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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -6| How much lower can we go?!

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No, There are two more episodes. I can do this, I can do it!

After that I suppose I'll finish Cream Lemon, or start Djibril the Devil Angel.

Djibril character designs are really cute. Looks like one of those tentacle love shows though.

I told you Kisa was one of the most adorable characters ever!

Anime is undead.

This is very truthful.

I'm going to have to watch this at some point, aren't I?


Yes. I will too.

Robotics;Notes 18
I officially hate this show now.
Every week I think im done with it till its finished but it just keeps bringing me back to
another episode that has nothing happening until the last five minutes.
This is making Chaos;Head look like a masterpiece by comparison. which is sad because this had so much more potential.


Hah. Ever since I bought that Komugi figure, the prices for them has gone way down on Ebay. Still not sane pricing but much better than $400 like some idiots were asking.


Finally! We get to see something else from Ankama Japan! Even if Eddie Mehong (didi) is mainly involved now with Yapiko-Animation, his time at that place gave us cool information about their upcoming works and novel spirit, and interest in aiming for this specific project to be a top series in Japan itself (http://www.manganimation.net/news/2010/02/animateurs-doujin-koutetsu-no-vendetta). This world setting looked really good even since those concept videos:


Likewise, I also wanted to see what they could finally do with Rémi le Marlou (http://www.catsuka.com/news/2010-01...ation-revival-du-projet-de-christophe-kourita)...

I need a wolf children artbook.



Actually, I should check Kinokuniya before I drop $33 on shipping.
It just looks that great! Nice pick:

Halcyon Realms – Animation.Film.Photography and Art Book Reviews » » Wolf Children Art Book Review Part I : Background Art

Halcyon Realms – Animation.Film.Photography and Art Book Reviews » » Wolf Children Art Book Review Part II : Layout, CG & More
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 08


So moe.

Yep, this definitely feels like the abridged version of something. Jumping around different stories, moving plot along without me really following how this came to be. I mean I have a vague understanding of what's going on, but I rather the show explained it.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Futari wa Precure] 04
This show is finally hitting its stride. Not only do we get slight hints at :sdburton, but that monster of the week was actually pretty imaginative!
Using the paintings and sculptures in the museum certainly made for a more interesting rival than just another electric appliance
. I only wish the next episode preview hadn't spoiled the fact that
Pisard isn't dead yet
. Way to ruin an awesome ending, Toei!

P.S. Honoka > Nagisa.


Time to review...

Lolita Anime 4

WAIT NO!!! fuuuuck, I thought it was over.. I can do this though, I'm gonna see it through! Alright *deep breath*

/Credits roll.


Solid 4 out of 10.

I wasn't expecting a Hentai review here.

No, There are two more episodes. I can do this, I can do it!

After that I suppose I'll finish Cream Lemon, or start Djibril the Devil Angel.

mmmmmmm Cool Device, Angel?

it seems that you have great knowledge about hentai maybe you could help me find the one I watched 13 years ago.


[Futari wa Precure] 04

This show is finally hitting its stride. Not only do we get slight hints at :sdburton, but that monster of the week was actually pretty imaginative!
Using the paintings and sculptures in the museum certainly made for a more interesting rival than just another electric appliance
. I only wish the next episode preview hadn't spoiled the fact that
Pisard isn't dead yet
. Way to ruin an awesome ending, Toei!

P.S. Honoka > Nagisa.

Yaaaay! :D

I love this show. Looooooooove it!
*hugs FWP

Also Honoka is definitely the best girl. Not that I don't like Nagisa. she's still pretty cool. she's just not honoka.


tamako market - 06

I can't remember if I posted about this. Such a great episode--self-contained, yet setting up the next narrative hook, funny and charming besides. I've generally been really fond of the episodic content in Tamako, and this was no exception.

Watching episode 7 right after was a bit jarring, not only because of Choi's introduction but also the way it sets her up--it all seemed oddly pandering, oddly so because it's not what I expected out of the show, given the staff and the studio. I do like her as a foil of sorts to Dera.

Choi's design is odd, too--it's an 'alien' character (alien as in the sense of foreignness, not, you know, extraterrestrial) but even with that foreignness in mind, her design is somewhat exploitative, the short-hemmed smock/robe, the bangles on bare feet, etc. I guess even the 'peach' moment is shown in a playful fashion, but still, this isn't Vividred!

It gets back on track with the second half, thankfully. So many friendzones. You get the passing of time, you get the melancholy of rejection and the transitory nature of growth, and I guess things are starting to 'happen' via the bride selection blossoms that Choi sees on Tamako. Good Show.


Maoyuu Maou Yuusha - 08

Well speak of the devil, Mage makes an appearance... and still has no lines.

Problem Children and Medaka's Rabbit - 07


Dat wavelength!

