Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Wake up babe, new PS5 Pro thread just dropped.
PS4Pro launched at £349. Ps5 Pro is £799.
How is that fair?
People with disposable income will dispose of it. Oh no, only adding 79k to seven figure retirement accounts instead of 80k this year (mostly unregistered because that caps out early in the year). The humanity! That would have been 8.1k when I'm 75!Shills gonna shill.
I don't see the point of this thread?Anyone who has followed consoles for a while has probably noticed some cyclical trends in the industry. For example, Nintendo releasing blockbuster consoles one gen followed by far more modest sales the next. Or Sony releasing peripherals and sending them out to die. For whatever reason, these types of patterns seem to reoccur over and over again.
The PS5 Pro announcement in some ways reminded me of the PS3 announcement. And it echoes what we've seen recently with them chasing the GaaS unicorn to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Right now, I think Sony believes that people will buy whatever they put out just because it has the word PlayStation on it. They seem incredibly out of touch with their customer base, sacrificing good ideas and putting out either products that no one asked for or, in the case of the PS5 Pro, a value proposition that's so bad it seems insulting.
The PS5 Pro:
To demonstrate how abysmal this value proposition is, the PS4 Pro, which increased output from 1080p to 4k, was priced at $400, which was the launch price of the original PS4. AND, the PS4 got a price cut.
- $700+ tax U.S. (our poor European members are getting reamed even worse than that)
- $80 extra dollars for a disc drive (with tax, this console is now over $800
- Not even a STAND included so you can buy that separately, too
This is the height of arrogance. Midway through the PS3 generation, Sony seemed to acknowledge their missteps in thinking they were assured people's purchases and made a strong pivot from an arrogant position to a humbler one. From that point on, PlayStation entered a golden age of gaming quality and diversity that lasted through the entire generation of the PS4.
I hope this pro console bombs so it sends them a message. They need to listen to what their customers want, not what they want their customers to want.
Does anyone agree, or do you think I'm being too harsh here?
I just had a Thread closed.. it hosted this comparison:
Along with these questions:
Can "high end console gaming" ever be a thing?
Or should every machine within the Console realm be imperatively as affordable as possible to the masses?
Should the option of playing current generation games at 60fps with high resolution and pristine IQ, along with higher settings, remain an unattainable dream for every kind of individual willing to purchase a console, if it traslates into $699?
Apparently, the answer is no.
Along with questioning Cerny words when he said PS5 Pro is almost twice as powerful as a PS5..
5700x3d PC. What's the gpu?They're setting themselves up to be beaten by PC gaming.
The 800€ pricepoint is within spitting distance of a good 5700x3d PC, and for that sort of price I'd rather have a multipurpose machine with cheaper games and free online.
Gotta hype it up somehow...![]()
Math is hard, I know.
Please, tell us more. But please dont forget to compare your arguments with Sony and NintendoArrogant Sony been back for years, this is just the gut punch that maybe wakes some people up...
all facts as far as i'm concerned. and the ps3 still ended in a pretty good place because each hardware revision made a big difference. both for customers and for profitability.Absolutely.
Sony wasn't arrogant when they launched the phat PS3. they were incompetent. They were overconfident in their technical prowess, but failed to achieve what they wante and costs exploded. They co-designed a completely new CPU that was supposed to become the future of computing, Cell CPU wasn't good enough to power graphics too so they were forced to add a Nvidia GPU to their design. The only way to achieve PS2 compatibility was to add the actual PS2 CPU/GPU chips to the PS3 mainboard,
And then there was their decision to make Blu-ray the dominant HD video format by way of the PS3. Blu-ray wasn't really ready for prime time, but the Blu-ray consortium had to put it out in order to combat the competing HD-DVD standard. Blu-Ray tech was so new that the PS3 was one of the first hw-devices with a Blu-Ray player and certainly the most affordable player. The Blu-Ray spec would go through multiple revisions before the specs were finalized with Blu-Ray 2.0.
