SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Memory chips are a couple of bucks. 8GB GDDR6 chips dropped to a whopping $27 apiece last year. Sony went from 14Gbps to 18. That's fucking nothing. Probably less than $10. They plummeted last year.Its not just chip cost, which is likely on a smaller node and therefore pricier
But its also memory,
1TB to 2TB. Again, paltry. Sale prices of drives are just a couple of cents per gigabyte and that's sale prices, not even profits, let alone the discount Sony gets for volume manufacturing. As low as 5 cent per GB.additional SSD storage,
Going from 825GB to 2TB wouldn't cost Sony more than another $70.
What research for RT lmao? PSSR, sure.the research cost of RT and PSSR,
You mean the games developers will patch themselves? Or the 10 first-party games Sony will patch?the software costs for patching existing games.
All goes out the window when they removed the disc drive and are asking for $700. What you effectively get going from a DE PS5 Slim to a PS5 Pro is a larger GPU and a 2TB drive. This is NOT worth the $300 premium.This is spread across a much smaller market so less economies of scale
Sony was apparently breaking even with the PS5 months after its launch. Dunno the margin there, but they could be a lot more than this.$100 margins on a $700 product are not “mad bank” btw
The pricing is awful. No way around this one.
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