I don't ragequit and I enjoy challenging games with lag-free players (aka 4-5 bars), but sorry, I am not willing to be raped by [MEX] [BRA] [CHLE] [ARG] [CHN] [JPN] [KSA] lag.![]()
I don't ragequit and I enjoy challenging games with lag-free players (aka 4-5 bars), but sorry, I am not willing to be raped by [MEX] [BRA] [CHLE] [ARG] [CHN] [JPN] [KSA] lag.![]()
The playerbase is definitely too small to be split up a lot. That's why the 4 map packs sounds ridiculous to me. If we're already struggling to find games with the 2nd pack, just imagine when the 3rd and 4th pack comes out.
You totally missed my point... a no-parties playlist would force me to play with overseas players more often, which is something that I definitely don't want to do.Exactly, and on the odd chance you and your team manages to be edging out a lead, they'll quit because they don't want to fuck up their stats. You can't win with them. So fuck it. A no parties playlist would be tops.
Hunter is a cool mode if you *know* how to play it successfully, but it is ruined by the lack of late join/host migration.I wouldnt be sad to see hunter go away.
Also, one more thing.
Gametrailers has its own podcast called Invisible Walls and they had 2 Naughty Dog MP creators on there.
They announced....
-Uncharted 3 has been selling much better than 2.
-The player base for 3 is bigger than 2.
-They admit they fucked up with stopping power at release. Lol.
-More DLC, skins, maps, shades mode, etc.
-The LAB is coming back.
-"Custom maps"? I dont understand this one. No info given for it.
-Still plan on supporting the game for a long time.
-Another "The Last of Us" Easter egg that no one has found yet. Not the newspaper. This secret is REALLY hard to find.
Starts @ 10:00 min mark.
. a good solution would be to adopt a free-to-play model (i.e. KZ3 MP), which would increase the player pool, so that more playlists could be added with no lag consequences.
Are you arguing semantics?That KZ3 MP is not a F2P. It's basically a timed demo.
Are you arguing semantics?
Well, I finally bought this game and managed to make it to the Chateue level earlier today but now I'm stuck on that spinning ring screen every time I try to start the game. There's a thread about this problem on the Naughty Dog forums but ND doesn't seem to have any fix for this even though they have known about this issue for a few months. So, I guess I'm shit out of luck and not playing this game anymore. Just fucking beautiful.
why don't you just delete the install data + patches and try again ?
I still don't think it's a cool mode and I know how to properly play it. it's a mess. The two things you mentioned should have been addressed a long time ago along with the three medal pick up chests in the flashback pack #1. A single round lasts to what seems like an eternity when they could be shorter, villains still take a bit too much to respawn back after they're killed, which is understandable in a sense, but still a drag. Your co-op gun mods being available are also a big problem because it creates imbalances when you are facing low level players who don't have the option of buying every single gun mod. Instead of starting with the M9, you should start with an AK. I still don't like the idea of heroes getting their kickback every time they score because when you have a good team, you can practically have your kickback activated for the entire round without pause (I've done this every single time with my friend). I don't know, I'm just not that much of a fan of Hunter and I've played against other teams that also know what they are doing and it's just not that fun IMO.Hunter is a cool mode if you *know* how to play it successfully, but it is ruined by the lack of late join/host migration.
Protip: never engage in 1v1 gunfights with a crummy pistol, instead try to stealth kill the Heroes.![]()
Like I have mentioned in this thread before, I think it would be AWESOME if The Lab stuff happened within Team Objective. It'd be so fucking awesome.Hey, you guys have any LAB ideas?
Classic U2 mp is probably a no-brainer. Anything else?
I was thinking 3v3v3 TDM would be fun.
Also, not sure if its possible, but I would like to see 6v6 just to see what it would play like. That way everyone has a buddy.
Dude, that sucks...I've already tried everything from re-installing the update to starting the game without any game data or internet connection. Nothing helps..
The solution is to load another game to clear the cache and then try UC3 again.I've already tried everything from re-installing the update to starting the game without any game data or internet connection. Nothing helps..
Like I have mentioned in this thread before, I think it would be AWESOME if The Lab stuff happened within Team Objective. It'd be so fucking awesome.
But ideas:
RPG's only - I miss them so much from UC2. They are a blast.
MAG only - Like the Desert Eagle only matches in UC2, I think this one could be awesome. No boosters because of Daredevil.
