Avowed |OT| Is an oath worth the weight of a crown?

For me, this game is right up there with the best MS has ever made. I love partaking in a good MS trashing but I am HOOKED. I put in 33 hours in 2 days this weekend. Good god I need to sleep. I dont like the name Avowed so I thought of coming up with my own title and the best I could do is "Exploration: you're rewarded", which isnt very catchy either. Literally everywhere you venture off to you find something cool. The map layouts are so well though out and intricate without being disorienting. I'm just in love. The graphics are insane. I started off as a mage with a wand in one hand and a grimoire in the other and mid playthrough I switched to one hand sword and one hand pistol and I am just wrecking shit now. Headshot automatic criticals plus the slow down time perk make short work of almost anything and IF anyone manages to get close to me I just whack them with the sword to finish them off. What a fantastic game. I looked at the Meta score and you all can get fucked.
This is it right here. :messenger_fire:


At 62.5 hours, finally completed it. Level 30 and 670/1000 achievements. Doubt I'll play this again given how long it was, but I enjoyed my time with it. Combat was some of the best I've experienced in a 1st person fantasy RPG. Exploration and world was great. Itemization and writing left a lot to be desired. The third land was peak of it for me. The aesthetics, layout, high enough level to really start having a fun build to play. Region 4 was good, but I could feel myself starting to burn out towards the end.
Just reached Galawains Tusk.

Pretty impressed by culture and lifestyle of this place.

Writing in this game is sparse. But whats there I think its good. Its more of a looter shooter exploration type RPG.

Also choices are hard to make. Always a good sign.
Just reached Galawains Tusk.

Pretty impressed by culture and lifestyle of this place.

Writing in this game is sparse. But whats there I think its good. Its more of a looter shooter exploration type RPG.

Also choices are hard to make. Always a good sign.
You can definitely feel the co-op game design in the game from whatever the game was originally supposed to be, but that also makes the game feel unique.
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You can definitely feel the co-op game design in the game from whatever the game was originally supposed to be. but that also makes the game feel unique.
Hopefully this will be implemented in future Obsidian games as well.

While Outer Worlds is cool, its mostly talking to different dudes to complete quest.

Some compelling upgrade system like this would make it so much better imo.


Some of the characters in the game have to have been designed solely to trigger anti-woke sentiments, like the blue-haired kid (actually completely blue from head to toe) right when you enter Shatterscarp. Basically a parody of the blue-haired generation 🤣
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'm on zone 2. Still really enjoying it. Fights are getting more challenging. Been doing a ranger.

I like that you can respec. This zone feels like I should have some major magic to win these fights. Might change it up.


A Fucking Idiot
Rolled credits at 47 hours. Got 600/1000 gamerscore without even looking at the achievement list until it was over. I'd give it an 8.5/10. Did every quest and finished every sidequest except for 1 (cartographer quest). Had only 1 glitch where I couldn't turn in a bounty in Shatterscarp as the dialog option wouldn't pop up even though the task was complete. Galawain Tusks map looks mental at night with the volcano, lava, and all the colorful plants on my HDR tv. It looks like Mordor on acid. Loved it. I used the flaming sword once I found it straight through to the end of the game combined with the pistol that shoots electricity bullets and had no second load-out. I forgot the name of my armor but it's the dragon scale blue one that gives +20% to movement speed. Actually, all my armor was + movement speed and I was running so fast across the map and dodging so quickly that I wasn't being hit. I think with all my bonuses I was around +50% speed. Circle-strafe while firing electric poison bullets made short work of everything.
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Neo Member
Somewhere in the middle of ACT 2 I started noticing some of the general complaints placed against this game more acutely - which are kind of present from the outset but just get more jarring as I got further. I've been playing on POTD difficulty. I think this game does a few things very really, really well - in particular, the world design which was obviously created for free-form exploration in mind. Combat also feels really solid with good feedback initially. The game was scratching a WoW classic itch for me as the core questing loop felt lean and the world a good place to spend time in.


The way that loot is dispersed feels off, like a first pass of a system that needed a bit more work. Unique items look great and have cool itemization, but I found great items early on, and spent most of the rest of my play-time opening chests and looting just to acquire upgrade mats - which is super underwhelming. What is even the point of non-unique items?

