Use Explosionhalp
I wasn't paying attention to the levelling, but I guess that's what happened. I'm thinking of just using him as an HM slave anyway.Did it go from Level 9 to Level 11? If so, there's a glitch in Gen 1 where if a Pokémon levels up twice and goes over the level it should learn a move, it doesn't learn it.
Just saw this while looking at the US Pokemon website. Look at the bottom bit, screenshots (or the text under the screenshot), the left one. >.>
What are we looking at? Using a Master Ball to catch Mewtwo? Or that they used Yellow screen shots for a page on Red/Blue?
Catching the Legendary Mew will require lots of luck!
What are we looking at? Using a Master Ball to catch Mewtwo? Or that they used Yellow screen shots for a page on Red/Blue?
What are we looking at? Using a Master Ball to catch Mewtwo? Or that they used Yellow screen shots for a page on Red/Blue?
I'm trying to get my girlfriend into playing and she just won't even try. She says the graphics look too bad and there isn't enough variety for her.I'm bummed, she loves the DS games and pre ordered Sun...
What should I do to convince her it's worth it? Already told her about glitches, Pokemon bank, etc. she won't even give it a shot![]()
Is it bad that Charmeleon is my HM slave? I only need him to evolve so I can teach him Fly. He really is useless without Slash/Flamethrower...
I'm trying to get my girlfriend into playing and she just won't even try. She says the graphics look too bad and there isn't enough variety for her.I'm bummed, she loves the DS games and pre ordered Sun...
What should I do to convince her it's worth it? Already told her about glitches, Pokemon bank, etc. she won't even give it a shot![]()
Is it bad that Charmeleon is my HM slave? I only need him to evolve so I can teach him Fly. He really is useless without Slash/Flamethrower...
I'm trying to get my girlfriend into playing and she just won't even try. She says the graphics look too bad and there isn't enough variety for her.I'm bummed, she loves the DS games and pre ordered Sun...
What should I do to convince her it's worth it? Already told her about glitches, Pokemon bank, etc. she won't even give it a shot![]()
My Charizard has been pretty much useless outside of Erika's gym, Ember has no power whatsoever and even his critical hits don't OHKO most Pokemon. Was he always this bad, or is Flamethrower just his saving grace?
Lance was the previous champion? It's been too long. I like the idea of a member being kicked out but given how according to the gym statues you and the rival are the only people to beat the gyms I wonder if there was no champion.Is it ever explained why the Elite 4 setup in this is "odd"?
In every game since Gen1, the final stretch is the Elite 4 then the Champion.
In Gen1, you fight the Elite 4 then Blue, who is only just the new Champion, right? But he just beat Lance, who was the previous Champion, which means Lance wasn't part of the Elite 4?
Or did Lance get relegated down into the E4 after his defeat as Champion, and an unknown member of the E4 got kicked out?
my interpretation of the gym statues is that Red isn't gonna read out loud all of the random names that have defeated the gym leaders, instead he's only interested or only notices Blue. And after you beat it you read both as an accomplishment.Lance was the previous champion? It's been too long. I like the idea of a member being kicked out but given how according to the gym statues you and the rival are the only people to beat the gyms I wonder if there was no champion.
I actually think they play pretty speedily; faster than modern gens, which drag for me. Anyway, I believe Shizuka was able to beat one of the games in around ~22 hours, and it seemed like he/she was running through the game (based on posts). I'm at about 14 hours in Fuchsia City.
stepped on it and didn't wanna pay nintendo $130 for a new one. At least it matches this run.
:O how?
Wander around through 10 floors, battling trainers who 90% of them can poison you, the other 10% can take 50% of your HP off if you don't OHKO them due to Selfdestruct. Piles of items to fill up your bag, some of which is junk like X-Accuracy, but there's like 3 TMs, so you need room. And then there's the warp panels.
It took me an hour and some change to beat it, and I had to go to the center to heal and drop off items several times.
No, but you need the door key iirc.Oh, huh, the bed you sleep in to heal was added in the remakes?
Marathon'd through Rock tunnel, Erika's gym and the Team Rocket Hideout.
In the process I got my Primeape and Hypno which evolved earlier than I recalled, neat.
Need to start narrowing down my final team at this point because the bounty of the Safari Zone draws ever closer (like the moment I get the pokeflute it's straight down cycling road ignoring as many trainers as possible, I love the relative freedom at this stage in the game).
Oh, huh, the bed you sleep in to heal was added in the remakes?
What are we looking at? Using a Master Ball to catch Mewtwo? Or that they used Yellow screen shots for a page on Red/Blue?
The implication is SUPPOSED to be that Blue was trapped in Silph Co along with its employees when the Rockets began their takeover of the company. You rescue him, but not wanting to show weakness, he straight up battles you out of spite.Speaking of which, nice job helping me fight against the evil Pokemon mafia Blue. You were such a huge help. I really appreciate that you decided to walk all the way through the building and its traps, MGS style, just to battle me and then leave.
That's not pokemon Yellow, that's RB in color.
I would recognize the Yellow Mewtwo sprite anywhere:
Nikolai/Venusaur - L:45 [Body Slam / Toxic / Leech Seed / Razor Leaf]
Bit/Fearow - L:44 [Drill Peck / Fly / Leer / Fury Attack]
Arino/Sandslash - L:46 [Rock Slide / Strength / Earthquake / Slash]
Zero/Ninetales - L:45 [Flamethrower / Fire Blast / Quick Attack / Confuse Ray]
Amp/Jolteon - L:48 [Thunderbolt / Agility / Double Kick / Thunder Wave]
Ceres/Starmie - L:45 [Surf / Psychic / Blizzard / Recover]
No, but it's about 90% through the dungeon before you reach it. There's like four trainers between you and Giovanni at that point (one of which being Blue).
The implication is SUPPOSED to be that Blue was trapped in Silph Co along with its employees when the Rockets began their takeover of the company. You rescue him, but not wanting to show weakness, he straight up battles you out of spite.
The guy with the Lapras watches your battle with Blue, and determines that you show true compassion toward your pokemon, and thus decides to give his pokemon to you.
Yeah Koga (and all of the back half gym leaders really) are super buffed in Yellow. At least with Koga the three Venonat are pretty easy to take out, but Venomoth is tough.Finished off Koga. His Pokemon were (at a minimum) at least 11 levels higher than mine. @.@ Current team:
Nidoking (lv. 33)
Haunter (lv. 31)
Pikachu (lv. 32)
Dugtrio (lv. 32)
Dodrio (lv. 33)
Vaporeon (lv. 33)
Just baaarely won with Vaporeon's Surf. It and Koga's Venemoth had maxed out Double Team usage, and Koga managed to land Toxic. D:
You don't get to complain when you have Starmie on your team.It's really, really rough going back to Gen 1, where the most useful grass-type attack is Razor Leaf, and Golbat's highest-powered move is Bite, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a good time. It was a fun trip, but I think I'll be leaving the past in the past from now on.
The implication is SUPPOSED to be that Blue was trapped in Silph Co along with its employees when the Rockets began their takeover of the company. You rescue him, but not wanting to show weakness, he straight up battles you out of spite.
The guy with the Lapras watches your battle with Blue, and determines that you show true compassion toward your pokemon, and thus decides to give his pokemon to you.