posts. Nostalgia is a powerful drug. I was obsessed with Pokemon during Gen 1 but, I'm not sure if I could play them again. Do they play as slowly as I remember them playing? What's an average finish time?
So I see there's a lot of Nidoking love going around!! I have him on my team too and it's crazy how many moves he can learn. And you can evolve him right after Mt. Moon, so he just wrecks everything for a good part of the game. Also he completely shuts down Lt. Surge lol.
You can buy Scyther/Pinsir from the Game Corner along with Dratini. All three are only catchable in the Safari Zone though.
Is there any advantage to catching them over buying them or is the RNG the same?
So I see there's a lot of Nidoking love going around!! I have him on my team too and it's crazy how many moves he can learn. And you can evolve him right after Mt. Moon, so he just wrecks everything for a good part of the game. Also he completely shuts down Lt. Surge lol.
I actually think they play pretty speedily; faster than modern gens, which drag for me. Anyway, I believe Shizuka was able to beat one of the games in around ~22 hours, and it seemed like he/she was running through the game (based on posts). I'm at about 14 hours in Fuchsia City.
So I see there's a lot of Nidoking love going around!! I have him on my team too and it's crazy how many moves he can learn. And you can evolve him right after Mt. Moon, so he just wrecks everything for a good part of the game. Also he completely shuts down Lt. Surge lol.
Coincidentally, he can't learn Dig. And he's a ground type. BUT HE CAN SURF!
Nope. Minigame is available without it in this release though.Any way to teach Pikachu Surf? The only way I knew how was through Stadium back in the day. Don't care for the minigame just want the move.
Any way to teach Pikachu Surf? The only way I knew how was through Stadium back in the day. Don't care for the minigame just want the move.
Got my boat ticket!
Gotta slow down a bit my Wartortle is encroaching on the badge level cap.
Time for my Pidgey to step up!
Does badge level cap really matter if the pokemon wasn't traded? I've never had a pokemon disobey in any game I've played unless it was traded.
Absolutely does. I had many issues when I was little just mega-grinding my starter to the point that they'd ignore me.
Something interesting I notice for the first time. I evolved Weedle to Kakuna and it can't use Poison Sting. The move always misses apparently...
Sandbro is best bro. It gets Slash pretty damn early, and while it's not quite the crit machine that Persian is, it still gets them pretty consistently. The moves it learns kinda sucks otherwise, but throw Dig on it until you get Earthquake.
And Sandslash is just cool looking. Still my favorite line in Gen 1.
That's... odd. It's entirely possible you just got the 1/256 miss chance multiple times in a row, but you shouldn't be missing that much unless you were hit with Sand Attack first.
I actually experienced something similar with an Oddish missing absorb every single time against a Weepinbell that used Growth to boost its special.I wasn't and I missed like 6-7 times. It could use String Shot just fine though. I'll finish the battle with Brock and check it again...
This makes me wonder if newer gens handle it the same way and call it a de facto miss, or if it gives a but it failed or a nothing happened instead.I actually experienced something similar with an Oddish missing absorb every single time against a Weepinbell that used Growth to boost its special.
I think that if a pokemon uses a stat boost to increase its defenses, it can reduce damage below the normal 1 hp minimum and force a miss.
I think...
I honestly don't know
edit: nevermind.
I actually experienced something similar with an Oddish missing absorb every single time against a Weepinbell that used Growth to boost its special.
I think that if a pokemon uses a stat boost to increase its defenses, it can reduce damage below the normal 1 hp minimum and force a miss.
I think...
I honestly don't know
This makes me wonder if newer gens handle it the same way and call it a de facto miss, or if it gives a but it failed or a nothing happened instead.
When does Mew actually start learning moves? Apparently in Yellow it's meant to get Transform at lvl10 but my one didn't.
Did it go from Level 9 to Level 11? If so, there's a glitch in Gen 1 where if a Pokémon levels up twice and goes over the level it should learn a move, it doesn't learn it.
That's a nice glitch to have in a game with no move relearner...