Is the XBOX 360 a Top 5 console of all time?

360 top 5 console of all time?

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Can’t Git Gud
Personally, not for me. Didn’t play much except SP Halo/Gears.

Bioshock was boring. Mass Effect was better on PC.

I would take Series systems over it, despite not having exclusives.
Over year late, with worse controls and I not enough time to make a tea during elevator ride.
I miss elevator breaks in mass effect 1. I would go to the restroom, make me some tea, got pick up a can of coke, drink it and then pick up another one. good times
Unquestionably: YES

This is the console that created universal achievement points, facilitated easily accessible online play, made wireless remotes standard, ushered in the HD era, promoted the first mass market consciousness of indie gaming scene, and sold ridiculously well.

It also played host to interesting new franchises (Mass Effect, Skate, Portal, Gears of War, Viva Pinata, Forza Horizon, Pinball FX, Dead Space, Left 4 Dead, Batman: Arkham, Modern Warfare, Rock Band, Darksiders, Skylanders, Dark Souls, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, Alan Wake, Destiny, Walking Dead), franchise reinventions (Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat, Fallout, Street Fighter, Far Cry, Driver, You Don't Know Jack, Civilization, Deus Ex, Xcom, Max Payne, and Grand Theft Auto), and interesting one-offs (1 vs. 100, Shadow Complex, Iron Brigade, Saboteur, Mark of the Ninja, Mirror's Edge, Enslaved, Limbo, Kinect Party, Kingdom of Amalur, etc.)

I've been gaming since the 2600, and it's my favorite console experience of all time.
My top Xbox is going to be always the OG, but 360 was the best console from HD era. I love my PS3 also, but you cannot deny the 360's impact on gaming and even tech industry. Sadly since Kinect (which is itself a great idea, bad executed) everything has gone downhill.
as a weeb, it's ushered in the dark ages of gaming until PS4 came along (and even then it still took some time to recover the industry). But I can see the progress it's made In some parts of the mainstream, even if I don't appreciate it
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Switch, PS5, PS4, PS2, SNES, I did enjoy Jade Empire, Halo, Gears, and Fable. I'd put it up there with Dreamcast, but not a goat, not enough games. Still amazing.
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What time is it?
Switch, PS5, PS4, PS2, SNES, I did enjoy KOTOR, Halo, Gears, and Fable. I'd put it up there with Dreamcast, but not a goat, not enough games.


The answer to this question is probably more based on when the person answering started gaming than anything else. It was an influential console but it wouldn't make my top 5.
I started gaming in the mid 80's on Coleco. Then went to NES and SNES and so on. 360 is my fav console of all time. It just had an amazing lineup of games. Yes, it had the RROD (which never affected me) and everything after Kinect was a shambles. But for it's first 4-5 years, it was THE place to game. The amount of 2nd party exclusives. The games looked and played better on the 360. It was a phenomenal time to be a gamer.
Minus the RROD, it was amazing. Came out one year earlier than the PS3 which still couldn't match the visuals once it was released for a long while before they caught up. Graphically it felt like SONY came late to the party because the 360 achieved everything tech-wise even though it came out earlier. We had so many new IPs back then and pretty much successful online integration, beginning of a digital store etc. Though it was MS that was the reason now we pay for online :p

I'll never forget my first time playing Bioshock...I thought it was a cutscene when your plane crashed in the ocean and then I was blown away when I realized I'm controlling my character. Same with Mass Effect and after Gears of War. As a diehard SONY fan back then, I didn't care anything PS put out and went straight to 360. Think I bought PS3 slim only when MGS 4 came out.
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It is very close.
I would go SNES, PS1, PS3, DS, Switch as the top 5 in that order.
If handhelds don't count, 360 probably makes the cut.
I also love the Saturn and Dreamcast, but they just can't pound for pound overtake those other 5.


