This thread is really becoming personal huh?
You think that average consumers give a damn about "better OS's?" Let me give you a hint: They don't.
Bingo! It is all about marketing and word of mouth. That is why Wii sold millions. It is not hard to see.You think that average consumers give a damn about "better OS's?" Let me give you a hint: They don't.
I'm super confused right now, to be honest.
We all knew going in, PS4 would massacre the competition this month.
You would think an entire year of winning NPDs would humble even the
most ardent Xbox faithful.
But nope, crazy ass shit is being posted every page. BEST NPD in months lol
It will be a crime if this does not do well for the month of FebruaryGreat Ps4 sales! Can't believe Bloodborne is only 4 months away!
But has he been told by a mod that a post of his was literally too stupid to be bothered with?
You heard it here folks, you really should buy a Box for its higher quality plastic and OS that has more non-gaming functions.
Get the fuck out.
Woah, I must have missed this but what is that from? A new trailer I missed?
So far, I believe that MS has delivered on games, online infrastructure, UI features.
Tell me how I am wrong.
Great Ps4 sales! Can't believe Bloodborne is only 4 months away!
While I do agree that MS is not going any were, and they will stay competitive this Gen.. Lets not be naïve either, while Microsoft as company is extremely profitable, if for some reason the Xbox brand stops showing signs of life there is only so much money you can throw at it before you have Investors rioting outside your headquarters.
That was a sick burn!Yes, I should tell Nintendo and Microsoft to make their OS even more barebones and make their controllers out of the cheapest plastic and rubber in order to appeal to the market.
Hmmm....I miss Mark Cernry...
I thought he was going to be more involved with PS PR and image since he introduced the system reveal and all those interviews that followed.
Such a well-spoken fellow.
It stopped being funny 5 pages ago. I can think of at least 5 people (4 of them juniors, of course) that should have been banned by now.
Bingo! It is all about marketing and word of mouth. That is why Wii sold millions. It is not hard to see.
The casual gamer does not care about what we care about...
So is 700k for Smash considered good?
that in all honesty is over simplifying it really. At the end of the day, different strokes for different folks. Some like to have the extended functionality offered by one while others like to have higher resolution.
Currently if we are being honest, it is what it boils down to really. Functionality wise the crown as of this writing goes to the Xbox One, resolution/performance will always go to the PS4.
Woah, I must have missed this but what is that from? A new trailer I missed?
Great Ps4 sales! Can't believe Bloodborne is only 4 months away!
Yes, but that year was plagued with RROD dominating most commentary.The 360 had a year head start last generation and that was a huge lead in mind share.
I would say mediocre. Not good.
I may be completely misreading this but so far the majority it seems here aren't much different.
It's still too early...
Jesus. You could make a sandwich in the time it takes him to swing his weapon.
Great Ps4 sales! Can't believe Bloodborne is only 4 months away!
Hahaha excellentCan a mod update the OP with the Sony going bankrupt info? I feel this is an important issue for gamers, and should be included in the thread title
Can a mod update the OP with the Sony going bankrupt info? I feel this is an important issue for gamers, and should be included in the thread title
Very true. Investors (some) have shown discontent at the gaming division. Just because the parent company makes money doesn't mean it will keep giving an allowance to the teenager who won't do their chores.
And that's a shame because a lot of gamers are missing out on great online, content and community interaction. It's a really comfy feeling, having a online service which doesn't fuck up Driving Games.
I am not even close to upset; spend how you want.
Just find the flaws so far to be one sided this gen.
Destiny sold more on Xbox....
...only when you remove the PS4 Destiny bundleDestiny sold more on Xbox....
Destiny sold more on Xbox....
Can a mod update the OP with the Sony going bankrupt info? I feel this is an important issue for gamers, and should be included in the thread title
Again, clearly the market disagrees.
I don't understand why you keep harping on your points trying to understand why. The answer is clear: people clearin ggeneral simply disagree with you as far as the value propositions go.
Clearly some do.
I have every right however to question it and haven't really received much back in return other than insults.
Nah, more I think you and the others who mock me are stupid. Again poor reading compherension.
I am not surprised. EA made it pretty clear the Wii U was dead to them. Ubisoft seems to be following suit, except Just Dance.Am I reading that right?
Fifa 15 came out for the Wii, but not the WiiU?