Is the XBOX 360 a Top 5 console of all time?

360 top 5 console of all time?

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But OG XBox yes.


Wont give places/order but top5 is definitely:
Can x360 compete for the place in top10 of consoles?- yup, altho again cant give him exact number, but place 6 to 10 is good enough in my book :)
Well for me, there's SNES, PS1, PS2, Saturn, and MegaDrive, so no 360 in there. But that's just a personal Top 5.

If I were to go by systems with the most market impact, I'd have to go with NES, PS1, Wii, DS (if we're also counting portables) and 360. And arguably, in that order. But PS2 would be closely behind 360 IMO, just due to how long it remained supported on the market and its total sales. But I'd have to admit in terms of some technological and feature standards, 360 did more for the industry (standardized XBL, unified shaders, unified memory, indie marketplace, party chat etc.) and also ushered in a big movement for Western AAA in the console space that wasn't nearly as prominent in prior gens.

If it were down to, say, my Top 5 most technologically innovative or impressive systems, 360 probably wouldn't track. That'd have to go to PS2, PS3, DS (one of the only asymmetrical multiprocessing architectures in the industry AFAIK), PC-Engine, and Dreamcast.

Hector Hall

Neo Member
Good machine, but definitely not top 5.
I mean, first year was bad until Gears released, and then 3RL, and then Élite models corrected lots of things (added wifi, and not laughable HDDs, 3RL out) but the last year's with Kinect were terrible plus most of the great exclusives of the first year's were ported with complete versions to PlayStation 3..

With NES, Super Nes, PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 4, Sega Megadrive and Dreamcast around, it just can't be top 5 in my book
My Top 5 Consoles:

#5 Nintendo Entertainment System - Received every game imaginable at the time.

(Castlevania III | Felix The Cat | TMNT III Manhattan Project)

#4 Sega Genesis 32x - Backwards compatible with Master System, forward compatible with Virtua Fighter, and filled with bangers.

(Comix Zone | Earthworm Jim | Virtua Fighter)

#3 PlayStation 2 - Backwards compatible with PlayStation, plays DVDs, has tons of gaming accessories, and the largest official software library of all time.

(Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition | Obscure | True Crime: NYC)

#2 Nintendo Wii - Backwards compatible with GameCube, has giant digital library of (NeoGeo/PC Engine CD/etc.) retro ports, brought back light gun games, has fun software using motion controls, and a unique library.

(No More Heroes | Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles | The Last Story)

#1 Xbox Series S - Large backwards compatible library dating back to original Xbox (many with enhancements), fast loading, best user interface on console, and cheap digital rental service.

(Hi-Fi Rush | Mortal Kombat 11 | Psychonauts 2)
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No. It has a couple good years, then thr games dried up. While that generation still has classics, almost all of those were on PS3 as well.

TBF a lot of multiplats, especially Western ones, up 'till like 2011 still ran better on 360. Early on there were differences so severe you'd swear the PS3 was a generation behind. I think one of the NBA Street games was like that, just wildly different graphics in favor of 360.

I'm not sure how exclusives like LittleBigPlanet Racing are relevant to the discussion of Halo simply being better than Killzone + Resistance and the 360 being the best option through the entire generation for shooters, racing and other sports games.

Some of that is subjective, and in terms of racing games you're gonna have to be very specific. Forza Motorsport started to come into its own that gen but Gran Turismo 5 and 6 still dominated the simulation racer side of things, especially in terms of sales.
Because another poster mentioned Resistance / Killzone / GT as worthy exclusives when the 360 had better exclusives in those genres.

Yeah,'re not getting away with that when it comes to GT. None of the Forza Motorsports that gen touched GT5 visually, let alone GT6. And while they had actual visual car damage, the GT games still had better physics and handling, and arguably more fleshed out campaigns.

Killzone & Resistance...yeah they couldn't compete with Halo & Gears in terms of clout and sales, but it might be worth considering they've aged better than the Halo & Gears games that generation, certainly visually. Or at least there's room to make that argument, and nothing else really had the punch & weight to their guns the way Killzone did, aside maybe BLACK.

Quantity not quality.

Resistance and Kilzone et al are not even in the same ball park as Halo or Gears of War.

I still have PTSD from Resistance, that awful brown hue’d slow walking through mud laggy asf game was abysmal, a horrific display and representative of how broken many PS3 games were.

Well Resistance wasn't trying to be like Halo or Gears either, kind of a weird way of comparing them.

Whoever decided to stop funding exclusives at the second half of Xbox 360 generation, should be blamed for the death of the Xbox, shame they were doing so well before that, RIP XBOX.

