Avowed |OT| Is an oath worth the weight of a crown?

Alright, I rolled credits finally. Enjoyed the game for sure!

I can tell from the ending slides that there are probably quite a lot of them - for all the different choices you made in the game through the way, I had completely forgotten about the animat in the cave in Act I, for example. I could see an ending where pretty much dire straights end up happening, siding with Garrot, or encouraging violence from Sapodal while leaving it imprisoned, etc - overall, satisfied where things went. I chose United Living Lands and most people ended up okay, Solace keep was destroyed, but for the most part everyone seems to be pretty happy. I have several saves going back, might tinker with some dialogue options later on.

What is the -actual- point of no return to go back and toy with sidequests and whatnot? It almost seemed like there were a couple...

Also, I switched to Path of the Damned probably a few hours into the game and played on it the rest of the time - but didn't get the achievement.. Kind of sucks that I guess you need to start from get go on that difficulty. It makes sense to a degree, but damn.
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Alright, I rolled credits finally. Enjoyed the game for sure!

I can tell from the ending slides that there are probably quite a lot of them - for all the different choices you made in the game through the way, I had completely forgotten about the animat in the cave in Act I, for example. I could see an ending where pretty much dire straights end up happening, siding with Garrot, or encouraging violence from Sapodal while leaving it imprisoned, etc - overall, satisfied where things went. I chose United Living Lands and most people ended up okay, Solace keep was destroyed, but for the most part everyone seems to be pretty happy. I have several saves going back, might tinker with some dialogue options later on.

What is the -actual- point of no return to go back and toy with sidequests and whatnot? It almost seemed like there were a couple...

Also, I switched to Path of the Damned probably a few hours into the game and played on it the rest of the time - but didn't get the achievement.. Kind of sucks that I guess you need to start from get go on that difficulty. It makes sense to a degree, but damn.
I haven’t entered the garden yet, but every time I try to it warns me that this the point of no return. Wrapping up some side quests before entering


Standing in front of the garden myself, with just one treasure map and all totems to finish.

Totems are a pain in the arse - the clues you buy are useless and so vague. Can’t be arsed with them, so will likely not bother.

The garden it is then.

I’ve enjoyed this game. There are not many games that can keep my unwavering interest for 70-80 hours, and this one has managed it.
I haven’t entered the garden yet, but every time I try to it warns me that this the point of no return. Wrapping up some side quests before entering
Yep, that is it for sure. I was fooled because while within it looks like you can fast travel, but you can't if you actually try. I just figured based on what's in there that you could, but ah well. The save file actually gets named "The Point of No Return" in all the areas leading up to the garden, too, it seems now that I look.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
sounds like something is wrong there, the rifle should do far more damage per hit, especially on weak points, the one last trick rifle absolutely deletes enemies.
Have you tried dual pistols?

I’m really confused by some of the responses as it seems like most of you haven’t lol

You get the damage of both pistols combined. And all of the unique effects.

Im not saying arquibus are super weak but they are objectively slower to reload than pistols, and dual pistols are incredibly powerful. With high perception I never had any issues with range.
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Finally in the Garden, early stages.

I thought I was going to be clear on Sapadal living or dying, but a few conversations have muddied the waters for me.

Decision in the keep had the party arguing for and against my choice, I think if I had known Kostya's "friend" then he would have been grassed up in a hurry.

Inquisitor was a pushover, but the adds were a pain in the ass.

Mobs in the Garden seem to be dropping top end crafting stuff like confetti.

Hopefully mop up the Garden tomorrow.
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Just completed The Garden…

Visually, very disappointing - all the garish colours mixed together in one eye-blinding landscape. Performance of the area on the XSX was also quite poor compared to the other worlds. Surprised there is more to do after it though!

And done! Great game, really enjoyed it. A bit disappointed there is no way to go back and mop up at the end, but still. Solid 8.5 for me. I still preferred Indy overall, but that’s two cracking MS games in a row for me!
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Have you tried dual pistols?

I’m really confused by some of the responses as it seems like most of you haven’t lol

You get the damage of both pistols combined. And all of the unique effects.

Im not saying arquibus are super weak but they are objectively slower to reload than pistols, and dual pistols are incredibly powerful. With high perception I never had any issues with range.
If you use dual pistols can you use the aiming in slow motion part? Because the slow motion part is what gives you basically 100% crit and also allow you to dodge by simply moving.

I used dual pistols at first but once I started using slow-motion charged power shot crits I never went back.

Also as mentioned, "One last trick" gives you faster reload time and bouncy bullets (which sadly do a lot less damage).


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
If you use dual pistols can you use the aiming in slow motion part? Because the slow motion part is what gives you basically 100% crit and also allow you to dodge by simply moving.

I used dual pistols at first but once I started using slow-motion charged power shot crits I never went back.

Also as mentioned, "One last trick" gives you faster reload time and bouncy bullets (which sadly do a lot less damage).
Yeah when you hold down to do a power-shot (or dual power-shot) it slows down.

You just don't get the "Zoom" of an arquebus, but I've never had any issue with range (or aiming for that matter.)