Cursed - I know I hated Cursed in the original beta, but it would be so fucking hilarious/frustrating if there was a lab where everyone was cursed. It'd force people to think before they shoot.
Three Team Team Objective - 3 teams of 2 to see who wins. or it can be three people, but preferably two. Chain reaction would be excluded because I don't know how that can work with 3 teams.
Team Deathmatch (UC2 Style): Current health (no double health like Hardcore), no boosters, no weapon mods, powerplays, or kickbacks.
Team Deathmatch Variants: It'd be like Team Objective in the sense that styles of play will change over time, but in Deathmatch style. For example, at the start of the round, it would be something like Para9 only and it can last a few minutes until it changes to another variant like [insert idea here].
Pistols only Plunder - It NEEDS to return even though the pistols in this game suck.
Power Plays - Basically, both teams will have power plays activated to see who can rack up the most points to win. Problem is that the matches could be over real quick lol.
Grenades only - Explosions, explosions, and explosions! This one could be interesting now that you can throw back grenades.
Ultimate Troll Lab:
TAU only.
Can't think of anything else right now.
"TAU only. "..
That would be intense ... i have no idea if this will be a drag or the best idea ever ...
Any tips for the fountain area in chapter 21 on crushing? I'm nearing rage territory right now, it's fucking ridiculous. Watched a walkthrough on YT hoping for some pointers, but it's playing completely different to what I get - he takes cover at the start, yet if I try that I'm instantly flanked on both sides.
EDIT: And as usual, venting on the internet solves all. If anyone else struggles at this point, for some reason going to the right side they aren't as aggressive - two quick accurate shots with the Tau is enough to take them down.
Which reminds me - having the roll button shared with the cover mechanic makes the game a nightmare when it gets chaotic.
Surprised to hear that the game is doing so well post release, seems like it has pretty long legs in sales and MP life. Great news forsure.
Things that seem to be of importance that are just dropped without really referring back to them (). :/Chloe and Cutter being the main one
Yup, it has came back to top in uk chartz
Hey man, I only bailed just because I was so damn busy in the last 3 months. Not to mention I had FFXIII-2 to work on, which I'm still not done with.I feel like I've been swindled by the Season Pass/Fortune Hunter Club. All of the friends I played UC2MP and the UC3 betas with have abandoned the game, so I'm left with randoms. Even then it's just not fun anymore, I've realized I liked to take advantage of the instant grenades LOL, without it I'm left with a fubar'd and unbalanced gunplay. And to top it off I have yet to play a single fucking time with the latest map pack. AND I fucked myself by going legacy twice. Legacy is the shittiest thing ND could've added. $25 down the toilet. First and last time I pre-pay for any DLC of this kind.
The Uncharted 3 co-op Shade Survival mode launches on the US PlayStation Store on Tuesday 13th March, Naughty Dog has announced.
Fingers crossed it launches in Europe a day later, on Wednesday, 14th March.
Shade Survival mode is a new multiplayer game type that lets you face off against some of the PlayStation 3's toughest enemies with your mates.
It's a wave based mode that throws progressively tougher Djinn at you. There are eight rounds in total.
"The Djinn's ability to catch fire and teleport poses a formidable challenge to team strategy and coordination, and later rounds include highly skilled Djinn sporting extra armour and firepower, so get ready for a hearty battle," Naughty Dog community strategist Eric Monacelli said.
Objectives, including Marked Man (a certain Djinn will be marked and heavily protected by bodyguards), come into play during a match. You can earn loads of in-game cash playing co-op, thus levelling you up more quickly. Expect new medals, too.
On its own, Shade Survival mode costs $5.99, but if you're a Fortune Hunters Club member you can download it for free.
Meanwhile, Naughty Dog teased the next - and final - Uncharted DLC, due out in April.
Man, I wish we could play the Cave & Temple in this. :/
Don't see why not, mark it if you think it might contain any objectionable/spoiler content.I recently did a video all about Tablot's character in Uncharted 3. I was wondering if it would be okay for me to post it here.
Whoa, the last dlc is in April? Better have skins and maps and modes and the lab all in one then!
Posted by: Eric-ND on 03-08-2012
we will support Uncharted 3 multiplayer for a long time after the FHC finishes.
I recently did a video all about Tablot's character in Uncharted 3. I was wondering if it would be okay for me to post it here.