Is the XBOX 360 a Top 5 console of all time?

360 top 5 console of all time?

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The latter part of the Xbox 360 generation is emblematic of the same problems that plagued the Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. Literally no compelling first party games and doubling down on increasingly weaker versions of franchises like Halo, Gears, and Fable.

So yes, it was the beginning of the end all the way back to the later 360 gen

J Allard and Peter Moore knew who to run a gaming company; Don Mattrick and Phil Spencer did not.

Did Peter Moore and J Allard lose their jobs over RROD? I certainly preferred the early 360 days to the latter days.

Replacing them with corporate suits, Don and Phil, who both did an equally terrible job at managing Xbox, they killed it.

360 would have been one of the greatest of all time had Peter Moore seen it through to the end.
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Did Peter Moore and J Allard lose their jobs over RROD? I certainly preferred the early 360 days to the latter days.

Replacing them with corporate suits (Don and Phil) killed Xbox for most people, they both did an equally terrible job at managing Xbox, they killed it.

360 would have been one of the greatest of all time had Peter Moore seen it through to the end.

No idea, I think they may have just wanted to move on to different things. If they were forced out due to RROD, that's unfortunate, but I don't think they were.
You're listing Resistance and Killzone, which weren't a patch on even the worst Halo game and mentioning GT5/6 when Forza was simply better in that era.
360 was ahead of PS3 for shooters, racing and sports games.

I’ll just leave this here…



Neo Member
Every PlayStation has been better (PS3 may be arguable)
The Playstation generation with maybe the best line up (fuck it, i only used maybe to avoid discussions. It was the best:messenger_kissing_smiling:) is for you maybe behind the 360?

The 360 is for me easily under the top 10 of all generations and probably even under the top 5.
But the first Xbox (first console with Dolby Digital, XBL, a HDD, games like Fable, PGR, Forza, Doom 3, RSC and so on) could replace the 360 in a top 5.
Depends on my mood..
A very close call and a tough choice.


Neo Member
You're listing Resistance and Killzone, which weren't a patch on even the worst Halo game and mentioning GT5/6 when Forza was simply better in that era.
360 was ahead of PS3 for shooters, racing and sports games.
That's debatable. But still, I'm not comparing games. The point is which system had more good-great games. In my opinion the 360 was lacking in exclusives and it checked out when Kinect launched, so 3 years+ of even more lackluster 1st party output.
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I'm not sure how exclusives like LittleBigPlanet Racing are relevant to the discussion of Halo simply being better than Killzone + Resistance and the 360 being the best option through the entire generation for shooters, racing and other sports games.

Why are you limiting it to shooters, racing and sports? Why are you discounting every single other genre out there?


For me it is. I never plan to buy another Xbox (I suppose they could surprise me next gen) but I’m absolutely willing to say that the 360 was the peak of gaming for me so far. The multiplayer shooters were a great mix of social and mature, and people used their mics in public lobbies. The 360 had the best lineup of games I like (military FPS and 3PS, narrative FPS) and it’s also the first console that delivered on gameplay that holds up to this day (Bioshock, Bethesda RPGs, CoD, Battlefield).


That's debatable. But still, I'm not comparing games. The point is which system had more good-great games. In y opinion the 360 was lacking in exclusives and it checked out when Kinect launched, so 3 years+ of even more lackluster 1st party output.
There's no serious debate for Resistance or Killzone vs Halo.
Because another poster mentioned Resistance / Killzone / GT as worthy exclusives when the 360 had better exclusives in those genres.

Ok, looking at Metacritic exclusives for booth systems with scores above 90…

PS3: 11
360: 8

…so yeah I think PS3 wins the exclusives argument.

Then again, you chose Xbox One over PS4 despite having far worse exclusives AND third party ports, so why bother debating with you.
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Neo Member
There's no serious debate for Resistance or Killzone vs Halo.
and that's fine. Doesn't make Resistance or Killzone series any less great in their own right, now does it? What other great exclusives did the 360 have? Halo 3 was the most popular, sure, but that was just one game. People used to mock the 360 because it was just Halo-Gears-Forza. I remember it also had 1 good Fable game (Fable 2, 3 was bad), and that was it.


Ok, looking at Metacritic exclusives for booth systems with scores above 90…

PS3: 11
360: 8

…so yeah I think PS3 wins the exclusives argument.

