LUCKY YOU!! Sometimes I wish I could do arena all by myself
And then one grappler sneaks up on you...
LUCKY YOU!! Sometimes I wish I could do arena all by myself
LUCKY YOU!! Sometimes I wish I could do arena all by myself. Also, I miss UC2 arena so bad.![]()
Are you sure ? Look at what i got Just before the game realised that something was wrong .
As you can see , they are stuck in position.
even if i kill them , i can't proceed to the next area since i'm alone..
as you can see on the third pic, it was possible to kill them up to some point
i guess i have a gift for finding this.
Just about to start my crushing playthrough on this and when I start it asks if I want to keep the bonus treasures? Does my answer impact trophies I can earn or anything like that?
There's a huge gap inbetween the "elites" and non-elites. I'm not sure how they do it, and I'm sick of facing a full party of legacy players. Sometimes it's just 3 and they still get the higher-leveled non-partied people. So my friend and I rarely play competitive.My blood is boiling. I can't believe this game. There is no way at all my skills have diminished from the beta no matter how many tweaks have been made. I DO NOT understand why I watch people survive EVERYTHING I throw at them. I've tried all weapons, fleet foot, firearm expert... I just want someone to die as fast as I die FFuck'sS. Pissed beyond belief. I want to have fun with this game I love and was once good at. Fuck.
My blood is boiling. I can't believe this game. There is no way at all my skills have diminished from the beta no matter how many tweaks have been made. I DO NOT understand why I watch people survive EVERYTHING I throw at them. I've tried all weapons, fleet foot, firearm expert... I just want someone to die as fast as I die FFuck'sS. Pissed beyond belief. I want to have fun with this game I love and was once good at. Fuck.
This game seems to have a major new issue with each new patch. :-/
This is important - EU PLAYERS – The correct and final version of Flashback Map Pack 2 is live. You will need to re-download it from your PS Store. You can do this by viewing recent purchases via the Download List (top right hand corner of your PS Store) and then selecting the Flashback Map Pack 2 content for download.
The version of the Flashback Map Pack 2 that went live in all other regions outside of the EU is the final version. Those regions will not be required to re-download. They will only be subject to the following changes.
During the time the earlier version of the DLC was live we didn’t take any maps out of the matchmaking rotation for any region. We did what was possible to fix the more glaring exploits.
My blood is boiling. I can't believe this game. There is no way at all my skills have diminished from the beta no matter how many tweaks have been made. I DO NOT understand why I watch people survive EVERYTHING I throw at them. I've tried all weapons, fleet foot, firearm expert... I just want someone to die as fast as I die FFuck'sS. Pissed beyond belief. I want to have fun with this game I love and was once good at. Fuck.
My blood is boiling. I can't believe this game. There is no way at all my skills have diminished from the beta no matter how many tweaks have been made. I DO NOT understand why I watch people survive EVERYTHING I throw at them. I've tried all weapons, fleet foot, firearm expert... I just want someone to die as fast as I die FFuck'sS. Pissed beyond belief. I want to have fun with this game I love and was once good at. Fuck.
I shot at an opponent sitting still behind cover with an M9 equipped with rate of fire mod. Took far too long. Those cover taking reflexes must be elite because he was tough to kill.actually since the beta so changes have been made . also lv 60+ players (or legacy ) will be clearly harder since they have reflexes that you don't
I don't want to start using every excuse I can think of, but since the second beta I've had a new tv which has some lag input issues that corrects itself with a "game" setting... I guess. It's been since that beta I've had these issues. First beta was golden.Welcome to laggy P2P gaming, sir.
Sooo.. Buying this game in a couple of days. And to get me hyped I feel like watching a movie with the same setting/locales/story or something as UC3.
Anyone have a good reccomendation? FYI, I've seen all the Indiana Jones movies.
Sooo.. Buying this game in a couple of days. And to get me hyped I feel like watching a movie with the same setting/locales/story or something as UC3.
Anyone have a good reccomendation? FYI, I've seen all the Indiana Jones movies.
Romancing the Stone
Actually watching the first at this moment
I'm not sure if it was you or another gaffer that recommended that in another thread, but I couldn't remember the name of it for the life of me. Thanks!
Watched it a couple of days ago. Really enjoyed it.
In terms of the single player experience, UC1 and UC2 were both vastly superior to UC3 in my opinion. You're in for a treat.Definitely not the best place to start the Uncharted series, but I just finished my first playthrough in U3.