TBF a lot of late would-be 360 exclusives got moved over to the XBO, in part because I'm guessing there may've initially been plans for a 2012 launch with that leaked earlier spec that then got dumped for the specs which'd eventually form the actual XBO system.

Yes. 360 not only mainstream the online gaming on consoles, it also brought out the best in sony, giving PS a worthy competition. Without 360 we wouldnt be in this gaming evoirment.

The environment where Xbox as a console is basically dead? o.0

People putting PS2 on their top 5 are waaaaaay to nostalgic. Games vise 2nd worst that sony has ever been. Apart from konami, all major publishers were lacking. Sorry not sorry.

Xbox 360
Nintendo 64

This is pure cap. Namco (Tekken 4, Tekken Tag, Tekken 5, Xenosaga series), Capcom (Devil May Cry 1 & 3, Onimusha series, Okami etc.), Activision even (Guitar Hero), SIE (GT3, GT4, Mark of Kri, Ico, SOTC, GOW 1 & 2, Jak & Daxter series, Sly Cooper series, The Getaway II), SEGA (Virtua Fighter 4, Yakuza), Atlus (SMT 3, Persona 3, etc.), Take-Two/Rockstar (GTA3, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, Smuggler's Run 2, Manhunt, Bully), Square-Enix (FFX, FFXII, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2), and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

1P & 3P support was super on-point with PS2, and virtually every game I just mentioned still holds up today. You'd need to have some of the most narrow-minded tastes to think PS2 doesn't earn a spot in the Top 5.
No you are nuts

Mgs5 (cross gen)
Persona 5 (cross gen)
Best AC games (1 to 4)
Uncharted trilogy
The last of us
Resistance games
Infamous games
Killzone 2 and 3
Cod modern warfare trilogy
Demons souls
Dark souls 1 and 2
Gta IV
Gta V
Red dead redemption
Bioshock 1
Bioshock 2
Bioshock infinite
Heavy Rain
Heavenly Sword
PES 2013 (best soccer game ever)
Wolf amoung us
The walking dead
Tomb Raider Reboot
Sleeping FUCKING dogs
Yakuza games
Just cause 2
Street Fighter 4
Fallout 3

These are like from the top of my head btw. Ps3 library is beyond insanity
Most of those are mid at best.


Gold Member
Overall, probably not. Mattrick decimated it's second half with a focus on four core franchises and Kinect. OG Xbox would probably land in the top five, though.
The Xbox 360 was simply far too inconsistent to be considered a top console. It did introduce some great enhancements like achievements and online play, although the latter isn't really their innovation as it was done much earlier by Sega and others. It also had some great early gen franchises like Halo 3 and Gears of War. It was a well designed system from a power/value standpoint, and third party ports shined.

But the drawbacks are far too significant. The RROD situation was the worst hardware debacle of all time. The software situation post-2009 was getting extremely dire, especially once Bungie left after Reach. The focus on Kinect and gimmicks also hurt their long-term vision, despite kinect looking like a temporary success.

Really can't list it as a top console for that reason alone. PS3 had other issues, exotic hardware design, late launch, high price, poor early software. But the PS3 eventually came around quite dramatically post 2008-2013 with many great exclusive games that far exceed what the Xbox 360 pushed out. That's why I personally would place PS3 above the Xbox 360, despite being a bigger commercial failure relative to Sony's past.

It's the best Xbox console by good measure, but failed to maintain the strong early momentum. It's likely way down the list at around #13 for me. I can look at all the other top consoles and they all had good hardware and consistently great software every single year.
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Even a crappy console can still be one's favorite if that was all they ever had.

Xbox 360 was the most successful Xbox. But there are too many better console in history for it to ever take any crown. It still can be YOUR favorite, nothing stops you. But trying to beat the hall of fame is impossible.


Neo Member
Top 5 for me definitely. Generally the best console platform for third party titles of that generation (especially in the first half of the gen), and the 360 had or was better for my favorites of the gen (Mass Effect trilogy, Bioshock, Oblivion, Halo + Gears, Fallout, Condemned Criminal Origins, the CODs and continuing the Tom Clancy's from OG Xbox)

RROD sucked but the redesign improved quality a lot and the controller's still a great design


Easily. It’s probably my fav console of all time including the fact they shit the bed after the released Kinect. It had so many amazing games and it also had Xbox live arcade. Fuck I miss the golden days of Xbox…


Hell yes.

