I think they (a few of them at least) think they are gods gift to uncharteds multi and that they and only them truly know what is best for the game.WTF is wrong with those people? Ugh.
I think they (a few of them at least) think they are gods gift to uncharteds multi and that they and only them truly know what is best for the game.WTF is wrong with those people? Ugh.
I have a GMAL loadout. I know what I'm talking about and the things you are mentioning don't happen to me at all. I've mentioned it in this thread before, but the auto aim is the only major drawback going for the GMAL (the blindfire for it sucks too). For example, if I'm aiming at someone and another person jumps in front of him, the auto aim will move your reticle towards the new person instead of the one I was originally shooting. It happens when there are multiple targets in your crosshair. And if you're not scoped in every time you're using the GMAL, you're doing it wrong. Equipping it with scoped in where you get no pain wobble and you're unstoppable.![]()
:lol I can't believe people on the ND forums have requested cloaked to be moved to booster slot 2 just so that they don't lose their precious fleet foot. WTF is wrong with those people? Ugh.
i see HDgaming42 impression and i have a hard time seeing the place where he encoutered those problems.
First radar is a big no in uncharted it defeat the entire purpose of the gameplay IMO.
Who HONESTLY just scopes in and presses R1 without moving the reticle whatsoever? Here's a hint: No one.
Who HONESTLY just scopes in and presses R1 without moving the reticle whatsoever? Here's a hint: No one.
Just like with every other gun, your reticle is always on the move for a moving target and if you keep up with the target, you will notice no recoil at all unlike let's say with an AK where it'll be random even when your reticle is on the target.
ok i see that part now ... Guy with shot gun doesn't spawn when you snipe ... he is always there ..you can kill him before you begin to snipe.Sniper complaint is regarding the city in the sand. You climb up into a sniper's nest overlooking a long bridge with a rifle laying against a window. It has something like 7 bullets to take out 10-16 guys. I don't think they're afraid of a "snipe all" attitude...
It's something he does every time.. Uncharted 1 & 2 were no different.Implausible/Impossible jumps are too many to list. Final chandelier hopping to get the giant gates open springs to mind.
If you mention the level i can see what encounter you're talking about and i never encountered this you either missed the 1 guy on top of the stairs that moves too or another that comes by the bridge itself ( and can surprise you because there is a set of stairs on your right )if it's the spot i'm thinking , there are no spawn behind you at all. but you can be surprised because there is like 3 way to enter this roomI agree. But without radar I shouldn't be ninja'd by a 300lb armour-clad brute with a shotgun--who makes no sound on his approach. It just seems really cheap. Guy doesn't spawn just searching the room. No, you pick up the gun, zoom in and take a few shots and he either spawns behind you or approaches you with no audible warning and you die. One hit kill.
You should have took care of those way before he has any chance to come.unless your aim is poor , you have plenty of time.And then of course taking care of him means locking into CQC while you're being sniped from the other side of the bridge.
Many people say here it did improve by a lot ... i just wasn't part of those bothered.I already returned it so I can't check out the alternate controls. Sounds like they wouldn't have changed my impressions of the combat anyway...
What the hell is wrong with the new maps? They never show up on the vote screen! Couldn't even get on those maps once.
The combat is poor regardless of the controls.
I thought it was great after the fix! Man did I rant and race prior to it though. Anyhow, I, really enjoyed it on hard and crushing post patch, I'm really fucking picky with shooters though, tribes and uncharted are seriously the only two series I really give a shit about now that DICE has proven theyve lost the BF2 touch for good
Thinking about getting the dlc pack, I really shouldn't but I am playing a lot of the multiplayer, is it worth it for a fairly casual player who doesn't skulk around in teams and clans and crap?
The DLC player pool will consist of parties of high level players and will completely ruin your multiplayer experience for good. Not to mention that the latest flashback pack doesn't even fucking come up for vote. I swear, I've only played on the new maps once. Stick with the default maps because you'll get variety in player levels and choice of weapons. If you're into co-op arena, then go for it. If you're into competitive only, stick with the default maps. That's my advice.
Is there anyway to toggle the maps so they don't come up in matchmaking? I mean, the DLC matchmaking can't make it that exclusively.
Currently not, but for what it's worth, their community manager Eric said on the forums that they are looking into it.
Also, what happened to Elena's character model? She looks half-asian now.
its not just aiming,its lack of hit reaction + enemies mindlessly running toward Drake that makes combat in U3 inferior
The DLC player pool will consist of parties of high level players and will completely ruin your multiplayer experience for good. Not to mention that the latest flashback pack doesn't even fucking come up for vote. I swear, I've only played on the new maps once. Stick with the default maps because you'll get variety in player levels and choice of weapons. If you're into co-op arena, then go for it. If you're into competitive only, stick with the default maps. That's my advice.
There's also a lot less tension between Elena and Drake and more of that simplistic drama that doesn't really go anywhere or evoke anything, other than the feeling that these two characters have a history. Sully and Drake still work together nicely, however.
i think i like this update already ... ( as seen in the screens i got in this thread )Enemy AI now dies appropriately at the end of each Co-Op Arena round for players.
