get well soon, melon
Aren't you getting a little overconfident Flame? It is still a little early to say that the lynch train against you is losing momentum. From my perspective, this entire push to lynch Zeusy feels like desperation on your part. At the start of the day, you were directing your attention all over the place. You started pushing to lynch Zeusy solely to get heat off of yourself, and you are ecstatic that it seems to working.There's no way you believe that. You were the fourth vote on a now dead train. The last one to vote it currently.
To be honest, you haven't really put forward a case for why I'm scum. I did that for you at least. You briefly insinuated that you might take at my actions, you never said anything of note regarding it after that though. If you think I'm scum, make a case why and convince others that you might be right. That's what I'm trying to do.
All of our interactions have been me on the attack and you deflecting left, right, and center, so if nothing else, go on the offensive and try to lynch me. You sitting idly by as one of your 'top' scum candidates slowly loses momentum makes it seem like you never really had any interest in lynching me. Fight for your candidate!
Not really.Sky types too fast
From the get-go of this game, you have been prioritizing your own survival over other concerns; first with your threat to claim and now this. It seems overkill compared to the actual amount of vote pressure you have been under. Two votes, and you posting up a storm to get Zeusy lynched in your place. It took a handful of posts suspicious of you to get you to start talking about claiming.
I think you lack the self-assurance and confidence that comes with being part of town. And I can't shake the feeling that your targeting of Zeusy is an act of opportunism.
(Banner done by Fat4all)
23. [m] acohrs - D1: Reggie Rowe -Suicide Day Cop.
14. [m] Dusk Soldier D1 Lynch: Nix - Town Vigilante
11. [m] AbsolutBro N1: Trish Dailey - Doctor
15. [m] Timeaisis N1: Seattle Hipster
08. [m] CCS - D2 Lynch: Sasha-Witch
07. [m] batsnacks N2: Our Glorious Lady Betty - May She Rest in Peace
19. [m] isaacnukem - D3 Lynch: Seattle Hipster
18. [m] Kawl_USC N3: Seattle Hipster
03. [m] Ri'Orius N4: Celia Penderghast Town Escapist
05.[m] TheGoddamn[f] Swamped - N4: The Beast - Scum
Gamerunner: Melonrabbit
This is a cosplay game with normal mafia mechanics. Ideal for new and veteran players alike.
Players: 23
Not really.
I was just about to ask where you have been Blarg. It feels like you have been unusually quiet this phase so far.
The inFAMOUS players
01. [f] WaffleTaco - New CST
02. [m] Zeusy - New PST
09. [m] Bronx-Man EST
16. [m] Lone_Prodigy PST
22. [m] Kalor BST
04. [m] OceanicAir CST
06. [m] Kyanrute - GMT+2
10. [m] SkyOdin PST
12. [m] cabot - GMT+1
13. [m] Blargonaut GMT
17. [m] *Splinter GMT
20. [m] Zippedpinhead EST
21. [m] Flame_AC EST
It was the following post and then her hot vote for Ri' (like my post from a couple days ago said. She never came back to really defend it and never tried to sway my thinking. I interpreted it to be a scum maneuver of avoiding an accurate read that wasn't picked up on.
So I doubled down yesterday.
Kalor what's the reason for your read on Ri? It's not just you, a lot of people seem to scum read him.
Going through his posts myself, they seem pretty innocuous on the surface. He doesn't stir the pot much, but that doesn't say anything about alignment. He wants to follow Blarg's plan of voting off Kyan, but wavers a bit there. In general I think his posts seem to hold back a bit. At the end of D1 he switched from AB to Dusk, but that doesn't say much either because they were both town and he probably just wanted to avoid a tie. D2 he votes for CCS. So I don't get much from his votes either. Basically I don't know what to think of Ri.
Similarly with Bronx, some people scumread him saying he's slightly off from other games. Can someone volunteer to elaborate? I'm not getting much from him either.
OHHH wait, maybe I'm slow but doesn't CCS's (claimed) N1 action clear Kyan completely? CCS claimed that even if he targeted a non-killing mafia, there would be two kills.
My conversations with isaacnukem and initial assessment still stood when I last got in thread a few hours before day end. Completely missed Day end due to taking my kids to an indoor park (my last post was hours prior to day end when I checked the thread that morning).
Are you asking why I didn't flip flop? I wasn't in thread so I didn't have a chance to even think about it. Would I? I don't know, especially because now I know that Isaacnukem really was just fooling around and my original argument with you and him was completely misread.
Honestly, rereading the whole day end is leaving me with new reads. Oceanicair's drive by vote and post at Day end is giving me sketch vibes. Also swamped. Getting a real scum vibe from her. Especially her defense and then pivot on her vote today so far.
She really lays into you but then pivots and drops a hot vote on Ri'Orius.