The sheer quantity of awesome games is extraordinary; Halo 3/4/Reach, the Gears of War 1-3 and Judgement, Mass Effect trilogy, Bioshock trilogy, Bayonetta, Skyrim, Witcher 2, Alan Wake, Forza 2-4 and Horizon 1/2, Condemned, Lost Odyssey, Metro 2033/Last Light, the best of the COD series, Dead Space trilogy, Far Cry 2/3/4, Bulletstorm, Vanquish, Stranglehold, Enslaved, Oblivion, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Portal 1/2...

Throw in one of the best traditional controllers ever made and superior performance in most multiplatform titles, and you have one of the best consoles ever for sure.


Official top 5 (based on sales)

- PS2 (160M+)
- Switch (~150M)
- PS4 (117M)
- PS1 (102)
- Wii (101M)


Besides, didn't X360 have ~50% fail-rate (RROD)?

Edit 2:

Going by IGN, fail-rate was 54% at one point.
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Absolutely, despite RROD and everything. The 360 was the console that brought console gaming the internet for me and the first two years had an amazing line up. Still boggles my mind just how much Mattrick and motion control screwed everything up.


Yes. Xbox and Xbox 360 paved the way for all the other consoles after them.

Internet connection, HDD, interface, store, wireless gamepad. Some of these things had existed on consoles before, but Xboxes made them mandatory and user friendly.

My top 5:

NES - the console, which restored gaming and made it popular;
PlayStation - the console, which brought 3d graphics after 2d generations;
Xbox/Xbox 360 - the first console with HDD, internet etc;
Wii - the console with revolutionary gamepads;
Switch - the first hybrid console.

I do not understand, why some people include PS2 or SNES in their top 5 lists. These consoles were just more powerful, than their predecessors, and didn't change gaming.
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Most of those are mid at best.
Yeah, three rockstar games, four noughtydog games, 2 mgs’ and best of activisions are mid at best. Forgot to mention arkham asylum and arkham city as well.

No generation will ever come close to ps3’s/xbox 360 impact in gaming when it comes to future effects while ps2s were mostly used as dvd players..


Yeah, three rockstar games, four noughtydog games, 2 mgs’ and best of activisions are mid at best. Forgot to mention arkham asylum and arkham city as well.

No generation will ever come close to ps3’s/xbox 360 impact in gaming when it comes to future effects while ps2s were mostly used as dvd players..
Pretty revisionist to deny the impact PS1 and PS2 had.

Ps3/X360 don't even come close.
Statement is factually impossible because there are already 5 Playstation consoles (not including handhelds)
Based on objective controller design ranking alone every Xbox console would fall somewhere after DualSense, DualShock 4, 2 , 1, 3 and SNES.
Nintendo's controllers post-PS1 dodge the DualShock patents with bad design and asymmetry just like Xbox has always done.
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Pretty revisionist to deny the impact PS1 and PS2 had.

Ps3/X360 don't even come close.
I am not denying the impact the ps1 had but all the types of games we play right now weather its an online or a single player game, they were pioneered by the games that came out on ps3/360 gen.

I do not hate ps2 gen, i like it a lot actually. But when i see people say its their favorite console i just can not believe it


I am not denying the impact the ps1 had but all the types of games we play right now weather its an online or a single player game, they were pioneered by the games that came out on ps3/360 gen.

I do not hate ps2 gen, i like it a lot actually. But when i see people say its their favorite console i just can not believe it
Online games were pioneered on PS2 and Xbox.

PS2 had games like Socom, Killzone, BF and FFXI.
Xbox had Halo and BF.

The Socom franchise had sold 3.9M in the US alone before PS3 was released.

It wasn't new on X360 and PS3. But I'll give you that they made it more widespread and obviously it evolved.

If anything, the most noteworthy impact X360 had was being the key-factor to industry-wide adaptation of DLC/microtransactions and paywalled online mp in the console-space.
But I'm not sure if I'd consider that a W.
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Not the YouTuber
People putting PS3 above 360… shitttttttt.

PS1 was revolutionary and top 5 all day. PS2 in Australia was bought entirely as a DVD player for many years, at $1,200 it was the cheapest available and played games so you couldn’t loose when DVD launched.

The graphics were a step up but it didn’t revolutionise a generation with online play or achievements.
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Neo Member
Yeah, three rockstar games, four noughtydog games, 2 mgs’ and best of activisions are mid at best. Forgot to mention arkham asylum and arkham city as well.

No generation will ever come close to ps3’s/xbox 360 impact in gaming when it comes to future effects while ps2s were mostly used as dvd players..
This is incredibly false, it's hilarious.

I had PS360Wii and honestly, this gen was the mark of gaming going downhill and losing the "games made by gamers" mentality.