Doesn't make sense considering that most of the games also existed on PS3 and PC and there wasn't anything unique about the hardware. Xbox 360 greatest feat was being popular in America.
An ibm in order processor, Unified shaders before Pc got them,tessalation, Edram...
Not unique? It was the last Microsoft console that differed from Pcs at that time significantly.


I think so, if you’re counting home consoles only. For me:

  1. PS2
  2. Switch
  3. SNES
  4. N64
  5. 360
Both N64 and 360 were landmark multiplayer systems, the former for couch split screen and the latter online multiplayer. XBL before private party chat ruined it in the late half of the gen was incredible.

But if you’re counting portables then I’d probably put DS in the 5-slot.

The early years were fantastic, but MS had to go spoil things.

Over reliance on Kinect
Saturation of key franchises
Gouging on storage expansion costs

As a result I spent more and more time on my PS3, especially for digital titles.

By the time the next generation started I was PlayStation-only for the first time, and have never looked back.
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Well I didn't think about it so I'll make my top 5 now.

  1. - PlayStation (1)
  2. - Dreamcast
  3. - Super Nintendo
  4. - PlayStation 2
  5. - Gamecube
  6. - PS4
  7. - Wii
  8. - Saturn
  9. - Mega Drive
  10. - Switch
It's not even in the top 10, so... (and I've played a ton on 360 but it just wasn't very good, just the ps3 was very bad (and expensive) during the 1st half of the generation). The 360 is, to me, one of the most overhyped console ever, it has almost no legacy.


I say yes without even thinking, just remembering all the emotions it gave me. These are the consoles that stayed in my heart: PlayStation 1 & 2, PS360, Nintendo 64, and Sega Saturn.


In no order:

NES, PS2, PS4, Switch….

So you gotta put the 360 over something like the Genesis, the SNES, the PS1, or the Wii.

I’m going to say yes it’s number 5 but could easily see it at #7 to some folks as well.


Listening to other arguments I think I’m going to put the 360 in the 6–10 range but can’t exactly decide where.

Historical relevance, exclusives, comparison of multiplats during the generation, local multiplayer support, online multiplayer support. There are so many good consoles that it’s hard to pick a top 5. I feel fine with my top 4 but after that it’s tough. How do I exclude N64, Dreamcast, original Xbox, PS3 from a top 5 along with others I already said.
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It would have been if they didn't rely so heavily on Kinect. Usually a console gets better and better the later into the lifecycle. It died when Kinect came out and most of the games became close to shovelware.

It's kinda crazy how the PS3 got better and how the 360 died a miserable death.

My top 5 (in no order)

- Switch
- PS4
- PS1
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I tend to be "console agnostic," with Nintendo at the top, and Microsoft in third.
That said, yes, I would say the 360 is a Top 5 console. I bought my Triple as basically a Blu-ray player, and 360 did most things right that PS did wrong that gen. Really good little system (I jumped in late, so I avoided the RRoD.)
My Top 5 Consoles:

#5 Nintendo Entertainment System - Received every game imaginable at the time.

(Castlevania III | Felix The Cat | TMNT III Manhattan Project)

#4 Sega Genesis 32x - Backwards compatible with Master System, forward compatible with Virtua Fighter, and filled with bangers.

(Comix Zone | Earthworm Jim | Virtua Fighter)

#3 PlayStation 2 - Backwards compatible with PlayStation, plays DVDs, has tons of gaming accessories, and the largest official software library of all time.

(Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition | Obscure | True Crime: NYC)

#2 Nintendo Wii - Backwards compatible with GameCube, has giant digital library of (NeoGeo/PC Engine CD/etc.) retro ports, brought back light gun games, has fun software using motion controls, and a unique library.

(No More Heroes | Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles | The Last Story)

#1 Xbox Series S - Large backwards compatible library dating back to original Xbox (many with enhancements), fast loading, best user interface on console, and cheap digital rental service.

