You are forgetting how fucked up the PS3 generation was for Sony and PlayStation. In fact, it was orders of magnitude worse than the Red Ring of Death for Xbox.I'd disagree. The XOne reveal and launch to me seems to be the genesis of all the shit that happened after. It started a downward spiral that MS just couldn't stop, no matter what they tried. In hindsight that generation turned out to be the most important of all, as people were starting their digital libraries around this time. Now normies with 100+ digital PSN games won't ever switch, irregardless of what MS offers.
The fact of the matter is that even with that tone-deaf Xbox One reveal and having a less powerful hardware, Xbox only needed a consistent output of AAA GOTY contenders, something that Sony did even at the brink of bankruptcy in a span of 5-7 years in the second half of the PS3 era. as simple as that