The DLC player pool will consist of parties of high level players and will completely ruin your multiplayer experience for good. Not to mention that the latest flashback pack doesn't even fucking come up for vote. I swear, I've only played on the new maps once. Stick with the default maps because you'll get variety in player levels and choice of weapons. If you're into co-op arena, then go for it. If you're into competitive only, stick with the default maps. That's my advice.
I really don't get why they did this. You had the option to use DLC maps or default in U2, why change for the sequel. It's just like not having a random character selection option. Just doesn't make any sense.
The only way around this right now if you have the map packs is to get into a party where one person doesn't have the map pack.
I did love that feature in Uncharted 2, BUT the only drawback that toggle option created was that I could not find any matches for DLC because the community all migrated to default instead of DLC. That's the only drawback the toggle option can create.Inanna said:Yeah, there's a reason people loved UC2. There were so many awesome little features like that and most of them are missing in UC3 which is such a shame.
Yea, I pretty much stopped playing this one I got the first DLC map pack. I just can't be bothered to delete them to get a more fair matchmaking.
Playing solo is a nightmare. Trust me on this 'cause I play solo 90% of the time. You'll get unbalanced teams the majority of the time and you can't escape parties of legacy players..at least in Team Deathmatch anyway. For Team Objective, it's OK sometimes because it doesn't really matter if someone dies a shitload of times as long as they do the objective unlike with TDM where you are affected by these players since they'll make you lose the match. There are parties here and there in Team Objective, but they are not as prevalent like in TDM. if you're just a casual player that enjoys the game, do not get the DLC maps.
Hey guys, I also have a problem. for some reason, I had changed my sound settings to test some stuff out, so I lowered most of them to zero. However, the game seems to have saved those settings so every time I boot the game, I have to go into options and change my sound settings so I can have sound again. Is there any way I can fix this? It's really annoying that my settings aren't saved....
The Marked Man quitting issue where the game will NOT assign a new Marked Man for Team Objective is game breaking because it screws over the other team for the round.
TDM is just getting on my nerves now. I mean last night Temple FINALLY showed up as a vote and we all voted for it. No less than 5 minutes into the match I'm contemplating quitting because of the team stacking bs.
Guys just gmal-ing me to death, fleet foot lv3, all these bs kickbacks wow. I just quit the match and didn't feel like playing no more.
FFA on the other hand was a breathe of fresh air as there basically is no party. Right now the best thing ND can do to save the competitive modes for UC3 is make the classic mode everyone's been asking for on the ND forums.
Everyone starts with AK with accuracy mod and the para 9. Other sidearms and long guns are placed on the map. M9 would be the M4 with rof and the gmal should be laying around in a couple of spots. (though it would still need a stopping power nerf)
Right now the best thing ND can do to save the competitive modes for UC3 is make the classic mode everyone's been asking for on the ND forums.
I don't really care if I lose my treasures since I already platinum'd the game, but I'll back up the save just in case! thanks a lot! Will have to try this when I get home from work and hopefully it works!You can delete your profile under Save Game Data (I think) in the XMB. After that you have to set it once and then it should stick. But that might have side effects for your SP profile (like deleting your treasures).
I'll play with a few friends once in a while too and playing with them definitely boosts up my enjoyment of the game, but unfortunately sometimes I don't get to play with them so I roll solo. Although it's quite frustrating going alone in TDM because of unbalanced teams (especially with the DLC), the challenge for me is to try and pull a decent score at the end of the match and I usually do with weapons like the AK47 and Dragon Sniper. I try not to quit unless I'm playing Team Objective and I see that none of my team mates care about doing or helping me out in the objectives...that's when I'll quit because it's just not worth it or fair to me that I'm putting all my effort for nothing. I'll still play UC3 with all its bullshit, because at the end of the day, the game at its core is what keeps me entertained. Friends is a big bonus too.I only ever play in parties, sometimes we have players in our party that are non legacy 40s, 30s or even lower. I don't really like playing solo though, and I don't think I'd still be playing UC3 if it weren't for my friends.
Oh god, definitely hate when that happens. Also when you're in a match and its going alright but then suddenly you run into somebody with a bad connection in the match and you get the unplugged symbol in the middle of the screen and you can't move at all. Doesn't happen too often but its annoying when it does.
Yep, I've played a few matches with randoms on the two new maps!Co-op all the way! Has anyone been able to play arena on the new maps? I'm hoping it isn't too rare.
Here's what happens whenever there's a party of 5 vs. another party of 5 involving legacy players: The losing party will always rage quit to save their fake, worthless stats. Maybe that's why matchmaking never groups parties of 5 together, because they'll just end up rage quitting whenever they're getting stomped. those kind of people would rather search in matchmaking again hoping to get matched up with noobs just so that they can destroy them and boost their kdr's, which is what happens like 95% of the time in Team Deathmatch. At the sight of a challenge where they have to *gasp* put effort into winning, they'll just give up and leave the game.Today our party of 5 got paired up against new players, level 7, 12, 13 and two in their 40s. I felt really bad killing them.why don't the new players get paired up with other new players? I'd rather play with legacy players than the new players.
Yeah, I think the problem that ND faces with putting too many filters on their MP is that the player pool isn't large enough to support it. UC3 is definitely very popular, but I'd guess that a 'No parties' filter would remove too much of the player base to get reliable matchmaking at all times.