(Hi-Fi Rush | Mortal Kombat 11 | Psychonauts 2)

I mean everyone's entitled to their opinion and this is your personal Top 5 but....

32X? Really?

And Series S? Really?!?

Like those two have very specific & super niche qualifiers to hit a Top 5 and if we were just talking a general Top 5 (including stuff like sales, industry impact etc.), neither would be able to qualify.

Although TBF, I don't consider the 32X it's own console, because it was an add-on for MegaDrive/Genesis. It did have its own library of games, but you still need another system to play it.

Official top 5 (based on sales)

- PS2 (160M+)
- Switch (~150M)
- PS4 (117M)
- PS1 (102)
- Wii (101M)


Besides, didn't X360 have ~50% fail-rate (RROD)?

Edit 2:

Going by IGN, fail-rate was 54% at one point.

It wasn't 54% of all lifetime consoles though, just ones manufactured between 2005 and late 2007. I think it was Jasper model that finally started to correct the problem, and IIRC that one came in '08. And I know by the time the slimmed down 360 came in...2009? That one definitely phased out the bump-gate issue.

Since at least half of 360's sales came after Kinect's launch (crazy, right?), then it couldn't have been half of all 360s affected by RROD, just mainly the '05, '06 and '07 (and some of the '08) models.

Which is still a huge amount of systems, and still the biggest hardware failure rate in gaming ever.

Absolutely, despite RROD and everything. The 360 was the console that brought console gaming the internet for me and the first two years had an amazing line up. Still boggles my mind just how much Mattrick and motion control screwed everything up.

Not to be a Mattrick Defender, but people keep saying Mattrick screwed everything up, but Mattrick was also the reason XBO even had a strong start despite the "TV TV TV" crap. He's the one that got early exclusives like Killer Instinct, Ryse, Dead Rising 3, TitanFall etc. going, even stuff like Scalebound and Cuphead. He signed off and set those games up.

And it was Phil Spencer who took over Rare in 2008...see how their output dropped into casual gamer territory with Viva Pinata and nothing else afterwards. That was on Phil Spencer. And that's the guy Microsoft decided to replace Don with after Mattrick said the quiet part out loud, probably because he was frustrated with upper management.

Also it's always weird to me that people excuse Phil's shortcomings & failures with Xbox by pointing to upper management, even today, but never stopped to think someone like Don Mattrick was facing similar pushback when he was running Xbox. I mean, the entire multimedia push for XBO had to have come from areas outside of the Xbox division at the time, even if Don & others were okay (hopeful) in playing along with it.
I love the 360 but nope. Not enough exclusives, too many hardware failures, introduced paid online, introduced paid dlc, etc... It can never be a top 5 console ever.
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PS3 did have gaming defining games though. Uncharted 2 and Last of Us. Not enough exclusives? From 1st party alone had top tier exclusives like the aforementioned Uncharted and TLOU, plus it had Resistance, Killzone, some of the best Ratchet & Clank games, Infamous, Motorstorm. God of War, Gran Turismo 5 & 6, Puppeteer, MLB The Show, Warhawk, Fat Princess. Then from 3rd party side it had Metal Gear Solid 4 (still there), Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's Souls (Sony IP), Folklore, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Ni No Kuni, to name a few.

People also forgetting PS3 is capable of playing all Psone discs and many PSone Classics were available to purchase from the PS Store for $6-$10 a pop. PS3 also had PS2 BC, first by integrated hardware then PS2 emulation which was pretty much flawless and all PS2 discs worked, making it the ultimate BC machine. Not enough exclusives you say? You got it very wrong with the PS3.
I had a 360 and was quite loyal and an advocate for Xbox at the time but this is a good compelling case for PS3. What PS3 had in exclusives, MS made up for in running multiplatform games.

This whole back and forth between the two kind of proves how much better the PS4 was than either of them. Many exclusives and the better console to play the multiplats of its generation.
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I mean everyone's entitled to their opinion and this is your personal Top 5 but....

