Rah Xephon 12
This show is okay when it tries to be itself. Then the writers or directors or whoever go back into their inferiority complex and go back to ripping off Evangelion. The final scene of this episode, with a buttload of Quons trying to grasp an egg and laughing madly, was more or less lifted verbatim (verscenim?) from End of Evangelion.
This is really the chief problem with Rah Xephon. It can't not try to be Evangelion. The other two problems are its ridiculous cliches (seriously white guy in the red glasses and Dr. McFey are about as phoned in as it gets, see also the woman who is basically Quistis Trepe, and, well, most of the cast.), and in hand with that the fact that nothing that is said ever really contributes to an episode.
The good thing about the entire show is that Quon insists that Ayato is actually Dolan, which makes no sense, as the animation for this show is way out of Dolan's league.