PS2, GC, Xbox blows away the 7th gen, it's not even close.

Also, I had Xbox live on the OG Xbox, and even played my GameCube online (Phantasy Star Online) so 7th gen didn't wow me.
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Neo Member
People putting PS3 above 360… shitttttttt.

PS1 was revolutionary and top 5 all day. PS2 in Australia was bought entirely as a DVD player for many years, at $1,200 it was the cheapest available and played games so you couldn’t loose when DVD launched.

The graphics were a step up but it didn’t revolutionise a generation with online play or achievements.
You do realize online gaming was happening in the 6th gen right?

Xbox, PS2, and heck even the GameCube were being played online back in 2002.

7th gen brought online store fronts, and things like that but online gaming was in no way new on consoles before the 7th gen.

I remember jumping from OG Xbox to 360, after having been an Xbox Live member for a few years.

The main difference on the 360 was the store front, and achievements.

The actual online components of games, was the same as it was on the OG Xbox.

Voice chatting, sending friend request, voice or text messaging others players, etcetera existed on consoles years before the 7th gen.
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You do realize online gaming was happening in the 6th gen right?

Xbox, PS2, and heck even the GameCube were being played online back in 2002.

7th gen brought online store fronts, and things like that but online gaming was in no way new before the 7th gen.
It's almost like some of these people started gaming on Xbox 360.
Which is fair I guess.

But I remember clear as day that I was playing KZ1 online mp as my ex threw a positive pregnancy-test on my lap. Lol


Not the YouTuber
Xbox, PS2, and heck even the GameCube were being played online back in 2002.

You do realise the Dreamcast which was doing it in 1999 right? my 56k modem on that only connected at 26.8kbps however.

360 streamlined the process and took it to the masses let’s not act like it didn’t. Out of all of those only the OG Xbox had LAN functionality built in, the rest didn’t it was just a punched in add on that never took off.


Neo Member
You do realise the Dreamcast which was doing it in 1999 right? my 56k modem on that only connected at 26.8kbps however.

360 streamlined the process and took it to the masses let’s not act like it didn’t. Out of all of those only the OG Xbox had LAN functionality built in, the rest didn’t it was just a punched in add on that never took off.
Dreamcast has an optional broadband adapter which led to essentially equivalent multiplayer, we have today btw.

360 did make connecting to the Internet more streamlined yes.

Also, the Internet was still new back then and a lot of people or places did not have it yet.

By the time the PS360 had hit, Internet had become more widespread and known.

In no way did it "change the game" or bring anything new to people who were gaming on OG with Xbox Live.

I remember getting the 360, literally was playing my OG Xbox the night before online.

The 360 was a cool console, but it didn't revolutionize or change much in terms of online gameplay experience if you were already doing it in the prior gen.

Although, Perfect Dark Zero did have great graphics for a launch game.



You do realise the Dreamcast which was doing it in 1999 right? my 56k modem on that only connected at 26.8kbps however.

360 streamlined the process and took it to the masses let’s not act like it didn’t. Out of all of those only the OG Xbox had LAN functionality built in, the rest didn’t it was just a punched in add on that never took off.
The claim being made was that Xbox 360 and PS3 pioneered online gaming (consoles), which was false.

Obviously OG Xbox was the first of those to have LAN functionality built in, as it was last on the market, launching on november 15, 2001.

The PS2 network adapter was released on july 19, 2001. (Alongside the HDD)
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lets see…

2. PS2
3. Switch
4. Gamecube
5. Xbox 360


The above systems had unique hw and also lots of exclusive stuff

these last gen of AMD consoles (PS4/5 and Xbox One/XS) are just slow and shitty PC:s in almost every day with almost nothing truly exclusive


Not the YouTuber
The claim being made was that Xbox 360 and PS3 pioneered online gaming (consoles), which was false.

Obviously OG Xbox was the first of those to have LAN functionality built in, as it was last on the market, launching on november 15, 2001.

The PS2 network adapter was released on july 19, 2001. (Alongside the HDD)

I never said it pioneered it but, it revolutionised it. Putting a lan port in every single console made nearly every single owner jump on instead of I would hazard a guess less than 5% of the previous generation.

OG Xbox pioneered if anything making it standard, 360 revolutionised with the store front, ease of dash, and amount of people now jumping on. This would of happened with the PS3 also with the huge adoption of broadband by this point but 360 just got there first and that’s how it played out.

Did appreciate my PS3 having wifi build in before it YLOD within 12 months but compared to the 360 dongle.


The answer to this question is probably more based on when the person answering started gaming than anything else. It was an influential console but it wouldn't make my top 5.
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