Is he there now? How do you know this...
He is there now, at least in EU. I bought the exotic hunter chest piece from him and this weeks weapon, gjallarhorn.
Is he there now? How do you know this...
He is there now, at least in EU. I bought the exotic hunter chest piece from him and this weeks weapon, gjallarhorn.
Huge thanks to whomever suggested the Moon Strike to grind out the 25 Strikes. Tested it tonight and already have three done. I might actually get all 25 done this weekend.
Xur is opposite of the speakers place this week.
I just realised that so far I got no Legendary item! and I have 2 exotic weapons
Apparently he doesn't appear until 9am Pacific.
Warlock:What armor does he have for us lowly warlocks?
Stock for sale.
Stock for sale.
Stock for sale.
Wait so you don't have the bounty? Then you wont find the Journal. First you randomly get the Bounty. Then you do Weekly Strike.
Xur has a one-time glimmer exchange. 2401 glimmer gives 1 strange coin!
Xur has a one-time glimmer exchange. 2401 glimmer gives 1 strange coin!
game is too fucking good. you all can't stop playing it and you know it.
Awesome, that puts me at 13 coins!
How much is the Exotic Engram?
Stock for sale.
Does anyone know what Xur gives you for exchanging Glimmer on the bottom row?
game is too fucking good. you all can't stop playing it and you know it.
Bummer. Xur really has nothing I want![]()
Does anyone know what Xur gives you for exchanging Glimmer on the bottom row?
I can't believe it, he's actually selling the Helm of Inmost Light, the one Exotic Titan armour piece I wanted him to sell this weekend. The RNG God's are smiling on me today!
TEN thousand?I have to defeat 10000 guardians to get bad juju... Wtf
1 strange coin, one-time exchange only.
1 strange coin, one-time exchange only.
I have to defeat 10000 guardians to get bad juju... Wtf
How much?
how much glimmer?
how much glimmer?