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That moment when you recognize your crock pot in Uncharted 4....
the attention to detail, man!
Courtesy of Reddit.
Hahahahaha, damn!
That moment when you recognize your crock pot in Uncharted 4....
the attention to detail, man!
Courtesy of Reddit.
I really likedChapter 13, jungle shootout. You don't get to play as Nate without a companion much in this game and I really liked going solo on this one. Hanging off edges and rotating around the platforms to stealth kill people was a lot of fun.
Next one would have to be the ship graveyard.
I'm playing through all 4 at the same time to get a series perspective and it's a joyous but frustrating thing. Uncharted 4 literally does everything perfect on a gameplay side but then it doesn't let you get in combat encounters enough and Uncharted 2 has perfect pacing but it sometimes goes overboard with enemies. Uncharted 3 so far has he best balance but it has other problems. My list may be changing after these playthroughs![]()
The combat design and how it feels and controls is literally one of the greatest things I've experienced in an action game.
Wow - that Videogamer article posted earlier makes me want to play through the whole series again, with that "retroactive layer" that's been added to Drake's character:
I would say my only fault with the game is.I wish there was one more locale added to the game before Libertalia. I do like how they ended the series in the jungle, similar to how it started. But after seeing Scotland and Madagascar, I think the pacing could have benefited from one more set piece before taking us there
Great game, though. Loved the ending.and the epilogue
Naughty Dog is da real MVP.
To be it is only realized in the multiplayer. It is way too sluggish on single player.
That's interesting because I thought 2 got it just right and 3 went over board. There were little things about 3's combat that made it less fun for me. So maybe it just felt like there were a few too many combat section's. I didn't love the amount of melee you had to do, and those armoured shotgunners can GTFO.
Well, sheneeded it the most after her entire army was destroyed. So she was the sane one at the end yet she was basically hit the hardest by this whole affair?(everyone else came away scott-free)
Then the game makes the impact kinda negligible by giving her a lot of treasure to rebuild it.(since they were just mercs for hire as we saw in Chapter 22 when she wanted to leave before getting to the ship)
I guess it's reasonable that the "sane" one gets the treasure because she knew when to quit and I know that she was basically forced into the shoreline thing, but it seems strange that everyone gets the treasure(including Sam) when it's supposed to be a tale of greed.
Yeah, I mentioned earlier that all the individual aspects of 4 are the best in the series by far, except the balance of the components is super off. It just goes to show how important pacing is. As a result 4 is not as good as 2, but better than 3 (which I still love). 3 is probably still more replayable than 4 though since it ramps up better with more combat and moves at a faster clip. I really wish they hadn't paced this game like Last of Us/Left Behind. The slower pacing worked great for those games, but not nearly as well for Uncharted where both more combat and a faster pace would greatly enhance the urgency and impact of the story and gameflow.
I feel like Naughty Dog, despite making combat better and better, are trying to phase it out of their games more and more which I really hope is not the case.
You seem to forget thatshe didnt leave with just the gold but she also got obviously a hell of a lot of money from Rafe to offer her service and army. in fact by the end the game hints at her wanting to leave that merc life.
I'm not going to make any final judgments about 4 until I finish my second playthrough but I may agree with you. I've just told myself to appreciate it as a narrative driven game that's unlike past games. There is no arguing 2 flows the best and just works. However, I remember having more "wow" moments in 3 so I'm anxious to see how I feel after I finish. 3 could have been so much better if they improved hit reactions and the AI didn't act plain weird sometimes.
As of now I have Uncharted 2>>Uncharted 4=Uncharted 3>>>>>Uncharted 1. However, after I finish all 4 that equal sign will be gone just not sure which way it will go.
Does anyone know when you beat the game,and in the Epilogue when Nate is speaking to his daughter Cassie, if he will still start off with Drake's Fortune, or will he start off with Shangri-La if you chose to talk about UC2 first to Sam earlier, etc.?
Does anyone know when you beat the game,and in the Epilogue when Nate is speaking to his daughter Cassie, if he will still start off with Drake's Fortune, or will he start off with Shangri-La if you chose to talk about UC2 first to Sam earlier, etc.?
I chose Shambala at the beginning and he still talked about El Dorado at the end since that's when he and Elena met
I'm pretty sure he always say the same because I finished the game twice and picked two different options and I don't remember seeing anything different at the epilogue.
Yeah I need to do a second playthrough as well. I started one and got to chapter 6 and figured I need to give it some more time to breathe since if jump into it right after I might just like it less since I just went through everything. It's weird to feel so conflicted and kind of dissapointed with such a quality production, but it is what it is.
So what were everyone's favorite shootouts out of the (shamefully few) encounters in the game.
Not including the glorious set piece, my top 3 all come from the final act of the game
.The elevator encounter in 17 (it's like the sign post shootout from 2 but times 10, the first encounter in New Devon in 18 where you can dive in the water, and then the absolutely bonkers shootout in the ship graveyard in chapter 20
I also really really liked the little string of encounters in chapter 14. The environment for that was great.