Episode had more of explaining what's going on.


Watching episode 7 right after was a bit jarring, not only because of Choi's introduction but also the way it sets her up--it all seemed oddly pandering, oddly so because it's not what I expected out of the show, given the staff and the studio. I do like her as a foil of sorts to Dera.

More than the "dat ass" shot which I didn't find jarring in any way, her dialogue and expressions do come off as more gimmicky and less subdued than the rest of the characters.


Revolutionary Girl Utena 17

I don't know, I think wool underwear sounds pretty comfy.

The girl Juri was in love with is back. And she wants to go back to the old days (note: they never dated, kissed, or did any other :sdburton related activities in the old days, as far as I know). Juri doesn't wanna, because she hates her for not knowing how she feels and presumably because she's afraid of getting hurt again. I liked Utena's conversation with Anthy's brother (yet another name I'm struggling with), where he points out that oftentimes a person's innocence and naivete can be hurtful to others around them, as it can leave them oblivious to the thoughts and feelings of others. Pretty wise words from somebody who pulls Saturday night delights with his sister.

These interview scenes and the scenes that result from them really can be quite creepy and strange. They remind me of the "I am a shadow. The TRUE self!" scenes from Persona 4, in that both have their dark, inner feelings spilled out in bizarre ways. I wonder if the guys who made that game took some cues from this. Or if this is more common than I think.

Speaking of creepy scenes resulting from the interviews, that was the most tense :sdburton scene I've seen in...pretty much anything (though it doesn't have much competition, I guess).

I'm glad this episode didn't end with Anthy about to receive a phallic pelvic exam from her brother. That stuff is out there, man.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
[Futari wa Precure] 04

This show is finally hitting its stride. Not only do we get slight hints at :sdburton, but that monster of the week was actually pretty imaginative!
Using the paintings and sculptures in the museum certainly made for a more interesting rival than just another electric appliance
. I only wish the next episode preview hadn't spoiled the fact that
Pisard isn't dead yet
. Way to ruin an awesome ending, Toei!

P.S. Honoka > Nagisa.

Yeah I was a Nagisa fan at the start, but her constant lusting over soccerboy made me defect to Honoka. That, and Honoka became badass over the course of the first season.


Yeah I was a Nagisa fan at the start, but her constant lusting over soccerboy made me defect to Honoka. That, and Honoka became badass over the course of the first season.

I was kind of surprised how the show changes halfway through. Didn't expect that actually.
I'm on episode 28 now.


Maturity, bitches.
I think the best bit of QUALITY in the latest Psycho Pass had to be the talking mouths. It was like watching a badly dubbed movie at times.
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 08

So moe.

Yep, this definitely feels like the abridged version of something. Jumping around different stories, moving plot along without me really following how this came to be. I mean I have a vague understanding of what's going on, but I rather the show explained it.

Actually this is one episode where they didn't remove things ..This might seems hard to believe , but nothing was cut this time.
What annoy me is the fact that i don't see how they will finish all the sub plots in place if we are to reach episode 13 and stop there.


The smile of a satisfied woman ??
Episode was great IMO


Record of Lodoss War 5

In this episode we learn that King Fahn, the High Priestess, Spock, Emperor Beld, and Gim were all legendary warriors. Deed dresses up for Parn, but he's busy swooning over King Kashu, who is basically Parn with a goatee.

Not a bad episode, all in all.


Mirai Nikki 15
That's cheating. Shit's going off the rails proper now. (well the past few were that too but holy shit)
Also new OP.


You should see Football-GAF. They just blaze through the pages.

Wow, the two threads (football thread 14 and anime thread ot-6) were made on the same day, yet the first has 9k posts and the second only has a little over 3k.

We're a bunch of failures.


Revolutionary Girl Utena 18

Heh, this episode was pretty heavy on the innuendo.

Now that Utena has defeated Miki's sister, Juri's old friend, and Tsuwabuki, who does she have to fight left? The only remaining members of the old SC are Saionji and Touga, and they're not even around anymore. And even if they were, they really don't have anyone close to them other than each other that the Black Rose people can take advantage of. Maybe those fuckers will actually have to start fighting Utena themselves.

Speaking of fighting, I don't like the duels themselves in this arc as much. They just seem too quick, and they just end so abruptly when the prince just comes out of the sky to help Utena. It never really feels like she's ever really in danger of losing. This is probably my biggest complaint with the Black Rose Saga so far.


Summer Wars


It had its moments, and I really loved the dynamic of the family, but the
ending where the heroine is suddenly infatuated/falls in love with the protagonist came out of left field and spoiled the movie for me. Not that I had an exceptional opinion of the movie prior to the ending, but that kiss scene did noticeably bring the movie down.