Then again, you chose Xbox One over PS4 despite having far worse exclusives AND third party ports, so why bother debating with you.
Where did I say that?


I'll be honest with you pal, aggressively mid console.

2007 had Crackdown, Forza Motorsport 2, Halo 3, Lost Odyssey, Project Gotham Racing 4 and Mass Effect. I don't care for most of these, but that's still a respectable lineup.
2008 had Too Human, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and Scene It? and Lips shovelware. This IS aggressively mid.
08 also had Braid, Left 4 Dead (console exclusive), Ninja Gaiden 2. Lost Odyssey was also an 08 release in the west. But also a really strong year for multiplats with GTA4, Fallout 3 which had distinct advantages on the 360 versions
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I’ll just leave this here…

Quantity not quality.

Resistance and Kilzone et al are not even in the same ball park as Halo or Gears of War.

I still have PTSD from Resistance, that awful brown hue’d slow walking through mud laggy asf game was abysmal, a horrific display and representative of how broken many PS3 games were.
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Quantity not quality.

Resistance and Kilzone et al are not even in the same ball park as Halo or Gears of War.

I still have PTSD from Resistance, that awful brown hue’d slow walking through mud laggy asf game was abysmal, a horrific display and representative of how broken many PS3 games were.

Who cares about those games? You’re totally ignoring…

The Last of Us
Metal Gear Solid 4
God of War III
Demon’s Souls
Uncharted 2
Uncharted 3
Little Big Planet
Little Big Planet 2
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction
MLB: The Show

There’s more to gaming than shooters you know. Maybe if Microsoft realised that they might have had more success in the console space.
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I'd say there are easy arguments for yes, and people trying to dumb it down with just exclusive count are throwing out a weak point.

The red ring of death was their biggest failure, and their bad software output at the end of the gen mirrors PS3's crapshow for the first few years (PS3 later half was good).

The Xbox 360 would deserve it for how many services they brought with it that have become standards now on near every platform, and easily was the greatest push for mainstreaming online multiplayer. You have the early push for downloadable games, courting a roster of smaller independant games they actually marketed with Summer of Arcade, and the XNA toolset that studios like Supergiant Games still build off of. Also, hardware innovations for consoles like their use of a unified memory pool helped in making it the better multi-plat machine for third-party games.

Lighting in a bottle Microsoft has never replicated again.
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Yes. 360 not only mainstream the online gaming on consoles, it also brought out the best in sony, giving PS a worthy competition. Without 360 we wouldnt be in this gaming evoirment.


Short answer: no.
Long answer: Hell fucking no.

For me OG Xbox was better than it. Not that it was bad gaming wise, far from that.

First half of the gen it was amazing. But the contenders that gen also were good, better than it I might say.

For me, I think it wouldn't enter the top 10, worse if we could count portables.

My top 10:
Neo Geo
Mega Drive
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You're nuts.
  • FFX
  • Persona3 FES
  • Persona 4
  • GoW
  • Rogue Galaxy
  • Dark Cloud 2
  • RE4
  • ICO
  • Shadow of the Colossus
  • GTA3
  • Okami
No you are nuts

Mgs5 (cross gen)
Persona 5 (cross gen)
Best AC games (1 to 4)
Uncharted trilogy
The last of us
Resistance games
Infamous games
Killzone 2 and 3
Cod modern warfare trilogy
Demons souls
Dark souls 1 and 2
Gta IV
Gta V
Red dead redemption
Bioshock 1
Bioshock 2
Bioshock infinite
Heavy Rain
Heavenly Sword
PES 2013 (best soccer game ever)
Wolf amoung us
The walking dead
Tomb Raider Reboot
Sleeping FUCKING dogs
Yakuza games
Just cause 2
Street Fighter 4
Fallout 3

These are like from the top of my head btw. Ps3 library is beyond insanity
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Subjectively no but objectively yes. As in, even though I spent a fraction of the time playing it as Dreamcast or Gamecube, I knew exactly why people liked it.

At the time I was burned out on JRPGs, indifferent to indie, and its main genre of dudebro shooters I was getting already on PC, including Halo. Its main role became a Defense Grid box after a few Sonic and Star Wars games, but I could tell why people were burning through and eagerly replacing the console.
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