Arrogant Sony was ambitious Sony. PS3 was wildly expensive, but also loaded with future tech. Also PS first party teams brought the heat.
This isn't arrogant Sony. It's chintzy, penny-pinching Sony.
Sony wasn't arrogant when they launched the phat PS3. they were incompetent. They were overconfident in their technical prowess, but failed to achieve what they wante and costs exploded. They co-designed a completely new CPU that was supposed to become the future of computing, Cell CPU wasn't good enough to power graphics too so they were forced to add a Nvidia GPU to their design. The only way to achieve PS2 compatibility was to add the actual PS2 CPU/GPU chips to the PS3 mainboard,
And then there was their decision to make Blu-ray the dominant HD video format by way of the PS3. Blu-ray wasn't really ready for prime time, but the Blu-ray consortium had to put it out in order to combat the competing HD-DVD standard. Blu-Ray tech was so new that the PS3 was one of the first hw-devices with a Blu-Ray player and certainly the most affordable player. The Blu-Ray spec would go through multiple revisions before the specs were finalized with Blu-Ray 2.0.
All those decisions drove up the price of the PS3. Even though the PS3 was extremely expensive when it launched, it was sold below costs and generated a $3.3 billion loss for Sony. It forced Sony to release the PS3 four months late in Europe - and we got a Phat PS3 with only partial hw-compatibility instead of full. Just imagine launching a console and then releasing a substantial different version a few months later in order to cut costs.
The early PS3 was an over-engineered product that was still beta tested (Blu-Ray, UI, OS feature set) but had to pushed out the door no matter the financial costs to the company, because otherwise Sony would lose two battlegrounds: the console war with MS and the video format war with HD-DVD. That wasn't arrogant Sony, it was desperate, incompetent Sony.
The PS3 cost a pretty penny, but it also had a rich feature set compared to its direct competitor.
- free online vs Xbox Gold subscription
- Blu-Ray vs DVD
- PS3 controller with builtin battery vs Xbox controller with separate Play & Charge kit
- builtin WiFi vs separate proprietary wifi adapter
- upgradable HD vs separate proprietary hard disk add-on
- USB support vs separate proprietary memory unit
- HDMI output vs analog video outputs
It was expensive but you got a whole lotta tech for that $600. The PS5 Pro is quite a different proposition, it's Sony trying to make a buck at the expense of its most hardcore fanbase who always want the latest and greatest.