chapter 11 and it is still meh...
I'm with you on this. Every time I buy an uncharted game, I never finish them. The gameplay is so boring.
chapter 11 and it is still meh...
I will say that this is the first Uncharted in which I actually felt the "Drake is a psycho killer" complaints. It struck me during the juxtaposition going from chapter 4tonice calm chapter with Drake the family man at home with ElenaI was like whoa; I actually feel the disconnect here. I didn't dwell on it long though, and just continued to play the game without giving it much thought.chapter five when I'm suddenly snapping a security guard's neck for doing his job.
She's the leader of Shoreline and. She doesn't actually do anything that has any significant bearing on the plot.basically shows up a few times to kick your ass. If say for example Rafe was leading Shoreline and Nadine wasn't in the story, nothing would change
she was basically Lt. Draza form UC2, only slightly more competentShe doesnt do anything besides fail to kill Drake on like 5 occasions. Rafe could have got other mercenaries to do that.
If she wasn't in the game you wouldn't have any of the great scenes with Rafe because he'd have no one to bounce off of. They have a great dynamic and she's a fun foil because she's the only totally capable character throughout the entire game. Not sure what the need is for some sort of "arc", contrary to what a lot of people say on here characters really don't need dramatic changes to be satisfying components to the story. But she still did have an arc, considering. It was a refeshing change of pace from other villains, and she definitely got enough attention and screen time considering she was a tertiary character.she realized the job wasn't worth it at the end since the treasure was turning Rafe into a psycho, which felt true to her character. Her exit was amazing. She was just like "alright you idiots can kill eachother over the treasure, I've got what I want, I'm out of here
Well if you remove her from the story there is no Shoreline for starters.
Really? Rafe would have achieved nothing without her and the ending would be completely different if not for her... If that holds no importance to the plot I dont know what does. I agree she was underdeveloped in the game but saying removing her from the plot wouldnt make a difference is just wrong.
I got that,it still didn't stop her inclusion in the whole thing from being unsatisfactory. A big deal was made of her inclusion in the marketing, I thought she would DO more...I don't think I am alone in this
.Shoreline could have existed and functioned in the same exact way, without Nadine, as simply a merc group for hire. Rather, they introduce Nadine at the auction, her character gets some good setup, and she carries out an antagonistic role to Nathan and co., but nothing she actually does in the story contributes to the plot's development. When you establish a character like that and have an ongoing rivalry with the protagonist, you expect a little more than "bye bitch" at the end. It's just simply not satisfying and again, the story could have played out in the exact same way without her. If you took her out, nothing would change. Rafe would simply be the central antagonist, hiring a merc group, and it would work without Nadine
Spoiler bars, whew!
.Shoreline could have existed and functioned in the same exact way, without Nadine, as simply a merc group for hire. Rather, they introduce Nadine at the auction, her character gets some good setup, and she carries out an antagonistic role to Nathan and co., but nothing she actually does in the story contributes to the plot's development. When you establish a character like that and have an ongoing rivalry with the protagonist, you expect a little more than "bye bitch" at the end. It's just simply not satisfying and again, the story could have played out in the exact same way without her. If you took her out, nothing would change. Rafe would simply be the central antagonist, hiring a merc group, and it would work without Nadine
Spoiler bars, whew!
.Shoreline could have existed and functioned in the same exact way, without Nadine, as simply a merc group for hire. Rather, they introduce Nadine at the auction, her character gets some good setup, and she carries out an antagonistic role to Nathan and co., but nothing she actually does in the story contributes to the plot's development. When you establish a character like that and have an ongoing rivalry with the protagonist, you expect a little more than "bye bitch" at the end. It's just simply not satisfying and again, the story could have played out in the exact same way without her. If you took her out, nothing would change. Rafe would simply be the central antagonist, hiring a merc group, and it would work without Nadine
But then Rafe would be so absolutely nothing except bark order at people in his scenes and be a crappy antagonist. He needed an equal.
The story would not have played out the same if you took out her character. In-fact, without her it would just be another dull faceless mercenary organisation you'd be facing off against. Instead Nadine's character gives that group some credibility and purpose.
At least we can all agree that saying Nadine could be taken out of the game wothout making a difference is complete bull.
speak for yourself
The story would not have played out the same if you took out her character. In-fact, without her it would just be another dull faceless mercenary organisation you'd be facing off against. Instead Nadine's character gives that group some credibility and purpose. Shoreline not only has a bad ass leader at the helm, but she's also the voice of reason and clarity. Drake, Sam, Rafe etc, they're all blinded by their lust for this treasure and the finding, whereas Nadine is in it for very different reasons. Not for power, glory, or the joy of discovery itself, but simply the financial incentive, and through her we see the madness of the others. She is not willing to sacrifice everything for it, she's only willing to sacrifice as much as it is still lucrative for her, and that is a massive differentiate, and a point that adds to the narrative and to all the characters, not just her own.
This is why I felt the execution of her character overall was underwhelming.. Clearly some agree and disagree, I'm okay with leaving it at that.She was a cool character and I simply found her inclusion and payoff unsatisfactory
That's a fact though. The game and story would be fundamentally different with her exclusion. For one Rafe would be a total 1-dimensional cypher if he was only surrounded by subordinates because there would be no one to give him conflict or talk to as an equal (is a real human) when he is not antagonizing Nate and Sam
I think her having less screen time inadvertently gave her the perception of being a more revered and capable villain.
