Dr Bass
Yeah, but Bugsnax, Goodbye Volcano High, Sackboy, 2 generations old GTA and a small Spiderman game as the only confirmed AA(A maybe) 1st party launch title are thrilling.
I had a PS4 this gen, that doesn't mean I'm not biased. I am, I greatly prefer Xbox. The posts I've seen from you including the one I quoted indicate to me a strong PS5 bias. That's fine but don't pretend otherwise.
I go where the software is. Right now that's Playstation and Switch. MS has definitely annoyed me with their incessant talk of "the games are coming!" and "Japan matters!" I loooooved the original Xbox and what that felt like back in the day. I preferred the 360 over the PS3 until more towards the end of that generation. And MS totally blew the Xbox One IMO. And I'm a Nintendo fanboy at heart basically. I may be biased. I may have preferences, well all do, but hopefully I'm always honest with what I'm saying. MS has such deep pockets they could be funding ridiculously awesome stuff. Forza/Gears/Halo with a dash of Ori just isn't cutting it at the moment IMO. But hey, at least we both appear to be cat people.
P.S. I was sort of hoping to make Series X my "main console" this generation because I love what MS is doing with BC. But they just don't have a lot of games I want to have always available and that annoys the heck out of me. PS4 and Switch seem to have a lot of Arcade classics that are emulated or whatever, and they don't exist on Xbox and I don't understand why. I would absolutely love to have a single box that had years of console and arcade classics that I could fire up anytime with the best performance. One of my favorite games I played on Xbox One X was Panzer Dragoon Orta. Awesome game. I would re-buy the 1 remake and Zwei if they release them on Xbox. I go all digital, so honestly, I would love to take that direction.

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