The lack of reactivity in the world and the way that NPC's seem frozen in place makes everything feel kind of low-stakes, which, when tied into the middling dialogue and non-memorable NPC interactions/Quest-lines feel non-critical. I never felt like I was truly changing the world and impacting the world.

Combat ends up turning into a very non-strategical mess, despite playing on the hardest difficulty I didn't feel incentivized to try and figure out enemy weaknesses. A lot of encounters descended into 'find the healer and eliminate'.

The puzzle system feels like a first pass.

Unfortunately, for me, even though there's a lot I like about Avowed, i'm gonna have to put it down for the moment. I do think there's solid potential here, though.
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Combat ends up turning into a very non-strategical mess, despite playing on the hardest difficulty I didn't feel incentivized to try and figure out enemy weaknesses. A lot of encounters descended into 'find the healer and eliminate'.

I find the game to be somewhat harder to enjoy in gameplay department.

Its not Skyrim hard, you would be extremely lucky to fall into a enjoyable playstyle in that one.

But still, not all builds are fun.

My previous build, I did ran out of steam halfway through. But then an update happened and that nerfed it anyways.

Luckily fell into another build, that has been quite a bit of fun. It generates health / essence for my party depending on how well am I playing. Can tackle lengthier battles in 4th area by playing well.

Enjoying the game now that I have figured out all the skills I want.
Finished this a few days ago. It's a good 8/10 kind of game with the main flaw being that the enemies simply don't keep up with you.

Early on, some of the encounters are tense and require planning and strategizing. As you progress, the game practically begs you to upgrade all of your stuff as high as you can, but doing so makes the combat (which is well done otherwise) trivial. If you have unique, legendary armor and weapons, you're simply not going to be challenged.

Compounding the balance issues is that the food you can find and carry with you as extra health on top of your potions is seemingly limitless. At the end of the game I had 500 food items with me at all times that I could heal with on top of the 90 potions I had with me.

A few balancing tweaks could have turned this into an easy 9 or 9.5/10.


Neo Member
I find the game to be somewhat harder to enjoy in gameplay department.

Its not Skyrim hard, you would be extremely lucky to fall into a enjoyable playstyle in that one.

But still, not all builds are fun.

My previous build, I did ran out of steam halfway through. But then an update happened and that nerfed it anyways.

Luckily fell into another build, that has been quite a bit of fun. It generates health / essence for my party depending on how well am I playing. Can tackle lengthier battles in 4th area by playing well.

Enjoying the game now that I have figured out all the skills I want.
Yeah, I have to say - I typically go for a sword and board Paladin style build in RPG games - and while that was cool initially here, I can see how it pales in comparison (fun-factor wise) to some of the nutty 1h/Grimoire builds i've seen out there. So that might be a bit of a me thing.

It kind of links back to what I was saying about the gear system not incentivizing experimentation - you pile so many resource mats into upgrading it very rarely feels worth switching out a piece of gear. This is weird because respeccing is quite friction-less and cheap otherwise.
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Finally completed it last night. I got the mostly everyone was happy ending where there was only one slight blemish to the outcome.

I would like to know though what happens though if I chose the other path. I chose...

Kept the Living Lands people happy apart from that one town where I chose to kill a bunch of people to stop the Dreamscourge from spreading. Little did I know that wasn't the source of it, but I'm still happy with my decision not to go with Lodwyn. In the end I suggested all people of the living lands band together and fight against the invaders. I then had a battle with Lodwyn which... urgh, went on for an age! She was brought back to life 4 times?! I guess the question is, what happens if you side with her? I ended up battling the Steel Garote but do you side with them and start fighting everyone with Lodwyn? I can't imagine your companions really like that.

Anyway, great game overall and really enjoyed my time playing it. I think the formula of the areas which worked so well got a tiny bit stale by the end. Not because of the combat which I still think is one of the best in any RPG, but because the weapons and armour pretty much maxed out by the end of the third area and didn't really progress any further. It's like they weren't even planning for a fourth and so left out the Superior classification on weapons which is odd. Story overall was good and really kept me guessing as to whether...
...was good or bad. Seems like I made the right decision anyway.

I'd rate it an 8 or 9 / 10. Not the best but still well worth the playthrough.
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