Re: Realism,in it?isn't this the only entry without supernatural beings
For all the complain about climbing, for me at least, it was the most fun i've had climbing in Uncharted. I really enjoyed that now you don't need to push x constantly and how they mixed up the rope, slide and pithon, it could have been better? definitly. Was it bad? not for a long shot.
My only real problem with the game is Nadine..I was really interested in that character, but she only appeared a few times to beat the shit out of you, just kinda left at the end and had no arc. I know some have defended it saying that she was actually smart enough to get away but for me this does not make up for the lack of character development or closure. I'm not saying she needed to die, but she felt entirely wasted. She's a character very much in the vein of Indiana Jones/James Bond villains and the leader of Shoreline, so yeah I'm pretty bummed that she was basically utterly pointless. If you totally removed her and just had Rafe the leader of Shoreline, it wouldn't change anything at all aside from a few fight scenes and bickering with Adler
Re: Realism, isn't this the only entrywithout supernatural beings in it?
Plus, how much impact did her being the onlyreally have anyway when the game justsane oneends with a straightforward perfect ending for everyone aside from Rafe.
I just finished it. It's a great uncharted overall, nothing new really. It has really impressive landscapes, same gameplay as usual, the controls in the shooting parts are not good, but it has his very good action scenes.
First, I really really hate playing with teen drake, totally boring and unnecessary.
I got disappointed that it doesn't have anything "supernatural", I know the preivous one where "evolution/mutation" but anyway, there isn't anything like that in this one.
And about the story's end:
I also got disappointed that they didn't escape with any treasure more than those random coins that somehow Sam put in her coat. Too much cliché
And as other says, for me the dlc will besam and sully's adventure
That shegot away with a shitload of treasure compared to the others.
That's always going to be up for some debate:
The creatures in UC3 were hallucinations. They weren't real. The blue men from Shamballa were presumably just normal men who had taken to eating the resin and had their bodies mutated and evolved over the years. The same is basically true of the Descendants in UC1- they were were the descendents of the Spanish who had found El Dorado and got some form of virus that turned them into feral zombie things.
It's always been more, say, Michael Crichton on the supernatural scale than Indiana Jones.
Yeah, I'm not sure what people mean by that. They are more than competent, and the guns have great pop to them unlike previous Uncharteds. The openness of this game only makes these encounters more fun than they ever were before.What did you dislike about the controls?
So what were everyone's favorite shootouts out of the (shamefully few) encounters in the game.
Not including the glorious set piece, my top 3 all come from the final act of the game
.The elevator encounter in 17 (it's like the sign post shootout from 2 but times 10, the first encounter in New Devon in 18 where you can dive in the water, and then the absolutely bonkers shootout in the ship graveyard in chapter 20
I also really really liked the little string of encounters in chapter 14. The environment for that was great.
So what were everyone's favorite shootouts out of the (shamefully few) encounters in the game.
Not including the glorious set piece, my top 3 all come from the final act of the game
.The elevator encounter in 17 (it's like the sign post shootout from 2 but times 10, the first encounter in New Devon in 18 where you can dive in the water, and then the absolutely bonkers shootout in the ship graveyard in chapter 20
I also really really liked the little string of encounters in chapter 14. The environment for that was great.
The combat design and how it feels and controls is literally one of the greatest things I've experienced in an action game.
First playing through chapter 20. Maybe I'll have to replay again because I was rushing to see the end.I felt it went back to old uncharted combat instead of the new open arenas and I was dissapointed
So what were everyone's favorite shootouts out of the (shamefully few) encounters in the game.
Not including the glorious set piece, my top 3 all come from the final act of the game
.The elevator encounter in 17 (it's like the sign post shootout from 2 but times 10, the first encounter in New Devon in 18 where you can dive in the water, and then the absolutely bonkers shootout in the ship graveyard in chapter 20
I also really really liked the little string of encounters in chapter 14. The environment for that was great.
First playing through chapter 20. Maybe I'll have to replay again because I was rushing to see the end.I felt it went back to old uncharted combat instead of the new open arenas and I was dissapointed
Chapter 20 was far and away my favorite combat piece in the entire game.
So what were everyone's favorite shootouts out of the (shamefully few) encounters in the game.
Not including the glorious set piece, my top 3 all come from the final act of the game
.The elevator encounter in 17 (it's like the sign post shootout from 2 but times 10, the first encounter in New Devon in 18 where you can dive in the water, and then the absolutely bonkers shootout in the ship graveyard in chapter 20
I also really really liked the little string of encounters in chapter 14. The environment for that was great.
Not a fan of the elevator one so I'll go with the other two and the one at the end of chapter 9 where you have to escape from the cave in Scotland.
Yea I can't wait to get to it again because I've been hearing that a lot
The combat design and how it feels and controls is literally one of the greatest things I've experienced in an action game.
I'm playing through all 4 at the same time to get a series perspective and it's a joyous but frustrating thing. Uncharted 4 literally does everything perfect on a gameplay side but then it doesn't let you get in combat encounters enough and Uncharted 2 has perfect pacing but it sometimes goes overboard with enemies. Uncharted 3 so far has he best balance but it has other problems. My list may be changing after these playthroughs![]()