And yeah I'm using one last trick, it's definitely better but I don't think it catches up to the reload speed of pistols.

Anyways convo kind of beaten to death, if people enjoy the arquebus that's awesome!


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
My game is updating, this update seems great

  • Static Compass Option: Players can now lock the compass to always point North instead of rotating.

YES !!!

This is my biggest pet peeve. I hate rotating compasses, sticking it to the north feels better for me to orient directions.
got Marius to train me!

I completed Wardens Warding quest in Tusks. this caused new dialog notification to appear. I talked to him about it, then immediately asked him AGAIN how to survive in the tusks and he offered to train me
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New update seems to have rebalanced quite a bit.

My build is feeling more effective now.

I think they nerfed bow, previously it did much higher damage, I didn’t felt like taking out my great axe. Now difference between two is significant.


Patch has meant that the cooking and Marius training achievements unlocked.

Tried Path of Darkness difficulty, that is a jump up. The initial area I just get smashed by the final wave of lizards...


Finished the game today. Played entire game in 3rd person perspective. Overall solid, enjoyed the combat the story was good but not great got tiresome towards the end. Some odd "jenk" here and there with movement of my character. Never had a final boss battle SOOOOOOO EASY on Normal Difficulty and honestly the entire game I felt pretty OP with my "gunslinger" / mage build. Pretty much ran roughshod over the game do not remember the last time I died in actual combat (most all of my deaths were from silly and/or jenk falls off of cliffs or missing jumps. I got a pretty "goodish" ending. Yatzli felt sort of "mixed" and I allowed the Living Lands leaders to vote on their own fate which ended up giving it a "mixed" ending.

I'd score it a 8-8.5. No desire to go back and replay it to see other endings/paths - though if I did I'd probably go with an "evil" statist/authoritarian doing everything for the emperor and siding with Lodwyn and the Steel Garrote it might have gone better with my OP character.


The totem pillars in the camp give away the number of zones (4). I just entered the last area at 60-70 hours. Im a slow player though and not rushing.
Had to make a new build cause after latest patch old one no longer works.

Went for strength build with freeze spell ability. It did posed a problem with amount of essence that was pretty low. Was unable to use spells / abilities much.

Lo and behold just found a 2 handed sword that recovers 20% essence with each kill. My main weapon already recovers 20% health with successful parry.

Pretty cool, using abilities and freeze spell freely now. Without much worry of health or essence. Just choose loadout depending on what am running low on.

Overall am pretty happy with build options game provides.


Can I just sell all the gemstones that I have that is considered “Loot” or will I need any of it for a quest of some sort?
Beat the game last night at 72 hours. did all the side quests, except some bounties in final zone and also only completed zone 1 totem.

Game was very good. I would give it a 8.5 despite me having more fun than many games I would rate a 8.5. Reason I can't rate it any higher is that there are a lot of areas it could improve. The story wasn't great until it picks up towards the end. That's when I started enjoying it most. Despite a lackluster story, the companions are surprisingly good. They're well written with their own quest lines. I particularly liked Kai and Marius.

Side quests were very high quality, often a 'minor' side quest involves you exploring an entire dungeon you'd miss otherwise.

Combat is perfection. Exploration is perfection. I honestly can't think of a single way to improve the combat. This is some of the best combat gameplay I've ever encountered in any game ever, period.

Not sure how I feel about the gear system yet. The limited resources do make you have to consider your choices when upgrading, that is until
you get to the garden where you get a TON of upgrade material
The fact that you are always looking for upgrade material + great combat means I always looked forward to fights. Still, it would have been nice if there was a way to grind materials so I could upgrade other weapons earlier on if I felt like it. pro tip to people just picking up the game, get the upgrade that reduces the cost to craft materials. this might seem like an odd comparison but it sorta reminded me of a Souls game here with the limited upgrade materials.

Game runs flawlessly for me. in 72 hours I didn't notice a single bug or encounter a crash

Skill tree / progression I found to be good. it seems like most builds are viable. I like the concepts of totems. I do think progression could probably be fleshed out more with a larger skill tree.

Very excited too see where Obsidian goes from here.
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Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Can I just sell all the gemstones that I have that is considered “Loot” or will I need any of it for a quest of some sort?
Quest items are in the quest items tab and can't be manipulated in any way, gems are in the tab that's only used for selling.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Really enjoying this game. The lore is extremely deep. I have to pause to read the vocabulary every other line.