Also, I don't normally berate films for this but Summer Wars suffers from being a bit too generic in terms of plot and characters. That's just my opinion, however, and others may say otherwise.
Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo - 07

Dat build-up .. Episode was good ..shiroyasha and overpowered MC just went into brotherhood about "good things".

First they compete about who will beat the bad guy first , second they share the same hobbies.. i guess a "best pairing" award is obligatory , now ...

Those 2 will clearly make things worse intresting if they stay together !


No.. "best buddies" , not big dummies

Why the hell is Kuro usagi hair pink ? she was just taking a bath ? She went blue afterwards , but isn't blue her normal mode ? Why would she kept the transformation if she only had a bath to take ?

Yes i know ... priorirites ... but i really want to know ..

i need a pink and a blue kuro usagi figurine ...


Mobile Suit Gundam 38

So basically we've arrived at that point in a Gundam show where if you aren't the main guy or the Char clone, you should just stay on your White Base, because you're going to get schooled. Also, I'm surprised at how gracefully Mirai accepted the whole "Seyla has personal problems" line from Bright. Seriously Bright? Mirai just had to deal with a crummy fiance and
a dead fiance
and Amuro met his mentally messed up

As a matter of fact, Bright is the only main crew member (aside from Hayato) who HASN'T had a personal problem lately.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Revolutionary Girl Utena 17

The girl Juri was in love with is back. And she wants to go back to the old days


I liked Utena's conversation with Anthy's brother (yet another name I'm struggling with), where he points out that oftentimes a person's innocence and naivete can be hurtful to others around them, as it can leave them oblivious to the thoughts and feelings of others.
That is pretty much the raison d'être for every duelist in the show barring some exceptions. One of Utena's major themes is
growing up and letting things go

Also, the name you are looking for is Akio.
Revolutionary Girl Utena 18

Speaking of fighting, I don't like the duels themselves in this arc as much. They just seem too quick, and they just end so abruptly when the prince just comes out of the sky to help Utena. It never really feels like she's ever really in danger of losing. This is probably my biggest complaint with the Black Rose Saga so far.
You wouldn't be the first one to raise such opinion. The Black Rose Saga goes into full character examination for the duelist of the week more than trying to use the duels as vehicles for Utena herself to grow in any way. I like that approach up to a point, as it gives an already rich cast even more angles to look at.

Did I miss your impressions about the Nanami episode or did you just straight up skip writing about it? :( I'm sad if it's the latter.

P.S. Episode 19 is one of my favourites, by the way. Very eager to read you on that one.
i am definitely getting a kurousagi figure

Hell yeah ..not gonna pass this one .

PS: according to the group of kuro usagi fans i've just met ( another forom ) , the consensus is that she had pink hair because she was worried about asuka before taking the bath ...

Never underestimate groups detective skills.


That is pretty much the raison d'être for every duelist in the show barring some exceptions. One of Utena's major themes is
growing up and letting things go

Also, the name you are looking for is Akio.

You wouldn't be the first one to raise such opinion. The Black Rose Saga goes into full character examination for the duelist of the week more than trying to use the duels as vehicles for Utena herself to grow in any way. I like that approach up to a point, as it gives an already rich cast even more angles to look at.

Did I miss your impressions about the Nanami episode or did you just straight up skip writing about it? :( I'm sad if it's the latter.

P.S. Episode 19 is one of my favourites, by the way. Very eager to read you on that one.

I wrote them. Let me go find the post.

Edit: Here it is.


Revolutionary Girl Utena 18

Speaking of fighting, I don't like the duels themselves in this arc as much. They just seem too quick, and they just end so abruptly when the prince just comes out of the sky to help Utena. It never really feels like she's ever really in danger of losing. This is probably my biggest complaint with the Black Rose Saga so far.

Revisit this thought at the end of the saga. Then we'll discuss it.


Rah Xephon 12

This show is okay when it tries to be itself. Then the writers or directors or whoever go back into their inferiority complex and go back to ripping off Evangelion. The final scene of this episode, with a buttload of Quons trying to grasp an egg and laughing madly, was more or less lifted verbatim (verscenim?) from End of Evangelion.

This is really the chief problem with Rah Xephon. It can't not try to be Evangelion. The other two problems are its ridiculous cliches (seriously white guy in the red glasses and Dr. McFey are about as phoned in as it gets, see also the woman who is basically Quistis Trepe, and, well, most of the cast.), and in hand with that the fact that nothing that is said ever really contributes to an episode.

The good thing about the entire show is that Quon insists that Ayato is actually Dolan, which makes no sense, as the animation for this show is way out of Dolan's league.


Mirai Nikki 16
Yuuki's dad is cool, then he turns out to be an asshole, but then again it makes sense in this case.
I wonder just how crazy this can become.
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