All those decisions drove up the price of the PS3. Even though the PS3 was extremely expensive when it launched, it was sold below costs and generated a $3.3 billion loss for Sony. It forced Sony to release the PS3 four months late in Europe - and we got a Phat PS3 with only partial hw-compatibility instead of full. Just imagine launching a console and then releasing a substantial different version a few months later in order to cut costs.
The early PS3 was an over-engineered product that was still beta tested (Blu-Ray, UI, OS feature set) but had to pushed out the door no matter the financial costs to the company, because otherwise Sony would lose two battlegrounds: the console war with MS and the video format war with HD-DVD. That wasn't arrogant Sony, it was desperate, incompetent Sony.
The PS3 cost a pretty penny, but it also had a rich feature set compared to its direct competitor.
- free online vs Xbox Gold subscription
- Blu-Ray vs DVD
- PS3 controller with builtin battery vs Xbox controller with separate Play & Charge kit
- builtin WiFi vs separate proprietary wifi adapter
- upgradable HD vs separate proprietary hard disk add-on
- USB support vs separate proprietary memory unit
- HDMI output vs analog video outputs
It was expensive but you got a whole lotta tech for that $600. The PS5 Pro is quite a different proposition, it's Sony trying to make a buck at the expense of its most hardcore fanbase who always want the latest and greatest.
For all the people talking about greedy Sony, this is a pro console for enthusiasts and whatever margin they are making on this is not extreme relative to what you see with computer components or phones
Sony fanboys working overtime! EvenAss of Can Whooping has noped out of this one lol
699 is not unreasonable for the hardware.
What's unreasonable:
- psn price jacked up from 60/yr to 80/yr
- controller costs jacked up from 60 on PS4 to 75 now
- releasing new hardware when you never fulfilled the promise of the current hardware
- locking users into your proprietary digital store with digital-only
There's no reason to be price competitive when your only competitor decided to not release a Pro model.
Yeah, bullshit. PS4 pro was the exact same price as PS4 when it launched. This is just sony trying to play catch up with Apple's strategy of buy bunch of our add ons for full experience strategy.
Nintendo should have released that console 3 years ago already. They are releasing b-tier games, promoting an abundance of shite "cozy" games/farm games and mostly remasters and their eshop is an absolute mess. Let's not also mention how extremely litigious they are and how they treat anything in the most archaic way possible. We can't even stream their old soundtracks on SpotifyNintendo. Making a console, releasing good games. Selling like crazy
Its also not a new generation, its a totally optional upgrade to still great consoleLOL Sony got absolutely raked over the coals for their PS3 pricing. Many people thought it was the sole reason they lost that generation to Microsoft.
The product price reflects the market and component realities. It's quite simple Sony have a product for people who don't want to fork out for the Pro. It's called PS5.Look no further than this forum. There is a segment of gamers who will pay anything for sony and thinks sony can do no wrong. Supporting this greed is dooming the future of gaming.
Also calling people poor or saying the disc drive is dated anyway is just insane, chill out with that. Everyone has different reasons for the way they do things, just because you play digital doesnt mean everyone else does
a rational discussion with good points
Don't let common sense get in the way of an agendaThis is the age of inflation and limited parts. My video card cost more than the entire PS5 Pro with the drive.
No but it sure isn't going to be $299 either.
Agree in comparison to PC, but i already have a PS5 so that's hard pill to swallow, also i don't think we'll get 4K 60fps on PS5 Pro.For what you're getting in comparison to a comparable PC is not bad at all.
PC has many advantages that consoles don't, but some people don't like playing games on PC and for those people specifically this is a good bank for your buck.
4K 60fps on a PC for current games will be pretty fucking expensive.
Don't fool yourselves.
Lets not reinvent history. Sony was indeed arrogant back in those days.When you have graphic cards that cost over 1000 dollars ALONE i really don't see how a console that is aimed at the most enthusiastic crowd costing 700 dollars is "arrogant".
Also, hot take...calling Sony in 2006 "arrogant" when they released a console for 600 dollars that costed them 900 dollars to manufacture wasn't arrogant. It was just stupid for them.