That's not how these threads work ever. Vita is always first.
It's always fun to list the failures first.
That's not how these threads work ever. Vita is always first.
It bothers me that Destiny's success was completely manufactured. Marketing shouldn't have that much influence.
Just banging your head against the wall at this point repeating what is in the OP in the 40+ page of this fhread
Sony should of done a Vita Minecraft bundle. Sales could of been 100k in October
It's always fun to list the failures first.
Congrats to Sony! But can they keep the momentum going?
Remember guys, MS is in this for the win.
Memory cards are overpriced...but again, really only if you're not dealhunting.And if you don't need memory.
It's always fun to list the failures first.
Totally forgot about the PS TV launch this month.
I wonder if the next prediction thread will take it into account. It's totally gonna bomb.
Vita numbers are always the first thing to get leaked, have you not been in the past few threads
'completely' is a bit of an overstatement. Its no different from the movie industry though. Review scores don't necessarily always correlate to commercial success...or lack there of.
Marketing played its part, but I don't think the gamers are all regretting their purchase.
2 things:
1) Cut the price further, even at $399 "parity" (even with an extra game), the value proposition relative to the PS4 isn't strong enough to the average person. ie. The average person would prefer to spend another $50 and avoid a mainstream game due to the fact the PS4 has a better gaming experience and technology. To me, a $299 price point would be proper parity pricing.
2) Accelerate the X1 slim. I would buy one if the console wasn't such a beast - these days aesthetics mean a lot more; case and point Apple products.
'completely' is a bit of an overstatement. Its no different from the movie industry though. Review scores don't necessarily always correlate to commercial success...or lack there of.
Marketing played its part, but I don't think the gamers are all regretting their purchase.
It's always fun to list the failures first.
Totally forgot about the PS TV launch this month.
I wonder if the next prediction thread will take it into account. It's totally gonna bomb.
It's most Xbox fanboys that are filling this thread with a lot of salt & are jealous because PS4 just beat Xbox One in sales, & that Pachter was wrong.
Congrats to Sony! But can they keep the momentum going?
Remember guys, MS is in this for the win.
Congrats to Sony! But can they keep the momentum going?
Remember guys, MS is in this for the win.
Pachter is amazing.
His words engendered much doubt and confusion.
I figure they're at 12m ~ 13m right now.
3 million in NA over Oct/Nov/Dec. + 5 million WW over the same period.
19 ~ 20 million by the end of 2014.
It bothers me that Destiny's success was completely manufactured. Marketing shouldn't have that much influence.
I'm surprised the Vita TV was even made, why bother? It's about as useful as the Pocketstation.
Congrats to Sony! But can they keep the momentum going?
Remember guys, MS is in this for the win.
XOne number I am going to guess is 220k.
Which is lacking because the prediction was 300k.
I'm surprised the Vita TV was even made, why bother? It's about as useful as the Pocketstation.
The PR reads like the system did under 200K and I just don't see how that could have been possible. Guess we'll find out soon.
I surrendered to this fact ages ago. As long as Sony keeps it available for sale that'll be good enough for people. No one is going to buy a Vita unless they're seriously researched in advance what they want.I know, I expected it not to chart at all. "I KID I KID"
But lets be real, the Vita has been on life support for months. 20k like another posted stated was just a twitch before it flat lines.
The Media Create sales numbers lump PS TV and Vita together into one category and then lists them separately as sub-figures but I don't know how NPD wants to play it. It's a strange little device that's not quite like having different 3DS models to combine. Well, 0+0=0 so, eh (I KID). Anyone know how they handled the PSP Go? This would probably be similar.Totally forgot about the PS TV launch this month.
I wonder if the next prediction thread will take it into account. It's totally gonna bomb.
''This is a sad day for America.
I watched the TGS streams, I know what Playstation is all about. All of you Playstation lovers with your loli obsession and your anime avatars, if you love Japan so much, why don't you just move there? It saddens me that Americans would choose to associate with that rather than the sturdy, rugged, masculine, patriotic The One. Yet, throughout these sad times that we live in, I have still kept alive a lingering flame of hope that the great American values will endure, and Pacthers predictions this week helped kindle that flame. But if these news are true, I may have to finally abandon that hope.
