So i just finished the game last night, here is my review from a non-Indiana Jones fan
- really cool locales, the zoned areas were fun to explore, the puzzles were cool and not too complex where you get frustrated.
- The game looks really nice, graphically interesting, the outfit change system is really interesting and relatively fun until you find that one is better than the rest so kinda a pro and con. (hate having to switch to the indy outfit to solve a puzzle? why cant he do it in another outfit)
- the fist fighting implementation is great, the hits feel impactful and its great when you upgrade and become a beast 2-3 shotting people with a fist combo. Only gripe being that its very simple, i basically only use parry and counter and spam hits because it was the most effective way to win fights.
- Story was extremely lackluster and silly but not silly enough as to where it was enjoyable, the goofy moments felt out of place and weren't funny enough to get a good laugh out of, this is likely due to the poor facial animations and reactions on the faces when they happened. This point is likely because im not an indiana jones fan so its hard for me to look past it.
- The gun combat is horrible, it feels shoehorned in and using a gun as well as a melee weapon...why do they fall out of your hands when you climb a ladder? or climb a ledge? really annoying implementation. Other than fist fighting the rest of the combat is very poor. Fists do more damage than guns? weird situation.
- Movement in the game is okay, i hate the swinging implementation in the game, essentially when you climb or swing the game goes into third person and then swaps back into first person in between swings or after you climb, the swinging from one bar to another was extremely jank and you have to press F to grab the next one but the camera would auto focus down (back in first person) when you want to look up and grab the next bar making you fall several times. Thankfully this was a very rare scenario in the game and only happened twice in my playthrough.
- Fast Travel is unnecessarily difficult, you should be able to fast travel to a point from your map rather than finding a sign post that lets you pick an area, this kinda stuff makes me think they want to extend gametime by you unnecessarily walking across the map.
- As mentioned before the outfit system is cool until you find the best ones and the rest are useless, its a cool idea that is poorly implemented.
For me its about a 7 or 7.5/10. Good game!