Even though I feel it was more like a movie it was an utterly amazing experience. It had me hooked throughout, and I actually felt a connection with the main characters (something I think no other game has done). I will no doubt be checking out the other two. Nathan Drake is my new hero![]()
In terms of the single player experience, UC1 and UC2 were both vastly superior to UC3 in my opinion. You're in for a treat.
In terms of the single player experience, UC1 and UC2 were both vastly superior to UC3 in my opinion. You're in for a treat.
In my mind, it's: U2 > U3 > UF
Love em all though.
So I decided to start using the G-Mal instead of the AK for variety's sake. By God, it's like easy mode. The gun is pretty fun to use but I am starting to think that it is worse than the old FAL.
High damage, High Accuracy, High stopping power and Amazing Mid to Long Range use. Yea no blindfire and burst firing doesn't mean shit when you have all that. I feel like I'm cheating.
Everyone wanted the FAL nerfed, now everyone wants the GMAL nerfed. Hilarious. GMAL is fine and MUCH better (& balanced) than the FAL ever was.
Everyone wanted the FAL nerfed, now everyone wants the GMAL nerfed. Hilarious. GMAL is fine and MUCH better (& balanced) than the FAL ever was.
I'd narrowly rank UC2 above UC1 but can appreciate why you might prefer UC1.after playing all three games back to back I changed my ranking from U2>U1>U3 to U1>U2>U3
Eddy's AK with Scoped In Gold = Domination. Eddy's AK is IMO, the best AK in the entire game.I honestly just want an AK buff. I want rate of fire back.![]()
Eddy's AK with Scoped In Gold = Domination. Eddy's AK is IMO, the best AK in the entire game.
The AK is fine. It doesn't need a buff.
The problem with the G-MAL is that it doesn't have any recoil whatsoever on top of having extreme stopping power. The only thing I'm annoyed with is that when the FAL was overpowered, no one used the GMAL. Now that it was slightly nerfed, everyone's switched to this weapon making the MP experience so stale. It just needs a reduction in stopping power and a little bit of recoil when you're trying to get someone at long distances.
You're a noob if you use Fal, you're a noob if you use g-mal, you're a noob if you use M9 with ROF, you're a noob if you use Kal-7.
Holy fuck, there are only like 2 guns left, lol.
did ND lower the health or I m going crazy?
Wait, I need to activate the patch? I don't think I changed anything in the options, but played through it fine.
I just played through the entirety of U3 and HATED the combat. Popping over here it seems the patch to fix the combat was optional? WTF Naughty Dog!! I patched the game and then played through the whole game with the dog-shit combat because I didn't turn on "the fix"?
I assumed I hated the combat so much because I've been PC gaming lately and chalked it up to inferior console controls, and the time I've been away from them. Grrrrrrr.
Being locked in to melee in a sniper/rocketspawn arena isn't fun guys. Nor is trying to roll past someone and continually trying to throw their ass (unsuccessfully of course).
There were a few jumps in this game that looked impossible and I tried everything before attempting them. Nope--that was the way to go--your character animation just gets "pulled" the additional distance to let you grab the ledge.
I also enjoyed finding an empty room with a sniper rifle, getting off four shots only to instantly die by a shotgun blast to the back. Now maybe with surround sound you can hear enemies approach? No radar, and 2ch silent enemies does not make for what feels to be a fair fight.
Next time I wait for the shotgun guy before using the sniper rifle and he doesn't spawn. I have to actually start using the sniper rifle, quit using it and run to the back of the room to get the drop on him. Ugh.
Was expecting more from the ending too.
If I'd played with the patch actually active, I suspect I would have a much different perspective on this...
Why in god's name is that not the default? Does anyone here feel the pre-patch combat is good?
I have a GMAL loadout. I know what I'm talking about and the things you are mentioning don't happen to me at all. I've mentioned it in this thread before, but the auto aim is the only major drawback going for the GMAL (the blindfire for it sucks too). For example, if I'm aiming at someone and another person jumps in front of him, the auto aim will move your reticle towards the new person instead of the one I was originally shooting. It happens when there are multiple targets in your crosshair. And if you're not scoped in every time you're using the GMAL, you're doing it wrong. Equipping it with scoped in where you get no pain wobble and you're unstoppable.Either you are wildly exagerating to get your point across, or you haven't used the G-MAL in a while. It has noticeable recoil and on top of that it's very erratic, sometimes it pushes your aim upwards, other times it will make zig-zag lines, or move diagonally. That's hardly no recoil whatsoever. If you wan't to see a burst weapon with no recoil, boot up U2. The FAL literally has no recoil, it's ridiculous.