In fact I think I'll drop a vote on her to see is we can get more interaction.
vote: Swamped
I'll thank whoever took her out, but now I'm back to getting drawing board. My top really was scum, but my second (waffletaco) was also scum read by swamped. It could be scum of throwing shade on town, but it was a mild scum read from swamped (so it could be scum casually scum reading a teammate)
I'm leaning towards it being scum throwing shade on a townie though...
Oh that's nothing, Cabot not only scumread Swamped but also independently TheG based off of 2 in game posts.Going back and reading your reasoning and then Swamped's interactions... dude, your correct scum-read of Swamped is just straight-up bloody magical to me. Like, ENHANCE levels of I don't understand your technology
Oh that's nothing, Cabot not only scumread Swamped but also independently TheG based off of 2 in game posts.
Zipped's push on Swamped got a lot stronger on N4, I still think he tried to kill her on N3.
Also your NK theories miss 2 facts:
-Swamped had a bulletproof, suggesting a non-scum aligned killer beyond the 1 shot vig that already flipped.
-Swamped's bulletproofiness was already spent, most likely accounting for one of the missing kills on N2 or N3.
Conspiracy theory: there is still a missing kill, and if scum have a roleblocker they might have an idea of who the other killer is, and Cabot is currently pushing the lynch of suspected killer ZipoedPinnedjus'sayin'
Oh? Who do you think the killer is?Or we have different opinions on who the killer is because we believe something different happened in the NKs.
I'm actually leaning towards a Zeusy vote ATM. Flame made a good case and his response was poor, but it's hard to tell where inexperience ends and scumminess begins.Splints, your alternatives to cabot?
The bolded especially is an odd conclusion to draw. Kalor responded to Waffle's post within an hour, that suggests he's keeping up with the thread (although it can also just be coincidence). LP hasn't posted at all up to Zipped's post, which just suggests he hadn't checked the thread yet, which isn't a surprise for his activity level: I think he catches up once or twice a day and does his posting then*.I have fully Coke around on Waffletaco. I don't think she is scum anymore.
While I disagree on her number 1 scum target, I think she might be onto something there with Kalor and L_P.
Of the two Kalor has jumped back in to post more but L_P is nowhere to be found.
I think flame is playing a dangerous game if he is scum and baiting town on Zuesy, but I think he might be playing an even more dangerous game if he is town. Overall, I'll trust flame today though.
i still town read Blarg, Cabot and *Splinter. Skyodin and Kyanrute are now more neutral.
Did I miss anyone?
Sorry forgot to mention this bit, but I don't understand this paragraph at all, Zipped can you explain it for me?I think flame is playing a dangerous game if he is scum and baiting town on Zuesy, but I think he might be playing an even more dangerous game if he is town. Overall, I'll trust flame today though.
You know my colleagues like Fat4All and Lifeline have the artsy-visual DIY approach locked down, but only a picturesque artiste such as I, can successfully use others' works against themselves. If you have to edit the GIF for it to convey the dialogue you intend, you've already lost yourself to the art
reference not deference, that's the secret Kyan
Why can't we just have an SK? SK kills AB N1, shoots theSwamped N2, targets cabot N3, targets Swamped again N4. I think even Kyan mentioned this scenario. This just seems needlessly complicated and doesn't even work because Swamped was hit twice unless the other vig had multi shot (might as well be a SK then!) or a strong shot.
Sorry forgot to mention this bit, but I don't understand this paragraph at all, Zipped can you explain it for me?
Oh right.Tapdancing around if I think flame has a role other than vanilla town or not without saying that... I know calling roles out on others is frowned upon,
You know my colleagues like Fat4All and Lifeline have the artsy-visual DIY approach locked down, but only a picturesque artiste such as I, can successfully use others' works against themselves. If you have to edit the GIF for it to convey the dialogue you intend, you've already lost yourself to the art
reference not deference, that's the secret Kyan
Oh that's nothing, Cabot not only scumread Swamped but also independently TheG based off of 2 in game posts.
Zipped's push on Swamped got a lot stronger on N4, I still think he tried to kill her on N3.
Also your NK theories miss 2 facts:
-Swamped had a bulletproof, suggesting a non-scum aligned killer beyond the 1 shot vig that already flipped.
-Swamped's bulletproofiness was already spent, most likely accounting for one of the missing kills on N2 or N3.
Conspiracy theory: there is still a missing kill, and if scum have a roleblocker they might have an idea of who the other killer is, and Cabot is currently pushing the lynch of suspected killer ZipoedPinnedjus'sayin'
The strength of his push yesterday could be explained by having night info (such as a failed kill attempt on N3). Also his excitement at seeing the flip today.Wait, why do you think Zipped attacked Swamped... twice?
Go deeper into this.VOTE: Bronx-Man
I think Bronx seems more nervous than Zeusy...
Go deeper into this.
is that the one with gandhi