32X? Really?

And Series S? Really?!?

Like those two have very specific & super niche qualifiers to hit a Top 5 and if we were just talking a general Top 5 (including stuff like sales, industry impact etc.), neither would be able to qualify.

Although TBF, I don't consider the 32X it's own console, because it was an add-on for MegaDrive/Genesis. It did have its own library of games, but you still need another system to play it.
That is why it is my list. It has everything to do with what I enjoy playing on the hardware package and nothing to do with clout or sales. If it was a top 6, then I would also add TurboGrafx Super CD because it has some amazing exclusives and the best ports available at the time. Irrelevant if the hardware add-on is only useful for a small handful of titles.

(Castlevania: Rondo of Blood | Dungeon Explorer II | Neutopia 2)
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It's not even in the top 10, so... (and I've played a ton on 360 but it just wasn't very good, just the ps3 was very bad (and expensive) during the 1st half of the generation). The 360 is, to me, one of the most overhyped console ever, it has almost no legacy.
Whatever legacy it did leave has been mostly undone by MS in the generations that followed.
I like Xbox 360, I had 3 of them (2 died to RRoD lol)

But in any Top 5 consoles all time list it has to compete with:

NES, SNES, N64, GC, Switch
PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4
Sega Genesis, Sega Dreamcast

That is a LOT of competition and honestly the 360 does not measure up if you compare it to any arbitrary 5 in that list
I'm going to chime in and say no for me personally. I came in on the tail end of the 360 generation and at that point all the love for the 360 had vanished around me. I can still remember early on when I didn't have one as a kid in junior high and going over to buddies houses to play system link Halo 3 was amazing and mind-blowing to me. That 2005-2007 era through my nostalgia goggles made the 360 feel like it was something from the future from the white console and blade menu design. Remember the Jump In Campaign? I can give the 360 its credit, but as an overall package and overview of the console I don't think its in the top 5. In fact I don't know if I would even put the 360 in the top 5 considering Microsoft first xbox was awesome. There were so many types of games and genres on the OG Xbox that I think if any Xbox deserves a top 5 spot discussion it would be the original. The 360 had potential but once they focused on Nintendo causal audience and failed they were never able to recover from it. And there are great games on the console, especially all the XBLA indie titles, but most of the best games everyone loves on the console are Multiplatform games. Everyone loved Halo 3 and Gears of War 2, but I'm not talking about those games. I'm thinking about how they had Perfect Dark Zero, Viva Piñata, Lost Odyssey, Banjo Kazooie Nut N Bolts, Blue Dragon, Kameo, and Call of Duty 2. These games were cool and unique from Microsoft and outside studios for exclusives. There was variety early on, but as the generation went on more of the people and friends around me were playing mainly FPS, 3rdPS games. They didn't have variety for someone like me who valued playing all types of games. The console got really same same and that sucks honestly. The 360 also became more of a joke because I had friends that would say check this out, and it was just the same early 2010's edgy style at that point was just worn out and exhausting. Its honestly awful to say that the one of the 360 defying features even Achievements are cool in theory, but were never a big incentive for me to complete games. I like enjoying games as they are and creating my own challenges. Putting an arbitrary achievement checklist makes even the most unique games feel flat and like they might have nothing to offer or hey your playing the game wrong because you didn't follow the achievement list. I mean is completing a level really an achievement? Perhaps to newcomers but for the majority of us that have been playing games. Completing levels is a given; a no duh thing. Also Xbox Live came into its own with some improvements but I honestly want to give the OG Xbox more credit for that because it established online gaming for consoles was going to be a big thing in the future. Where Sega failed with the Dreamcast, Microsoft succeed in that frontier. Microsoft as Western Console Developer was probably the best designed compared to other Western Developed Consoles years prior, but time has proven why Japanese Console Developers are the head honchos of this industry. The 360 is an okay console but its not a top 5 console.
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