I forgot where I heard it but someone summed it up perfectly, Nathan Drake in the past games was an ordinary man in an extraordinary world, in UC4, Nathan Drake is an extraordinary man in an ordinary world. The latter leads to a dissonance especially considering that the style itself is much more realistic than past UC games. Even more so when characters say stuff likeNone of it is, and that's the problem with going more "realistic." When you opt to shift tone, everything needs to adapt, including the game design. If not, you're left with realistic things clashing with unrealistic elements, realistic people doing completely unrealistic things.
UC3 already did that though.Color me surprised that there are people disappointed that the game doesn't haveThat's exactly what I wanted. I was sick of it.supernatural stuff in it.
So what were everyone's favorite shootouts out of the (shamefully few) encounters in the game.
Beat the game earlier.
That was fantastic, loved it. I have it up there with 2.
I just finished it. It's a great uncharted overall, nothing new really. It has really impressive landscapes, same gameplay as usual, the controls in the shooting parts are not good, but it has his very good action scenes.
Regarding the supernatural talk....I was fine that there wasn't anything because I felt like the history of the pirates, how you followed along their story parallel with your own story, how rich the history, scenery and details were made it feel like there were fucking ghosts everywhere and Sam even jokes about that IIRC. Also there were exploding mummies in the caves, so I mean there was some weird shit and some of it felt extremely haunting
Posted earlier in the game. I think I'm on chapter 17 now, up to the bit whereElena turns up and you're driving towards the last location I think, the fields open uip in the Jeep and you get that really soft music coming through - quite nice
I feel I've spent most of my time walking, or doing mundane stuff. I've liked the puzzles so far. I don't like the boxes that appear round enemies (hoping I can turn these off in second playthrough).
Regarding thesupernatural elements - I'm so so pleased there weren't any here. I absolutely despised them in the previous three games (and don't give me the 'UC3 doesn't have any' bullshit, disguising them as a hallucination doesn't change anything). All of my previous repeat playthroughs have ended as soon as that rubbish starts. UC4 not having any was one of the best things about it. And for reference, I also hate the Indy movies for the same thing
Regarding thesupernatural elements - I'm so so pleased there weren't any here. I absolutely despised them in the previous three games (and don't give me the 'UC3 doesn't have any' bullshit, disguising them as a hallucination doesn't change anything). All of my previous repeat playthroughs have ended as soon as they rubbish starts. UC4 not having any was one of the best things about it. And for reference, I also hate the Indy movies for the same thing
What did you dislike about the controls?
What is not good about the controls? it sure has not much of an agressive aim assist like Battlefield or COD on consoles, but controls are pretty smooth even without it.
The epilogue is honestly my least favorite thing about the game..I hate how epilogues feel like they always have to cut to the future and show the original characters had fucking kids. I don't hate the existence of it, but it felt completely unnecessary to me and by the numbers. Also felt way too Last of Us. It's like in this pulpy action adventure thing I'm not sure why I have to wander around as Nathan and Elena's daughter some 14 years later or whatever
It could have been worse, they could have gone mummy returns with this storyand had the kid already at the start of the game. Then spend the entire thing trying to get said kid back.
So what were everyone's favorite shootouts out of the (shamefully few) encounters in the game.
Regarding thesupernatural elements, did anyone expect![]()
after the flashlight went out?
It's not as bad as the division, but it's far from metal gear V. I don't know exactly, but it feels cheap, but i guess it was the same as the old uncharteds.
They feel slow and hard to aim, like the aim didn't move fast enough with the analog (I try to change the sensitive in options and didn't get any better), and the cover system is clunky, like it roll or doesn't stick/take cover where you think it will by proximity, or it happen a lot that it picket the wrong gun from the floor, but i guess that one was my fault for being running.
I think I see it as quality over quantity though. Even for Uncharted.Yeah, I mentioned earlier that all the individual aspects of 4 are the best in the series by far, except the balance of the components is super off. It just goes to show how important pacing is. As a result 4 is not as good as 2, but better than 3 (which I still love). 3 is probably still more replayable than 4 though since it ramps up better with more combat and moves at a faster clip. I really wish they hadn't paced this game like Last of Us/Left Behind. The slower pacing worked great for those games, but not nearly as well for Uncharted where both more combat and a faster pace would greatly enhance the urgency and impact of the story and gameflow.
I feel like Naughty Dog, despite making combat better and better, are trying to phase it out of their games more and more which I really hope is not the case.
Oh things can always be worse haha. I don't like it, but it's whatever. It by no means taints my overall impression of the game.
I think I see it as quality over quantity though. Even for Uncharted.
Just curious, how would you have liked the epilogue to play out if you didn't like what they gave us?
I personally found it incredibly endearing. It was a great ending to the series.