Combat is awesome still. Got through a fight I died 5x on and had to change up my strategy.
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Not even sure what you are referring to here? (I’ve beat the game 3 times)

Ohhhh nevermind read the post wrong lol

Yeah the biggest area of the game is in between sharterscrap and the garden.
This is very exciting to me.
Quest items are in the quest items tab and can't be manipulated in any way, gems are in the tab that's only used for selling.
So you’re saying I’m sitting on a goldmine.
lol I beat the game and had no idea

I was never short on money. Finished with over 100k but only bought lock picks
Same, was super wealthy. Didn't see any need to really buy anything except I'd buy health/essence potions and lockpicks. Finished the game with like 100 health and 150 essence potions, guess I could have stopped buying them, but when I needed them suddenly I found that I'd chug a few so I wanted to keep them handy. lol Game should have more gold sinks IMO.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
So did the update the other day tweak the maps? On my 4th playthrough (lol) and I am almost positive some rocks/broken up docks were removed from the very start right next to the lighthouse. It's not just a giant empty water area.

edit: lol literally made this post while alt-tabbing to my browser and then switched back and walked like 50 feet and saw the exact rocks/dock I thought was gone lol
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Oh also.. also went back and checked an earleir save...with dual pistols near endgame I am doing 2100 damage with dual power shots, with crazy fast reload due to gear. The reload speed is probably half of what I had for that unique arquebus with 25% reload speed as a stat.
The rifle hit harder for me but the dual pistols were not only more fun to use but gave more depth to the combat allowing you to mix and match different legendary guns for different effects.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Are you reloading older saves? Or full playthrough?
Full playthrough right from the start. 1 of them I did quit as I entered The Garden, just didn't seem necessary as I was playing on Hard and legit just leveling everything in seconds lol

Highest difficulty is pretty damn easy with dual pistols for me at this point. A lot of that is just remembering the path to the better uniques and optimizing upgrades. Break down all armor and weapons sell none of them, don't horde extra jewelry/clothes/grenades/potions, sell what you won't use, use that money to buy all of the "main" crafting materials you come across including Adra. Pick up EVERY plant in every area, and sell the ones you don't use. By the middle of the third area you can stop buying all materials except for the ladder/talon/coral/toadstool one (so no wood, metal, or pelts) and you can sell every single weapon/armor you aren't using (break down unique armor though foer the leather/whatever/coral.)

Prioritizing upgrades just keeps you ahead of the enemy levels the entire game,; but to truly stay ahead you have to do what I mentioned above.

The most limited thing of course is the leather and derivatives. It doesn't seem to replenish at merchants, and only ~6-7 merchants in the entire game even sell it. It's funny because then you enter The Garden and Sanza sells you the final-form of "perisian ladder" (I think it's Toadstool or something.)

edit: Oh and another tip to add above.. do not upgrade early non-unique equipment. It makes for a tough start but if you go for the first decent unique weapon early it's do-able, and then you upgrade the shit out of that because you've been collecting stuff. I do upgrade my armor once early, because it is a mission/you get XP and you basically can get one or two-shotted in the early part of the highest difficulty.
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Finished the game, finally. The game lost some of its momentum before entering the garden but it is partially my own fault as I tried to tie up most of the loose ends and find missing collectible and stuff. That said, my favourite game of 2025 so far and I already played at least 4 great new games before it. Will certainly do another playthrough in a year or so.


Neo Member
Have you tried dual pistols?

I’m really confused by some of the responses as it seems like most of you haven’t lol

You get the damage of both pistols combined. And all of the unique effects.

Im not saying arquibus are super weak but they are objectively slower to reload than pistols, and dual pistols are incredibly powerful. With high perception I never had any issues with range.
I've been using a Grimoire with my unique pistol but now I'm gonna dual wield next time I play. Ooo


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I've been using a Grimoire with my unique pistol but now I'm gonna dual wield next time I play. Ooo
Yeah if you get good at dual pistol power shot head shots you can really rip through everything even on the highest difficulty.

I don't even use a secondary weapon now, just have a basic grimoire in hand so I don't need to use grenades or other means to get past barriers or ice up some water to reach a ledge.

That makes it so I can just focus my material gathering on the stuff I need to update pistols, and sell all metal weapons (but break down uniques is worth it.) Also buying cheaper uniques off of vendors gives you quite a bit of extra important upgrade materials. They tend to generally be worth it if you find yourself buying expensive adra, you can buy a unique for the cost of the adra and it will also give you the other rare materials basically "For free."


A Fucking Idiot
For me, this game is right up there with the best MS has ever made. I love partaking in a good MS trashing but I am HOOKED. I put in 33 hours in 2 days this weekend. Good god I need to sleep. I dont like the name Avowed so I thought of coming up with my own title and the best I could do is "Exploration: you're rewarded", which isnt very catchy either. Literally everywhere you venture off to you find something cool. The map layouts are so well though out and intricate without being disorienting. I'm just in love. The graphics are insane. I started off as a mage with a wand in one hand and a grimoire in the other and mid playthrough I switched to one hand sword and one hand pistol and I am just wrecking shit now. Headshot automatic criticals plus the slow down time perk make short work of almost anything and IF anyone manages to get close to me I just whack them with the sword to finish them off. What a fantastic game. I looked at the Meta score and you all can get fucked.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Noticed after the latest patch that they solved the buggy feeling elemental damage thing. I haven't once gotten into that situation where my companions and I are just electrocuting ourselves back and forth forever.
Noticed after the latest patch that they solved the buggy feeling elemental damage thing. I haven't once gotten into that situation where my companions and I are just electrocuting ourselves back and forth forever.

Oh shit this happened to me once on my first play through, I thought it was hilarious.
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