If these news are true, that is. Anyone else think its suspicious how NPD starts hiding console numbers, so that we are left at the mercy of the console manufacturers to provide us with what information they will, and suddenly Playstation starts doing better than Xbox? No one else finds it suspicious how the well-informed and knowledgeable video games analyst Pachter, who usually makes predictions with great accuracy, after consulting his vast retail contact network, predicts that The One will come out ahead, yet when we get official numbers, suddenly PS4 has sold more? Its not like this is the first time that Sony is caught with juking the stats. Esteemed video games sales expert ioi recently revealed how Sony was lying at Gamescom with their 10 million consoles sold number. You may think Sony wouldnt go that far, but they have lied to us before. They lied to us about the Driveclub PS Plus version and they lied to us about the power of their systems. One lie leads to another and once you have gotten into the habit of lying, it is very hard to stop.
But I guess this is to be expected. People who want to harm America always have a propensity to believe in made-up numbers. Look at how North Korean citizens swallow lies from their own leaders. Or closer to home, look at how liberals are gulping down the Obama administrations lies. Look at how they are cooking the books on Obamacare and job reports. 250000 new jobs added in September? Hah, where I live, in real rural America, most people have given up looking. 250000 new jobs, my ass. Plus, under President Romney, we would have had at least 400000 new jobs. Or look at how they lie about inflation as an excuse to print money, debasing the dollar further. President Reagan (may he rest in peace) is turning in his grave. Inflation below target? Tell that to my local grocery store and gas station! These Washington types, always coming at you with their fancy numbers and their facts and their smug grins, thinking they know better than you. (And don't get me started on those IRS bullies. Federal income tax is theft and, even worse, unconstitutional, and I'm not paying to help finance a government I never voted for. So they can take their tax return forms and their court summons and shove them up somewhere. Don't bother coming back here!) And throughout all this, the mainstream media keeps cheering the administration on, helping them pull the wool over Americans eyes. This is very similar to the gaming media, incidentally, with their strong Sony bias. Kotaku is far too close to Sony. Always has been.
Maybe its time we started unskewing the NPD results. Even though they started shilling for Sony only relatively recently, I have always felt that their numbers are suspect. They dont track sales from online stores, where more and more customers are taking their business these days. Also, it is well-known that they dont take digital download sales into account. Who knows how many console sales they miss that way?
Still, I am always the optimist. I have hopes for the future. It looks like people are finally starting to see through the Democrats lies. If polls are to be believed, we will put a patriotic majority back in the Senate in November. If it can happen there, we can get the powers for good back into power in the video game business at the same time, with the arrival of Halo: The Master Chief Collection and, most importantly, the monthly OS updates. Until then, God bless you all, and dont forget to vote in November!''
This quote made me laugh.![]()
How could I miss this beauty. Wow.
It's mostly Xbox fanboys that are filling this thread with a lot of salt & meltdowns, because they're jealous that PS4 beat Xbox One in sales, & that Pachter was wrong.
Xbone should be next then.
Sometimes hype and marketing can have a negative effect on reviews too.
What makes you think that? The ranking doesn't include bundles, digital, and was likely boosted by the free physical game promotion. Given the ridiculously high PS4 system sales, I don't think you can say that with any sort of authority.
It has been the king of trash mountain all year. On a monthly unit basis, selling more like an Xbox, than Wii, PS2, or even 360.
This month is a very good sign for what the right software can do for the platform. The past month being in the upper Wii and PS2 echelon of sales.
Don't confuse being the best selling loser with domination. Prior to this month and launch the platform had only been selling okayish. Far from great, but not WiiU/DC/GCN levels either.
You have acted no better in the past, shitting up threads
In fact you was banned for constant trolling, you was renowned for it
For the new page, not enough times.
"So Destiny sold better on XBO?"
That would be amazing....
I don't see Sony going that crazy with bundles on Black Friday this year. I'm thinking $349 standalone and a $399 bundle with Destiny and Watch Dogs. Microsoft I expect to go crazy with something like $299 Kinectless bundle with a game and a $349 bundle with Kinect and 2 games.
Pac man got people's hopes up.
So Destiny still sold more on Xbox than PS. As expected.
XOne number I am going to guess is 220k.
Which is lacking because the prediction was 300k.
The Media Create sales numbers lump PS TV and Vita together into one category and then lists them separately as sub-figures but I don't know how NPD wants to play it. It's a strange little device that's not quite like having different 3DS models to combine. Well, 0+0=0 so, eh (I KID). Anyone know how they handled the PSP Go? This would probably be similar.